diff --git a/cmd/wf/commands.go b/cmd/wf/commands.go index c252e6a..a725429 100644 --- a/cmd/wf/commands.go +++ b/cmd/wf/commands.go @@ -1,121 +1,137 @@ package main import ( "fmt" "os" "path/filepath" "github.com/writeas/writeas-cli/api" "github.com/writeas/writeas-cli/commands" "github.com/writeas/writeas-cli/config" "github.com/writeas/writeas-cli/executable" "github.com/writeas/writeas-cli/log" cli "gopkg.in/urfave/cli.v1" ) func requireAuth(f cli.ActionFunc, action string) cli.ActionFunc { return func(c *cli.Context) error { + // check for logged in users when host is provided without user + if c.GlobalIsSet("host") && !c.GlobalIsSet("user") { + // multiple users should display a list + if num, users, err := usersLoggedIn(c); num > 1 && err == nil { + return cli.NewExitError(fmt.Sprintf("Multiple logged in users, please use '-u' or '-user' to specify one of:\n%s", users), 1) + } else if num == 1 && err == nil { + // single user found for host should be set as user flag so LoadUser can + // succeed, and notify the client + if err := c.GlobalSet("user", users[0]); err != nil { + return cli.NewExitError(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to set user flag for only logged in user at host %s: %v", users[0], err), 1) + } + fmt.Printf("Host specified without user flag, using logged in user: %s\n", users[0]) + } else if err != nil { + return cli.NewExitError(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to check for logged in users: %v", err), 1) + } + } u, err := config.LoadUser(c) if err != nil { - return cli.NewExitError(fmt.Sprintf("couldn't load config: %v", err), 1) + return cli.NewExitError(fmt.Sprintf("Couldn't load user: %v", err), 1) } if u == nil { return cli.NewExitError("You must be authenticated to "+action+".\nLog in first with: "+executable.Name()+" auth ", 1) } return f(c) } } // usersLoggedIn checks for logged in users for the set host flag // it returns the number of users and a slice of usernames func usersLoggedIn(c *cli.Context) (int, []string, error) { path, err := config.UserHostDir(c) if err != nil { return 0, nil, err } dir, err := os.Open(path) if err != nil { return 0, nil, err } contents, err := dir.Readdir(0) if err != nil { return 0, nil, err } var names []string for _, file := range contents { if file.IsDir() { // stat user.json if _, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(path, file.Name(), "user.json")); err == nil { names = append(names, file.Name()) } } } return len(names), names, nil } func cmdAuth(c *cli.Context) error { err := commands.CmdAuth(c) if err != nil { return err } // Get the username from the command, just like commands.CmdAuth does username := c.Args().Get(0) // Update config if this is user's first auth cfg, err := config.LoadConfig(config.UserDataDir(c.App.ExtraInfo()["configDir"])) if err != nil { log.Errorln("Not saving config. Unable to load config: %s", err) return err } if cfg.Default.Host == "" && cfg.Default.User == "" { // This is user's first auth, so save defaults cfg.Default.Host = api.HostURL(c) cfg.Default.User = username err = config.SaveConfig(config.UserDataDir(c.App.ExtraInfo()["configDir"]), cfg) if err != nil { log.Errorln("Not saving config. Unable to save config: %s", err) return err } fmt.Printf("Set %s on %s as default account.\n", username, c.GlobalString("host")) } return nil } func cmdLogOut(c *cli.Context) error { err := commands.CmdLogOut(c) if err != nil { return err } // Remove this from config if it's the default account cfg, err := config.LoadConfig(config.UserDataDir(c.App.ExtraInfo()["configDir"])) if err != nil { log.Errorln("Not updating config. Unable to load: %s", err) return err } username, err := config.CurrentUser(c) if err != nil { log.Errorln("Not updating config. Unable to load current user: %s", err) return err } reqHost := api.HostURL(c) if reqHost == "" { // No --host given, so we're using the default host reqHost = cfg.Default.Host } if cfg.Default.Host == reqHost && cfg.Default.User == username { // We're logging out of default username + host, so remove from config file cfg.Default.Host = "" cfg.Default.User = "" err = config.SaveConfig(config.UserDataDir(c.App.ExtraInfo()["configDir"]), cfg) if err != nil { log.Errorln("Not updating config. Unable to save config: %s", err) return err } } return nil } diff --git a/cmd/wf/main.go b/cmd/wf/main.go index 46de71d..7cce4c9 100644 --- a/cmd/wf/main.go +++ b/cmd/wf/main.go @@ -1,265 +1,265 @@ package main import ( "os" "github.com/writeas/writeas-cli/commands" "github.com/writeas/writeas-cli/config" cli "gopkg.in/urfave/cli.v1" ) func main() { appInfo := map[string]string{ "configDir": configDir, "version": "1.0", } config.DirMustExist(config.UserDataDir(appInfo["configDir"])) cli.VersionFlag = cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "version, V", Usage: "print the version", } // Run the app app := cli.NewApp() app.Name = "wf" app.Version = appInfo["version"] app.Usage = "Publish to any WriteFreely instance from the command-line." // TODO: who is the author? the contributors? link to GH? app.Authors = []cli.Author{ { Name: "Write.as", Email: "hello@write.as", }, } app.ExtraInfo = func() map[string]string { return appInfo } app.Action = requireAuth(commands.CmdPost, "publish") app.Flags = append(config.PostFlags, flags...) app.Commands = []cli.Command{ { Name: "post", Usage: "Alias for default action: create post from stdin", Action: requireAuth(commands.CmdPost, "publish"), Flags: config.PostFlags, Description: `Create a new post on WriteFreely from stdin. Use the --code flag to indicate that the post should use syntax highlighting. Or use the --font [value] argument to set the post's appearance, where [value] is mono, monospace (default), wrap (monospace font with word wrapping), serif, or sans.`, }, { Name: "new", Usage: "Compose a new post from the command-line and publish", Description: `An alternative to piping data to the program. On Windows, this will use 'copy con' to start reading what you input from the prompt. Press F6 or Ctrl-Z then Enter to end input. On *nix, this will use the best available text editor, starting with the value set to the WRITEAS_EDITOR or EDITOR environment variable, or vim, or finally nano. Use the --code flag to indicate that the post should use syntax highlighting. Or use the --font [value] argument to set the post's appearance, where [value] is mono, monospace (default), wrap (monospace font with word wrapping), serif, or sans. If posting fails for any reason, 'wf' will show you the temporary file location and how to pipe it to 'wf' to retry.`, Action: requireAuth(commands.CmdNew, "publish"), Flags: config.PostFlags, }, { Name: "publish", Usage: "Publish a file", Action: requireAuth(commands.CmdPublish, "publish"), Flags: config.PostFlags, }, { Name: "delete", Usage: "Delete a post", Action: requireAuth(commands.CmdDelete, "delete"), Flags: []cli.Flag{ cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "tor, t", Usage: "Delete via Tor hidden service", }, cli.IntFlag{ Name: "tor-port", Usage: "Use a different port to connect to Tor", Value: 9150, }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "verbose, v", Usage: "Make the operation more talkative", }, }, }, { Name: "update", Usage: "Update (overwrite) a post", Action: requireAuth(commands.CmdUpdate, "update"), Flags: []cli.Flag{ cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "tor, t", Usage: "Update via Tor hidden service", }, cli.IntFlag{ Name: "tor-port", Usage: "Use a different port to connect to Tor", Value: 9150, }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "code", Usage: "Specifies this post is code", }, cli.StringFlag{ Name: "font", Usage: "Sets post font to given value", }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "verbose, v", Usage: "Make the operation more talkative", }, }, }, { Name: "get", Usage: "Read a raw post", Action: commands.CmdGet, Flags: []cli.Flag{ cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "tor, t", Usage: "Get from Tor hidden service", }, cli.IntFlag{ Name: "tor-port", Usage: "Use a different port to connect to Tor", Value: 9150, }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "verbose, v", Usage: "Make the operation more talkative", }, }, }, { Name: "posts", Usage: "List all of your posts", Description: "This will list only local posts.", - Action: commands.CmdListPosts, + Action: requireAuth(commands.CmdListPosts, "posts"), Flags: []cli.Flag{ cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "id", Usage: "Show list with post IDs (default)", }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "md", Usage: "Use with --url to return URLs with Markdown enabled", }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "url", Usage: "Show list with URLs", }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "verbose, v", Usage: "Show verbose post listing, including Edit Tokens", }, }, }, { Name: "blogs", Usage: "List blogs", - Action: commands.CmdCollections, + Action: requireAuth(commands.CmdCollections, "blogs"), Flags: []cli.Flag{ cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "tor, t", Usage: "Authenticate via Tor hidden service", }, cli.IntFlag{ Name: "tor-port", Usage: "Use a different port to connect to Tor", Value: 9150, }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "url", Usage: "Show list with URLs", }, }, }, { Name: "claim", Usage: "Claim local unsynced posts", - Action: commands.CmdClaim, + Action: requireAuth(commands.CmdClaim, "claim"), Description: "This will claim any unsynced posts local to this machine. To see which posts these are run: wf posts.", Flags: []cli.Flag{ cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "tor, t", Usage: "Authenticate via Tor hidden service", }, cli.IntFlag{ Name: "tor-port", Usage: "Use a different port to connect to Tor", Value: 9150, }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "verbose, v", Usage: "Make the operation more talkative", }, }, }, { Name: "auth", Usage: "Authenticate with a WriteFreely instance", Action: cmdAuth, Flags: []cli.Flag{ cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "tor, t", Usage: "Authenticate via Tor hidden service", }, cli.IntFlag{ Name: "tor-port", Usage: "Use a different port to connect to Tor", Value: 9150, }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "verbose, v", Usage: "Make the operation more talkative", }, }, }, { Name: "logout", Usage: "Log out of a WriteFreely instance", - Action: cmdLogOut, + Action: requireAuth(cmdLogOut, "logout"), Flags: []cli.Flag{ cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "tor, t", Usage: "Authenticate via Tor hidden service", }, cli.IntFlag{ Name: "tor-port", Usage: "Use a different port to connect to Tor", Value: 9150, }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "verbose, v", Usage: "Make the operation more talkative", }, }, }, } cli.CommandHelpTemplate = `NAME: {{.Name}} - {{.Usage}} USAGE: wf {{.Name}}{{if .Flags}} [command options]{{end}} [arguments...]{{if .Description}} DESCRIPTION: {{.Description}}{{end}}{{if .Flags}} OPTIONS: {{range .Flags}}{{.}} {{end}}{{ end }} ` app.Run(os.Args) } diff --git a/commands/commands.go b/commands/commands.go index 41b0662..19119b1 100644 --- a/commands/commands.go +++ b/commands/commands.go @@ -1,411 +1,411 @@ package commands import ( "fmt" "io/ioutil" "os" "text/tabwriter" "github.com/howeyc/gopass" "github.com/writeas/writeas-cli/api" "github.com/writeas/writeas-cli/config" "github.com/writeas/writeas-cli/executable" "github.com/writeas/writeas-cli/log" cli "gopkg.in/urfave/cli.v1" ) func CmdPost(c *cli.Context) error { if config.IsTor(c) { log.Info(c, "Publishing via hidden service...") } else { log.Info(c, "Publishing...") } _, err := api.DoPost(c, api.ReadStdIn(), c.String("font"), false, c.Bool("code")) if err != nil { return cli.NewExitError(err.Error(), 1) } return nil } func CmdNew(c *cli.Context) error { fname, p := api.ComposeNewPost() if p == nil { // Assume composeNewPost already told us what the error was. Abort now. os.Exit(1) } // Ensure we have something to post if len(*p) == 0 { // Clean up temporary post if fname != "" { os.Remove(fname) } log.InfolnQuit("Empty post. Bye!") } if config.IsTor(c) { log.Info(c, "Publishing via hidden service...") } else { log.Info(c, "Publishing...") } _, err := api.DoPost(c, *p, c.String("font"), false, c.Bool("code")) if err != nil { log.Errorln("Error posting: %s\n%s", err, config.MessageRetryCompose(fname)) return cli.NewExitError("", 1) } // Clean up temporary post if fname != "" { os.Remove(fname) } return nil } func CmdPublish(c *cli.Context) error { filename := c.Args().Get(0) if filename == "" { return cli.NewExitError("usage: "+executable.Name()+" publish ", 1) } content, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename) if err != nil { return err } if config.IsTor(c) { log.Info(c, "Publishing via hidden service...") } else { log.Info(c, "Publishing...") } _, err = api.DoPost(c, content, c.String("font"), false, c.Bool("code")) if err != nil { return cli.NewExitError(err.Error(), 1) } // TODO: write local file if directory is set return nil } func CmdDelete(c *cli.Context) error { friendlyID := c.Args().Get(0) token := c.Args().Get(1) if friendlyID == "" { return cli.NewExitError("usage: "+executable.Name()+" delete []", 1) } u, _ := config.LoadUser(c) if token == "" { // Search for the token locally token = api.TokenFromID(c, friendlyID) if token == "" && u == nil { log.Errorln("Couldn't find an edit token locally. Did you create this post here?") log.ErrorlnQuit("If you have an edit token, use: "+executable.Name()+" delete %s ", friendlyID) } } if config.IsTor(c) { log.Info(c, "Deleting via hidden service...") } else { log.Info(c, "Deleting...") } err := api.DoDelete(c, friendlyID, token) if err != nil { return cli.NewExitError(fmt.Sprintf("Couldn't delete post: %v", err), 1) } // TODO: Delete local file, if necessary return nil } func CmdUpdate(c *cli.Context) error { friendlyID := c.Args().Get(0) token := c.Args().Get(1) if friendlyID == "" { return cli.NewExitError("usage: "+executable.Name()+" update []", 1) } u, _ := config.LoadUser(c) if token == "" { // Search for the token locally token = api.TokenFromID(c, friendlyID) if token == "" && u == nil { log.Errorln("Couldn't find an edit token locally. Did you create this post here?") log.ErrorlnQuit("If you have an edit token, use: "+executable.Name()+" update %s ", friendlyID) } } // Read post body fullPost := api.ReadStdIn() if config.IsTor(c) { log.Info(c, "Updating via hidden service...") } else { log.Info(c, "Updating...") } err := api.DoUpdate(c, fullPost, friendlyID, token, c.String("font"), c.Bool("code")) if err != nil { return cli.NewExitError(fmt.Sprintf("%v", err), 1) } return nil } func CmdGet(c *cli.Context) error { friendlyID := c.Args().Get(0) if friendlyID == "" { return cli.NewExitError("usage: "+executable.Name()+" get ", 1) } if config.IsTor(c) { log.Info(c, "Getting via hidden service...") } else { log.Info(c, "Getting...") } err := api.DoFetch(c, friendlyID) if err != nil { return cli.NewExitError(fmt.Sprintf("%v", err), 1) } return nil } func CmdAdd(c *cli.Context) error { friendlyID := c.Args().Get(0) token := c.Args().Get(1) if friendlyID == "" || token == "" { return cli.NewExitError("usage: "+executable.Name()+" add ", 1) } err := api.AddPost(c, friendlyID, token) if err != nil { return cli.NewExitError(fmt.Sprintf("%v", err), 1) } return nil } func CmdListPosts(c *cli.Context) error { urls := c.Bool("url") ids := c.Bool("id") details := c.Bool("v") posts := api.GetPosts(c) u, _ := config.LoadUser(c) if u != nil { if config.IsTor(c) { log.Info(c, "Getting posts via hidden service...") } else { log.Info(c, "Getting posts...") } remotePosts, err := api.GetUserPosts(c, true) if err != nil { return cli.NewExitError(fmt.Sprintf("error getting posts: %v", err), 1) } if len(remotePosts) > 0 { fmt.Println("Anonymous Posts") if details { identifier := "URL" if ids || !urls { identifier = "ID" } fmt.Println(identifier) } } for _, p := range remotePosts { identifier := getPostURL(c, p.ID) if ids || !urls { identifier = p.ID } fmt.Println(identifier) } if len(*posts) > 0 { fmt.Printf("\nUnclaimed Posts\n") } } if details { var p api.Post tw := tabwriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout, 10, 0, 2, ' ', tabwriter.TabIndent) numPosts := len(*posts) if ids || !urls && numPosts != 0 { fmt.Fprintf(tw, "%s\t%s\t\n", "ID", "Token") } else if numPosts != 0 { fmt.Fprintf(tw, "%s\t%s\t\n", "URL", "Token") } else { fmt.Fprintf(tw, "No local posts found\n") } for i := range *posts { p = (*posts)[numPosts-1-i] if ids || !urls { fmt.Fprintf(tw, "%s\t%s\t\n", p.ID, p.EditToken) } else { fmt.Fprintf(tw, "%s\t%s\t\n", getPostURL(c, p.ID), p.EditToken) } } return tw.Flush() } for _, p := range *posts { if ids || !urls { fmt.Printf("%s\n", p.ID) } else { fmt.Printf("%s\n", getPostURL(c, p.ID)) } } return nil } func getPostURL(c *cli.Context, slug string) string { base := config.WriteasBaseURL if config.IsDev() { base = config.DevBaseURL } ext := "" // Output URL in requested format if c.Bool("md") { ext = ".md" } return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s%s", base, slug, ext) } func CmdCollections(c *cli.Context) error { u, err := config.LoadUser(c) if err != nil { return cli.NewExitError(fmt.Sprintf("couldn't load config: %v", err), 1) } if u == nil { return cli.NewExitError("You must be authenticated to view collections.\nLog in first with: "+executable.Name()+" auth ", 1) } if config.IsTor(c) { log.Info(c, "Getting blogs via hidden service...") } else { log.Info(c, "Getting blogs...") } colls, err := api.DoFetchCollections(c) if err != nil { return cli.NewExitError(fmt.Sprintf("Couldn't get collections for user %s: %v", u.User.Username, err), 1) } urls := c.Bool("url") tw := tabwriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout, 8, 0, 2, ' ', tabwriter.TabIndent) detail := "Title" if urls { detail = "URL" } fmt.Fprintf(tw, "%s\t%s\t\n", "Alias", detail) for _, c := range colls { dData := c.Title if urls { dData = c.URL } fmt.Fprintf(tw, "%s\t%s\t\n", c.Alias, dData) } tw.Flush() return nil } func CmdClaim(c *cli.Context) error { u, err := config.LoadUser(c) if err != nil { return cli.NewExitError(fmt.Sprintf("couldn't load config: %v", err), 1) } if u == nil { return cli.NewExitError("You must be authenticated to claim local posts.\nLog in first with: "+executable.Name()+" auth ", 1) } localPosts := api.GetPosts(c) if len(*localPosts) == 0 { return nil } if config.IsTor(c) { log.Info(c, "Claiming %d post(s) for %s via hidden service...", len(*localPosts), u.User.Username) } else { log.Info(c, "Claiming %d post(s) for %s...", len(*localPosts), u.User.Username) } results, err := api.ClaimPosts(c, localPosts) if err != nil { return cli.NewExitError(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to claim posts: %v", err), 1) } var okCount, errCount int for _, r := range *results { id := r.ID if id == "" { // No top-level ID, so the claim was successful id = r.Post.ID } status := fmt.Sprintf("Post %s...", id) if r.ErrorMessage != "" { log.Errorln("%serror: %v", status, r.ErrorMessage) errCount++ } else { log.Info(c, "%sOK", status) okCount++ // only delete local if successful api.RemovePost(c, id) } } log.Info(c, "%d claimed, %d failed", okCount, errCount) return nil } func CmdAuth(c *cli.Context) error { + username := c.Args().Get(0) // Check configuration u, err := config.LoadUser(c) if err != nil { return cli.NewExitError(fmt.Sprintf("couldn't load config: %v", err), 1) } - if u != nil && u.AccessToken != "" { - return cli.NewExitError("You're already authenticated as "+u.User.Username+". Log out with: "+executable.Name()+" logout", 1) + if u != nil && u.AccessToken != "" && username == u.User.Username { + return cli.NewExitError("You're already authenticated as "+u.User.Username, 1) } // Validate arguments and get password // TODO: after global config, check for default user - username := c.Args().Get(0) if username == "" { return cli.NewExitError("usage: "+executable.Name()+" auth ", 1) } fmt.Print("Password: ") pass, err := gopass.GetPasswdMasked() if err != nil { return cli.NewExitError(fmt.Sprintf("error reading password: %v", err), 1) } // Validate password if len(pass) == 0 { return cli.NewExitError("Please enter your password.", 1) } if config.IsTor(c) { log.Info(c, "Logging in via hidden service...") } else { log.Info(c, "Logging in...") } err = api.DoLogIn(c, username, string(pass)) if err != nil { return cli.NewExitError(fmt.Sprintf("error logging in: %v", err), 1) } return nil } func CmdLogOut(c *cli.Context) error { if config.IsTor(c) { log.Info(c, "Logging out via hidden service...") } else { log.Info(c, "Logging out...") } err := api.DoLogOut(c) if err != nil { return cli.NewExitError(fmt.Sprintf("error logging out: %v", err), 1) } return nil }