diff --git a/account.go b/account.go index 3fbb1f2..d32f503 100644 --- a/account.go +++ b/account.go @@ -1,1112 +1,1160 @@ /* * Copyright © 2018-2019 A Bunch Tell LLC. * * This file is part of WriteFreely. * * WriteFreely is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, included * in the LICENSE file in this source code package. */ package writefreely import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "html/template" "net/http" "regexp" "strings" "sync" "time" "github.com/gorilla/mux" "github.com/gorilla/sessions" "github.com/guregu/null/zero" "github.com/writeas/impart" "github.com/writeas/web-core/auth" "github.com/writeas/web-core/data" "github.com/writeas/web-core/log" + "github.com/writeas/writefreely/author" "github.com/writeas/writefreely/config" "github.com/writeas/writefreely/page" ) type ( userSettings struct { Username string `schema:"username" json:"username"` Email string `schema:"email" json:"email"` NewPass string `schema:"new-pass" json:"new_pass"` OldPass string `schema:"current-pass" json:"current_pass"` IsLogOut bool `schema:"logout" json:"logout"` } UserPage struct { page.StaticPage PageTitle string Separator template.HTML IsAdmin bool CanInvite bool } ) func NewUserPage(app *App, r *http.Request, u *User, title string, flashes []string) *UserPage { up := &UserPage{ StaticPage: pageForReq(app, r), PageTitle: title, } up.Username = u.Username up.Flashes = flashes up.Path = r.URL.Path up.IsAdmin = u.IsAdmin() up.CanInvite = canUserInvite(app.cfg, up.IsAdmin) return up } func canUserInvite(cfg *config.Config, isAdmin bool) bool { return cfg.App.UserInvites != "" && (isAdmin || cfg.App.UserInvites != "admin") } func (up *UserPage) SetMessaging(u *User) { - //up.NeedsAuth = app.db.DoesUserNeedAuth(u.ID) + // up.NeedsAuth = app.db.DoesUserNeedAuth(u.ID) } const ( loginAttemptExpiration = 3 * time.Second ) var actuallyUsernameReg = regexp.MustCompile("username is actually ([a-z0-9\\-]+)\\. Please try that, instead") func apiSignup(app *App, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error { _, err := signup(app, w, r) return err } func signup(app *App, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (*AuthUser, error) { reqJSON := IsJSON(r) // Get params var ur userRegistration if reqJSON { decoder := json.NewDecoder(r.Body) err := decoder.Decode(&ur) if err != nil { log.Error("Couldn't parse signup JSON request: %v\n", err) return nil, ErrBadJSON } } else { // Check if user is already logged in u := getUserSession(app, r) if u != nil { return &AuthUser{User: u}, nil } err := r.ParseForm() if err != nil { log.Error("Couldn't parse signup form request: %v\n", err) return nil, ErrBadFormData } err = app.formDecoder.Decode(&ur, r.PostForm) if err != nil { log.Error("Couldn't decode signup form request: %v\n", err) return nil, ErrBadFormData } } return signupWithRegistration(app, ur, w, r) } func signupWithRegistration(app *App, signup userRegistration, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (*AuthUser, error) { reqJSON := IsJSON(r) // Validate required params (alias) if signup.Alias == "" { return nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusBadRequest, "A username is required."} } if signup.Pass == "" { return nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusBadRequest, "A password is required."} } var desiredUsername string if signup.Normalize { // With this option we simply conform the username to what we expect // without complaining. Since they might've done something funny, like // enter: write.as/Way Out There, we'll use their raw input for the new // collection name and sanitize for the slug / username. desiredUsername = signup.Alias signup.Alias = getSlug(signup.Alias, "") } if !author.IsValidUsername(app.cfg, signup.Alias) { // Ensure the username is syntactically correct. return nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusPreconditionFailed, "Username is reserved or isn't valid. It must be at least 3 characters long, and can only include letters, numbers, and hyphens."} } // Handle empty optional params // TODO: remove this var createdWithPass := true hashedPass, err := auth.HashPass([]byte(signup.Pass)) if err != nil { return nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Could not create password hash."} } // Create struct to insert u := &User{ Username: signup.Alias, HashedPass: hashedPass, HasPass: createdWithPass, Email: prepareUserEmail(signup.Email, app.keys.EmailKey), Created: time.Now().Truncate(time.Second).UTC(), } // Create actual user if err := app.db.CreateUser(app.cfg, u, desiredUsername); err != nil { return nil, err } // Log invite if needed if signup.InviteCode != "" { cu, err := app.db.GetUserForAuth(signup.Alias) if err != nil { return nil, err } err = app.db.CreateInvitedUser(signup.InviteCode, cu.ID) if err != nil { return nil, err } } // Add back unencrypted data for response if signup.Email != "" { u.Email.String = signup.Email } resUser := &AuthUser{ User: u, } if !createdWithPass { resUser.Password = signup.Pass } title := signup.Alias if signup.Normalize { title = desiredUsername } resUser.Collections = &[]Collection{ { Alias: signup.Alias, Title: title, }, } var token string if reqJSON && !signup.Web { token, err = app.db.GetAccessToken(u.ID) if err != nil { return nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Could not create access token. Try re-authenticating."} } resUser.AccessToken = token } else { session, err := app.sessionStore.Get(r, cookieName) if err != nil { // The cookie should still save, even if there's an error. // Source: https://github.com/gorilla/sessions/issues/16#issuecomment-143642144 log.Error("Session: %v; ignoring", err) } session.Values[cookieUserVal] = resUser.User.Cookie() err = session.Save(r, w) if err != nil { log.Error("Couldn't save session: %v", err) return nil, err } } if reqJSON { return resUser, impart.WriteSuccess(w, resUser, http.StatusCreated) } return resUser, nil } func viewLogout(app *App, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error { session, err := app.sessionStore.Get(r, cookieName) if err != nil { return ErrInternalCookieSession } // Ensure user has an email or password set before they go, so they don't // lose access to their account. val := session.Values[cookieUserVal] var u = &User{} var ok bool if u, ok = val.(*User); !ok { log.Error("Error casting user object on logout. Vals: %+v Resetting cookie.", session.Values) err = session.Save(r, w) if err != nil { log.Error("Couldn't save session on logout: %v", err) return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Unable to save cookie session."} } return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusFound, "/"} } u, err = app.db.GetUserByID(u.ID) if err != nil && err != ErrUserNotFound { return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Unable to fetch user information."} } session.Options.MaxAge = -1 err = session.Save(r, w) if err != nil { log.Error("Couldn't save session on logout: %v", err) return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Unable to save cookie session."} } return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusFound, "/"} } func handleAPILogout(app *App, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error { accessToken := r.Header.Get("Authorization") if accessToken == "" { return ErrNoAccessToken } t := auth.GetToken(accessToken) if len(t) == 0 { return ErrNoAccessToken } err := app.db.DeleteToken(t) if err != nil { return err } return impart.HTTPError{Status: http.StatusNoContent} } func viewLogin(app *App, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error { var earlyError string oneTimeToken := r.FormValue("with") if oneTimeToken != "" { log.Info("Calling login with one-time token.") err := login(app, w, r) if err != nil { log.Info("Received error: %v", err) earlyError = fmt.Sprintf("%s", err) } } session, err := app.sessionStore.Get(r, cookieName) if err != nil { // Ignore this log.Error("Unable to get session; ignoring: %v", err) } p := &struct { page.StaticPage To string Message template.HTML Flashes []template.HTML LoginUsername string OauthSlack bool OauthWriteAs bool OauthGitlab bool GitlabDisplayName string }{ pageForReq(app, r), r.FormValue("to"), template.HTML(""), []template.HTML{}, getTempInfo(app, "login-user", r, w), app.Config().SlackOauth.ClientID != "", app.Config().WriteAsOauth.ClientID != "", app.Config().GitlabOauth.ClientID != "", config.OrDefaultString(app.Config().GitlabOauth.DisplayName, gitlabDisplayName), } if earlyError != "" { p.Flashes = append(p.Flashes, template.HTML(earlyError)) } // Display any error messages flashes, _ := getSessionFlashes(app, w, r, session) for _, flash := range flashes { p.Flashes = append(p.Flashes, template.HTML(flash)) } err = pages["login.tmpl"].ExecuteTemplate(w, "base", p) if err != nil { log.Error("Unable to render login: %v", err) return err } return nil } func webLogin(app *App, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error { err := login(app, w, r) if err != nil { username := r.FormValue("alias") // Login request was unsuccessful; save the error in the session and redirect them if err, ok := err.(impart.HTTPError); ok { session, _ := app.sessionStore.Get(r, cookieName) if session != nil { session.AddFlash(err.Message) session.Save(r, w) } if m := actuallyUsernameReg.FindStringSubmatch(err.Message); len(m) > 0 { // Retain fixed username recommendation for the login form username = m[1] } } // Pass along certain information saveTempInfo(app, "login-user", username, r, w) // Retain post-login URL if one was given redirectTo := "/login" postLoginRedirect := r.FormValue("to") if postLoginRedirect != "" { redirectTo += "?to=" + postLoginRedirect } log.Error("Unable to login: %v", err) return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusTemporaryRedirect, redirectTo} } return nil } var loginAttemptUsers = sync.Map{} func login(app *App, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error { reqJSON := IsJSON(r) oneTimeToken := r.FormValue("with") verbose := r.FormValue("all") == "true" || r.FormValue("verbose") == "1" || r.FormValue("verbose") == "true" || (reqJSON && oneTimeToken != "") redirectTo := r.FormValue("to") if redirectTo == "" { if app.cfg.App.SingleUser { redirectTo = "/me/new" } else { redirectTo = "/" } } var u *User var err error var signin userCredentials // Log in with one-time token if one is given if oneTimeToken != "" { log.Info("Login: Logging user in via token.") userID := app.db.GetUserID(oneTimeToken) if userID == -1 { log.Error("Login: Got user -1 from token") err := ErrBadAccessToken err.Message = "Expired or invalid login code." return err } log.Info("Login: Found user %d.", userID) u, err = app.db.GetUserByID(userID) if err != nil { log.Error("Unable to fetch user on one-time token login: %v", err) return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "There was an error retrieving the user you want."} } log.Info("Login: Got user via token") } else { // Get params if reqJSON { decoder := json.NewDecoder(r.Body) err := decoder.Decode(&signin) if err != nil { log.Error("Couldn't parse signin JSON request: %v\n", err) return ErrBadJSON } } else { err := r.ParseForm() if err != nil { log.Error("Couldn't parse signin form request: %v\n", err) return ErrBadFormData } err = app.formDecoder.Decode(&signin, r.PostForm) if err != nil { log.Error("Couldn't decode signin form request: %v\n", err) return ErrBadFormData } } log.Info("Login: Attempting login for '%s'", signin.Alias) // Validate required params (all) if signin.Alias == "" { msg := "Parameter `alias` required." if signin.Web { msg = "A username is required." } return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusBadRequest, msg} } if !signin.EmailLogin && signin.Pass == "" { msg := "Parameter `pass` required." if signin.Web { msg = "A password is required." } return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusBadRequest, msg} } // Prevent excessive login attempts on the same account // Skip this check in dev environment if !app.cfg.Server.Dev { now := time.Now() attemptExp, att := loginAttemptUsers.LoadOrStore(signin.Alias, now.Add(loginAttemptExpiration)) if att { if attemptExpTime, ok := attemptExp.(time.Time); ok { if attemptExpTime.After(now) { // This user attempted previously, and the period hasn't expired yet return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusTooManyRequests, "You're doing that too much."} } else { // This user attempted previously, but the time expired; free up space loginAttemptUsers.Delete(signin.Alias) } } else { log.Error("Unable to cast expiration to time") } } } // Retrieve password u, err = app.db.GetUserForAuth(signin.Alias) if err != nil { log.Info("Unable to getUserForAuth on %s: %v", signin.Alias, err) if strings.IndexAny(signin.Alias, "@") > 0 { log.Info("Suggesting: %s", ErrUserNotFoundEmail.Message) return ErrUserNotFoundEmail } return err } // Authenticate if u.Email.String == "" { // User has no email set, so check if they haven't added a password, either, // so we can return a more helpful error message. if hasPass, _ := app.db.IsUserPassSet(u.ID); !hasPass { log.Info("Tried logging in to %s, but no password or email.", signin.Alias) return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusPreconditionFailed, "This user never added a password or email address. Please contact us for help."} } } if !auth.Authenticated(u.HashedPass, []byte(signin.Pass)) { return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusUnauthorized, "Incorrect password."} } } if reqJSON && !signin.Web { var token string if r.Header.Get("User-Agent") == "" { // Get last created token when User-Agent is empty token = app.db.FetchLastAccessToken(u.ID) if token == "" { token, err = app.db.GetAccessToken(u.ID) } } else { token, err = app.db.GetAccessToken(u.ID) } if err != nil { log.Error("Login: Unable to create access token: %v", err) return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Could not create access token. Try re-authenticating."} } resUser := getVerboseAuthUser(app, token, u, verbose) return impart.WriteSuccess(w, resUser, http.StatusOK) } session, err := app.sessionStore.Get(r, cookieName) if err != nil { // The cookie should still save, even if there's an error. log.Error("Login: Session: %v; ignoring", err) } // Remove unwanted data session.Values[cookieUserVal] = u.Cookie() err = session.Save(r, w) if err != nil { log.Error("Login: Couldn't save session: %v", err) // TODO: return error } // Send success if reqJSON { return impart.WriteSuccess(w, &AuthUser{User: u}, http.StatusOK) } log.Info("Login: Redirecting to %s", redirectTo) w.Header().Set("Location", redirectTo) w.WriteHeader(http.StatusFound) return nil } func getVerboseAuthUser(app *App, token string, u *User, verbose bool) *AuthUser { resUser := &AuthUser{ AccessToken: token, User: u, } // Fetch verbose user data if requested if verbose { posts, err := app.db.GetUserPosts(u) if err != nil { log.Error("Login: Unable to get user posts: %v", err) } colls, err := app.db.GetCollections(u, app.cfg.App.Host) if err != nil { log.Error("Login: Unable to get user collections: %v", err) } passIsSet, err := app.db.IsUserPassSet(u.ID) if err != nil { // TODO: correct error meesage log.Error("Login: Unable to get user collections: %v", err) } resUser.Posts = posts resUser.Collections = colls resUser.User.HasPass = passIsSet } return resUser } func viewExportOptions(app *App, u *User, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error { // Fetch extra user data p := NewUserPage(app, r, u, "Export", nil) showUserPage(w, "export", p) return nil } func viewExportPosts(app *App, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) ([]byte, string, error) { var filename string var u = &User{} reqJSON := IsJSON(r) if reqJSON { // Use given Authorization header accessToken := r.Header.Get("Authorization") if accessToken == "" { return nil, filename, ErrNoAccessToken } userID := app.db.GetUserID(accessToken) if userID == -1 { return nil, filename, ErrBadAccessToken } var err error u, err = app.db.GetUserByID(userID) if err != nil { return nil, filename, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Unable to retrieve requested user."} } } else { // Use user cookie session, err := app.sessionStore.Get(r, cookieName) if err != nil { // The cookie should still save, even if there's an error. log.Error("Session: %v; ignoring", err) } val := session.Values[cookieUserVal] var ok bool if u, ok = val.(*User); !ok { return nil, filename, ErrNotLoggedIn } } filename = u.Username + "-posts-" + time.Now().Truncate(time.Second).UTC().Format("200601021504") // Fetch data we're exporting var err error var data []byte posts, err := app.db.GetUserPosts(u) if err != nil { return data, filename, err } // Export as CSV if strings.HasSuffix(r.URL.Path, ".csv") { data = exportPostsCSV(app.cfg.App.Host, u, posts) return data, filename, err } if strings.HasSuffix(r.URL.Path, ".zip") { data = exportPostsZip(u, posts) return data, filename, err } if r.FormValue("pretty") == "1" { data, err = json.MarshalIndent(posts, "", "\t") } else { data, err = json.Marshal(posts) } return data, filename, err } func viewExportFull(app *App, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) ([]byte, string, error) { var err error filename := "" u := getUserSession(app, r) if u == nil { return nil, filename, ErrNotLoggedIn } filename = u.Username + "-" + time.Now().Truncate(time.Second).UTC().Format("200601021504") exportUser := compileFullExport(app, u) var data []byte if r.FormValue("pretty") == "1" { data, err = json.MarshalIndent(exportUser, "", "\t") } else { data, err = json.Marshal(exportUser) } return data, filename, err } func viewMeAPI(app *App, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error { reqJSON := IsJSON(r) uObj := struct { ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` Username string `json:"username,omitempty"` }{} var err error if reqJSON { _, uObj.Username, err = app.db.GetUserDataFromToken(r.Header.Get("Authorization")) if err != nil { return err } } else { u := getUserSession(app, r) if u == nil { return impart.WriteSuccess(w, uObj, http.StatusOK) } uObj.Username = u.Username } return impart.WriteSuccess(w, uObj, http.StatusOK) } func viewMyPostsAPI(app *App, u *User, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error { reqJSON := IsJSON(r) if !reqJSON { return ErrBadRequestedType } var err error p := GetPostsCache(u.ID) if p == nil { userPostsCache.Lock() if userPostsCache.users[u.ID].ready == nil { userPostsCache.users[u.ID] = postsCacheItem{ready: make(chan struct{})} userPostsCache.Unlock() p, err = app.db.GetUserPosts(u) if err != nil { return err } CachePosts(u.ID, p) } else { userPostsCache.Unlock() <-userPostsCache.users[u.ID].ready p = GetPostsCache(u.ID) } } return impart.WriteSuccess(w, p, http.StatusOK) } func viewMyCollectionsAPI(app *App, u *User, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error { reqJSON := IsJSON(r) if !reqJSON { return ErrBadRequestedType } p, err := app.db.GetCollections(u, app.cfg.App.Host) if err != nil { return err } return impart.WriteSuccess(w, p, http.StatusOK) } func viewArticles(app *App, u *User, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error { p, err := app.db.GetAnonymousPosts(u) if err != nil { log.Error("unable to fetch anon posts: %v", err) } // nil-out AnonymousPosts slice for easy detection in the template if p != nil && len(*p) == 0 { p = nil } f, err := getSessionFlashes(app, w, r, nil) if err != nil { log.Error("unable to fetch flashes: %v", err) } c, err := app.db.GetPublishableCollections(u, app.cfg.App.Host) if err != nil { log.Error("unable to fetch collections: %v", err) } silenced, err := app.db.IsUserSilenced(u.ID) if err != nil { log.Error("view articles: %v", err) } d := struct { *UserPage AnonymousPosts *[]PublicPost Collections *[]Collection Silenced bool }{ UserPage: NewUserPage(app, r, u, u.Username+"'s Posts", f), AnonymousPosts: p, Collections: c, Silenced: silenced, } d.UserPage.SetMessaging(u) w.Header().Set("Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate") w.Header().Set("Expires", "Thu, 04 Oct 1990 20:00:00 GMT") showUserPage(w, "articles", d) return nil } func viewCollections(app *App, u *User, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error { c, err := app.db.GetCollections(u, app.cfg.App.Host) if err != nil { log.Error("unable to fetch collections: %v", err) return fmt.Errorf("No collections") } f, _ := getSessionFlashes(app, w, r, nil) uc, _ := app.db.GetUserCollectionCount(u.ID) // TODO: handle any errors silenced, err := app.db.IsUserSilenced(u.ID) if err != nil { log.Error("view collections %v", err) return fmt.Errorf("view collections: %v", err) } d := struct { *UserPage Collections *[]Collection UsedCollections, TotalCollections int NewBlogsDisabled bool Silenced bool }{ UserPage: NewUserPage(app, r, u, u.Username+"'s Blogs", f), Collections: c, UsedCollections: int(uc), NewBlogsDisabled: !app.cfg.App.CanCreateBlogs(uc), Silenced: silenced, } d.UserPage.SetMessaging(u) showUserPage(w, "collections", d) return nil } func viewEditCollection(app *App, u *User, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error { vars := mux.Vars(r) c, err := app.db.GetCollection(vars["collection"]) if err != nil { return err } if c.OwnerID != u.ID { return ErrCollectionNotFound } silenced, err := app.db.IsUserSilenced(u.ID) if err != nil { log.Error("view edit collection %v", err) return fmt.Errorf("view edit collection: %v", err) } flashes, _ := getSessionFlashes(app, w, r, nil) obj := struct { *UserPage *Collection Silenced bool }{ UserPage: NewUserPage(app, r, u, "Edit "+c.DisplayTitle(), flashes), Collection: c, Silenced: silenced, } showUserPage(w, "collection", obj) return nil } func updateSettings(app *App, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error { reqJSON := IsJSON(r) var s userSettings var u *User var sess *sessions.Session var err error if reqJSON { accessToken := r.Header.Get("Authorization") if accessToken == "" { return ErrNoAccessToken } u, err = app.db.GetAPIUser(accessToken) if err != nil { return ErrBadAccessToken } decoder := json.NewDecoder(r.Body) err := decoder.Decode(&s) if err != nil { log.Error("Couldn't parse settings JSON request: %v\n", err) return ErrBadJSON } // Prevent all username updates // TODO: support changing username via JSON API request s.Username = "" } else { u, sess = getUserAndSession(app, r) if u == nil { return ErrNotLoggedIn } err := r.ParseForm() if err != nil { log.Error("Couldn't parse settings form request: %v\n", err) return ErrBadFormData } err = app.formDecoder.Decode(&s, r.PostForm) if err != nil { log.Error("Couldn't decode settings form request: %v\n", err) return ErrBadFormData } } // Do update postUpdateReturn := r.FormValue("return") redirectTo := "/me/settings" if s.IsLogOut { redirectTo += "?logout=1" } else if postUpdateReturn != "" { redirectTo = postUpdateReturn } // Only do updates on values we need if s.Username != "" && s.Username == u.Username { // Username hasn't actually changed; blank it out s.Username = "" } err = app.db.ChangeSettings(app, u, &s) if err != nil { if reqJSON { return err } if err, ok := err.(impart.HTTPError); ok { addSessionFlash(app, w, r, err.Message, nil) } } else { // Successful update. if reqJSON { return impart.WriteSuccess(w, u, http.StatusOK) } if s.IsLogOut { redirectTo = "/me/logout" } else { sess.Values[cookieUserVal] = u.Cookie() addSessionFlash(app, w, r, "Account updated.", nil) } } w.Header().Set("Location", redirectTo) w.WriteHeader(http.StatusFound) return nil } func updatePassphrase(app *App, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error { accessToken := r.Header.Get("Authorization") if accessToken == "" { return ErrNoAccessToken } curPass := r.FormValue("current") newPass := r.FormValue("new") // Ensure a new password is given (always required) if newPass == "" { return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusBadRequest, "Provide a new password."} } userID, sudo := app.db.GetUserIDPrivilege(accessToken) if userID == -1 { return ErrBadAccessToken } // Ensure a current password is given if the access token doesn't have sudo // privileges. if !sudo && curPass == "" { return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusBadRequest, "Provide current password."} } // Hash the new password hashedPass, err := auth.HashPass([]byte(newPass)) if err != nil { return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Could not create password hash."} } // Do update err = app.db.ChangePassphrase(userID, sudo, curPass, hashedPass) if err != nil { return err } return impart.WriteSuccess(w, struct{}{}, http.StatusOK) } func viewStats(app *App, u *User, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error { var c *Collection var err error vars := mux.Vars(r) alias := vars["collection"] if alias != "" { c, err = app.db.GetCollection(alias) if err != nil { return err } if c.OwnerID != u.ID { return ErrCollectionNotFound } } topPosts, err := app.db.GetTopPosts(u, alias) if err != nil { log.Error("Unable to get top posts: %v", err) return err } flashes, _ := getSessionFlashes(app, w, r, nil) titleStats := "" if c != nil { titleStats = c.DisplayTitle() + " " } silenced, err := app.db.IsUserSilenced(u.ID) if err != nil { log.Error("view stats: %v", err) return err } obj := struct { *UserPage VisitsBlog string Collection *Collection TopPosts *[]PublicPost APFollowers int Silenced bool }{ UserPage: NewUserPage(app, r, u, titleStats+"Stats", flashes), VisitsBlog: alias, Collection: c, TopPosts: topPosts, Silenced: silenced, } if app.cfg.App.Federation { folls, err := app.db.GetAPFollowers(c) if err != nil { return err } obj.APFollowers = len(*folls) } showUserPage(w, "stats", obj) return nil } func viewSettings(app *App, u *User, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error { fullUser, err := app.db.GetUserByID(u.ID) if err != nil { log.Error("Unable to get user for settings: %s", err) return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Unable to retrieve user data. The humans have been alerted."} } passIsSet, err := app.db.IsUserPassSet(u.ID) if err != nil { log.Error("Unable to get isUserPassSet for settings: %s", err) return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Unable to retrieve user data. The humans have been alerted."} } flashes, _ := getSessionFlashes(app, w, r, nil) + enableOauthSlack := app.Config().SlackOauth.ClientID != "" + enableOauthWriteAs := app.Config().WriteAsOauth.ClientID != "" + enableOauthGitLab := app.Config().GitlabOauth.ClientID != "" + + oauthAccounts, err := app.db.GetOauthAccounts(r.Context(), u.ID) + if err != nil { + log.Error("Unable to get oauth accounts for settings: %s", err) + return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Unable to retrieve user data. The humans have been alerted."} + } + for _, oauthAccount := range oauthAccounts { + switch oauthAccount.Provider { + case "slack": + enableOauthSlack = false + case "write.as": + enableOauthWriteAs = false + case "gitlab": + enableOauthGitLab = false + } + } + + displayOauthSection := enableOauthSlack || enableOauthWriteAs || enableOauthGitLab || len(oauthAccounts) > 0 + obj := struct { *UserPage - Email string - HasPass bool - IsLogOut bool - Silenced bool + Email string + HasPass bool + IsLogOut bool + Silenced bool + OauthSection bool + OauthAccounts []oauthAccountInfo + OauthSlack bool + OauthWriteAs bool + OauthGitLab bool + GitLabDisplayName string }{ - UserPage: NewUserPage(app, r, u, "Account Settings", flashes), - Email: fullUser.EmailClear(app.keys), - HasPass: passIsSet, - IsLogOut: r.FormValue("logout") == "1", - Silenced: fullUser.IsSilenced(), + UserPage: NewUserPage(app, r, u, "Account Settings", flashes), + Email: fullUser.EmailClear(app.keys), + HasPass: passIsSet, + IsLogOut: r.FormValue("logout") == "1", + Silenced: fullUser.IsSilenced(), + OauthSection: displayOauthSection, + OauthAccounts: oauthAccounts, + OauthSlack: enableOauthSlack, + OauthWriteAs: enableOauthWriteAs, + OauthGitLab: enableOauthGitLab, + GitLabDisplayName: config.OrDefaultString(app.Config().GitlabOauth.DisplayName, gitlabDisplayName), } showUserPage(w, "settings", obj) return nil } func saveTempInfo(app *App, key, val string, r *http.Request, w http.ResponseWriter) error { session, err := app.sessionStore.Get(r, "t") if err != nil { return ErrInternalCookieSession } session.Values[key] = val err = session.Save(r, w) if err != nil { log.Error("Couldn't saveTempInfo for key-val (%s:%s): %v", key, val, err) } return err } func getTempInfo(app *App, key string, r *http.Request, w http.ResponseWriter) string { session, err := app.sessionStore.Get(r, "t") if err != nil { return "" } // Get the information var s = "" var ok bool if s, ok = session.Values[key].(string); !ok { return "" } // Delete cookie session.Options.MaxAge = -1 err = session.Save(r, w) if err != nil { log.Error("Couldn't erase temp data for key %s: %v", key, err) } // Return value return s } +func removeOauth(app *App, u *User, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error { + provider := r.FormValue("provider") + clientID := r.FormValue("client_id") + remoteUserID := r.FormValue("remote_user_id") + + err := app.db.RemoveOauth(r.Context(), u.ID, provider, clientID, remoteUserID) + if err != nil { + return impart.HTTPError{Status: http.StatusInternalServerError, Message: err.Error()} + } + + return impart.HTTPError{Status: http.StatusFound, Message: "/me/settings"} +} + func prepareUserEmail(input string, emailKey []byte) zero.String { email := zero.NewString("", input != "") if len(input) > 0 { encEmail, err := data.Encrypt(emailKey, input) if err != nil { log.Error("Unable to encrypt email: %s\n", err) } else { email.String = string(encEmail) } } return email } diff --git a/database.go b/database.go index 6beea1a..b3b89cb 100644 --- a/database.go +++ b/database.go @@ -1,2642 +1,2680 @@ /* * Copyright © 2018-2020 A Bunch Tell LLC. * * This file is part of WriteFreely. * * WriteFreely is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, included * in the LICENSE file in this source code package. */ package writefreely import ( "context" "database/sql" "fmt" wf_db "github.com/writeas/writefreely/db" "net/http" "strings" "time" "github.com/guregu/null" "github.com/guregu/null/zero" uuid "github.com/nu7hatch/gouuid" "github.com/writeas/activityserve" "github.com/writeas/impart" "github.com/writeas/nerds/store" "github.com/writeas/web-core/activitypub" "github.com/writeas/web-core/auth" "github.com/writeas/web-core/data" "github.com/writeas/web-core/id" "github.com/writeas/web-core/log" "github.com/writeas/web-core/query" "github.com/writeas/writefreely/author" "github.com/writeas/writefreely/config" "github.com/writeas/writefreely/key" ) const ( mySQLErrDuplicateKey = 1062 mySQLErrCollationMix = 1267 driverMySQL = "mysql" driverSQLite = "sqlite3" ) var ( SQLiteEnabled bool ) type writestore interface { CreateUser(*config.Config, *User, string) error UpdateUserEmail(keys *key.Keychain, userID int64, email string) error UpdateEncryptedUserEmail(int64, []byte) error GetUserByID(int64) (*User, error) GetUserForAuth(string) (*User, error) GetUserForAuthByID(int64) (*User, error) GetUserNameFromToken(string) (string, error) GetUserDataFromToken(string) (int64, string, error) GetAPIUser(header string) (*User, error) GetUserID(accessToken string) int64 GetUserIDPrivilege(accessToken string) (userID int64, sudo bool) DeleteToken(accessToken []byte) error FetchLastAccessToken(userID int64) string GetAccessToken(userID int64) (string, error) GetTemporaryAccessToken(userID int64, validSecs int) (string, error) GetTemporaryOneTimeAccessToken(userID int64, validSecs int, oneTime bool) (string, error) DeleteAccount(userID int64) error ChangeSettings(app *App, u *User, s *userSettings) error ChangePassphrase(userID int64, sudo bool, curPass string, hashedPass []byte) error GetCollections(u *User, hostName string) (*[]Collection, error) GetPublishableCollections(u *User, hostName string) (*[]Collection, error) GetMeStats(u *User) userMeStats GetTotalCollections() (int64, error) GetTotalPosts() (int64, error) GetTopPosts(u *User, alias string) (*[]PublicPost, error) GetAnonymousPosts(u *User) (*[]PublicPost, error) GetUserPosts(u *User) (*[]PublicPost, error) CreateOwnedPost(post *SubmittedPost, accessToken, collAlias, hostName string) (*PublicPost, error) CreatePost(userID, collID int64, post *SubmittedPost) (*Post, error) UpdateOwnedPost(post *AuthenticatedPost, userID int64) error GetEditablePost(id, editToken string) (*PublicPost, error) PostIDExists(id string) bool GetPost(id string, collectionID int64) (*PublicPost, error) GetOwnedPost(id string, ownerID int64) (*PublicPost, error) GetPostProperty(id string, collectionID int64, property string) (interface{}, error) CreateCollectionFromToken(*config.Config, string, string, string) (*Collection, error) CreateCollection(*config.Config, string, string, int64) (*Collection, error) GetCollectionBy(condition string, value interface{}) (*Collection, error) GetCollection(alias string) (*Collection, error) GetCollectionForPad(alias string) (*Collection, error) GetCollectionByID(id int64) (*Collection, error) UpdateCollection(c *SubmittedCollection, alias string) error DeleteCollection(alias string, userID int64) error UpdatePostPinState(pinned bool, postID string, collID, ownerID, pos int64) error GetLastPinnedPostPos(collID int64) int64 GetPinnedPosts(coll *CollectionObj, includeFuture bool) (*[]PublicPost, error) RemoveCollectionRedirect(t *sql.Tx, alias string) error GetCollectionRedirect(alias string) (new string) IsCollectionAttributeOn(id int64, attr string) bool CollectionHasAttribute(id int64, attr string) bool CanCollect(cpr *ClaimPostRequest, userID int64) bool AttemptClaim(p *ClaimPostRequest, query string, params []interface{}, slugIdx int) (sql.Result, error) DispersePosts(userID int64, postIDs []string) (*[]ClaimPostResult, error) ClaimPosts(cfg *config.Config, userID int64, collAlias string, posts *[]ClaimPostRequest) (*[]ClaimPostResult, error) GetPostsCount(c *CollectionObj, includeFuture bool) GetPosts(cfg *config.Config, c *Collection, page int, includeFuture, forceRecentFirst, includePinned bool) (*[]PublicPost, error) GetPostsTagged(cfg *config.Config, c *Collection, tag string, page int, includeFuture bool) (*[]PublicPost, error) GetAPFollowers(c *Collection) (*[]RemoteUser, error) GetAPActorKeys(collectionID int64) ([]byte, []byte) CreateUserInvite(id string, userID int64, maxUses int, expires *time.Time) error GetUserInvites(userID int64) (*[]Invite, error) GetUserInvite(id string) (*Invite, error) GetUsersInvitedCount(id string) int64 CreateInvitedUser(inviteID string, userID int64) error GetDynamicContent(id string) (*instanceContent, error) UpdateDynamicContent(id, title, content, contentType string) error GetAllUsers(page uint) (*[]User, error) GetAllUsersCount() int64 GetUserLastPostTime(id int64) (*time.Time, error) GetCollectionLastPostTime(id int64) (*time.Time, error) GetIDForRemoteUser(context.Context, string, string, string) (int64, error) RecordRemoteUserID(context.Context, int64, string, string, string, string) error - ValidateOAuthState(context.Context, string) (string, string, error) - GenerateOAuthState(context.Context, string, string) (string, error) + ValidateOAuthState(context.Context, string) (string, string, int64, error) + GenerateOAuthState(context.Context, string, string, int64) (string, error) + GetOauthAccounts(ctx context.Context, userID int64) ([]oauthAccountInfo, error) + RemoveOauth(ctx context.Context, userID int64, provider string, clientID string, remoteUserID string) error DatabaseInitialized() bool } type datastore struct { *sql.DB driverName string } var _ writestore = &datastore{} func (db *datastore) now() string { if db.driverName == driverSQLite { return "strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S','now')" } return "NOW()" } func (db *datastore) clip(field string, l int) string { if db.driverName == driverSQLite { return fmt.Sprintf("SUBSTR(%s, 0, %d)", field, l) } return fmt.Sprintf("LEFT(%s, %d)", field, l) } func (db *datastore) upsert(indexedCols ...string) string { if db.driverName == driverSQLite { // NOTE: SQLite UPSERT syntax only works in v3.24.0 (2018-06-04) or later // Leaving this for whenever we can upgrade and include it in our binary cc := strings.Join(indexedCols, ", ") return "ON CONFLICT(" + cc + ") DO UPDATE SET" } return "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE" } func (db *datastore) dateSub(l int, unit string) string { if db.driverName == driverSQLite { return fmt.Sprintf("DATETIME('now', '-%d %s')", l, unit) } return fmt.Sprintf("DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL %d %s)", l, unit) } func (db *datastore) CreateUser(cfg *config.Config, u *User, collectionTitle string) error { if db.PostIDExists(u.Username) { return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusConflict, "Invalid collection name."} } // New users get a `users` and `collections` row. t, err := db.Begin() if err != nil { return err } // 1. Add to `users` table // NOTE: Assumes User's Password is already hashed! res, err := t.Exec("INSERT INTO users (username, password, email) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", u.Username, u.HashedPass, u.Email) if err != nil { t.Rollback() if db.isDuplicateKeyErr(err) { return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusConflict, "Username is already taken."} } log.Error("Rolling back users INSERT: %v\n", err) return err } u.ID, err = res.LastInsertId() if err != nil { t.Rollback() log.Error("Rolling back after LastInsertId: %v\n", err) return err } // 2. Create user's Collection if collectionTitle == "" { collectionTitle = u.Username } res, err = t.Exec("INSERT INTO collections (alias, title, description, privacy, owner_id, view_count) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", u.Username, collectionTitle, "", defaultVisibility(cfg), u.ID, 0) if err != nil { t.Rollback() if db.isDuplicateKeyErr(err) { return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusConflict, "Username is already taken."} } log.Error("Rolling back collections INSERT: %v\n", err) return err } db.RemoveCollectionRedirect(t, u.Username) err = t.Commit() if err != nil { t.Rollback() log.Error("Rolling back after Commit(): %v\n", err) return err } return nil } // FIXME: We're returning errors inconsistently in this file. Do we use Errorf // for returned value, or impart? func (db *datastore) UpdateUserEmail(keys *key.Keychain, userID int64, email string) error { encEmail, err := data.Encrypt(keys.EmailKey, email) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Couldn't encrypt email %s: %s\n", email, err) } return db.UpdateEncryptedUserEmail(userID, encEmail) } func (db *datastore) UpdateEncryptedUserEmail(userID int64, encEmail []byte) error { _, err := db.Exec("UPDATE users SET email = ? WHERE id = ?", encEmail, userID) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Unable to update user email: %s", err) } return nil } func (db *datastore) CreateCollectionFromToken(cfg *config.Config, alias, title, accessToken string) (*Collection, error) { userID := db.GetUserID(accessToken) if userID == -1 { return nil, ErrBadAccessToken } return db.CreateCollection(cfg, alias, title, userID) } func (db *datastore) GetUserCollectionCount(userID int64) (uint64, error) { var collCount uint64 err := db.QueryRow("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM collections WHERE owner_id = ?", userID).Scan(&collCount) switch { case err == sql.ErrNoRows: return 0, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Couldn't retrieve user from database."} case err != nil: log.Error("Couldn't get collections count for user %d: %v", userID, err) return 0, err } return collCount, nil } func (db *datastore) CreateCollection(cfg *config.Config, alias, title string, userID int64) (*Collection, error) { if db.PostIDExists(alias) { return nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusConflict, "Invalid collection name."} } // All good, so create new collection res, err := db.Exec("INSERT INTO collections (alias, title, description, privacy, owner_id, view_count) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", alias, title, "", defaultVisibility(cfg), userID, 0) if err != nil { if db.isDuplicateKeyErr(err) { return nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusConflict, "Collection already exists."} } log.Error("Couldn't add to collections: %v\n", err) return nil, err } c := &Collection{ Alias: alias, Title: title, OwnerID: userID, PublicOwner: false, Public: defaultVisibility(cfg) == CollPublic, } c.ID, err = res.LastInsertId() if err != nil { log.Error("Couldn't get collection LastInsertId: %v\n", err) } return c, nil } func (db *datastore) GetUserByID(id int64) (*User, error) { u := &User{ID: id} err := db.QueryRow("SELECT username, password, email, created, status FROM users WHERE id = ?", id).Scan(&u.Username, &u.HashedPass, &u.Email, &u.Created, &u.Status) switch { case err == sql.ErrNoRows: return nil, ErrUserNotFound case err != nil: log.Error("Couldn't SELECT user password: %v", err) return nil, err } return u, nil } // IsUserSilenced returns true if the user account associated with id is // currently silenced. func (db *datastore) IsUserSilenced(id int64) (bool, error) { u := &User{ID: id} err := db.QueryRow("SELECT status FROM users WHERE id = ?", id).Scan(&u.Status) switch { case err == sql.ErrNoRows: return false, fmt.Errorf("is user silenced: %v", ErrUserNotFound) case err != nil: log.Error("Couldn't SELECT user status: %v", err) return false, fmt.Errorf("is user silenced: %v", err) } return u.IsSilenced(), nil } // DoesUserNeedAuth returns true if the user hasn't provided any methods for // authenticating with the account, such a passphrase or email address. // Any errors are reported to admin and silently quashed, returning false as the // result. func (db *datastore) DoesUserNeedAuth(id int64) bool { var pass, email []byte // Find out if user has an email set first err := db.QueryRow("SELECT password, email FROM users WHERE id = ?", id).Scan(&pass, &email) switch { case err == sql.ErrNoRows: // ERROR. Don't give false positives on needing auth methods return false case err != nil: // ERROR. Don't give false positives on needing auth methods log.Error("Couldn't SELECT user %d from users: %v", id, err) return false } // User doesn't need auth if there's an email return len(email) == 0 && len(pass) == 0 } func (db *datastore) IsUserPassSet(id int64) (bool, error) { var pass []byte err := db.QueryRow("SELECT password FROM users WHERE id = ?", id).Scan(&pass) switch { case err == sql.ErrNoRows: return false, nil case err != nil: log.Error("Couldn't SELECT user %d from users: %v", id, err) return false, err } return len(pass) > 0, nil } func (db *datastore) GetUserForAuth(username string) (*User, error) { u := &User{Username: username} err := db.QueryRow("SELECT id, password, email, created, status FROM users WHERE username = ?", username).Scan(&u.ID, &u.HashedPass, &u.Email, &u.Created, &u.Status) switch { case err == sql.ErrNoRows: // Check if they've entered the wrong, unnormalized username username = getSlug(username, "") if username != u.Username { err = db.QueryRow("SELECT id FROM users WHERE username = ? LIMIT 1", username).Scan(&u.ID) if err == nil { return db.GetUserForAuth(username) } } return nil, ErrUserNotFound case err != nil: log.Error("Couldn't SELECT user password: %v", err) return nil, err } return u, nil } func (db *datastore) GetUserForAuthByID(userID int64) (*User, error) { u := &User{ID: userID} err := db.QueryRow("SELECT id, password, email, created, status FROM users WHERE id = ?", u.ID).Scan(&u.ID, &u.HashedPass, &u.Email, &u.Created, &u.Status) switch { case err == sql.ErrNoRows: return nil, ErrUserNotFound case err != nil: log.Error("Couldn't SELECT userForAuthByID: %v", err) return nil, err } return u, nil } func (db *datastore) GetUserNameFromToken(accessToken string) (string, error) { t := auth.GetToken(accessToken) if len(t) == 0 { return "", ErrNoAccessToken } var oneTime bool var username string err := db.QueryRow("SELECT username, one_time FROM accesstokens LEFT JOIN users ON user_id = id WHERE token LIKE ? AND (expires IS NULL OR expires > "+db.now()+")", t).Scan(&username, &oneTime) switch { case err == sql.ErrNoRows: return "", ErrBadAccessToken case err != nil: return "", ErrInternalGeneral } // Delete token if it was one-time if oneTime { db.DeleteToken(t[:]) } return username, nil } func (db *datastore) GetUserDataFromToken(accessToken string) (int64, string, error) { t := auth.GetToken(accessToken) if len(t) == 0 { return 0, "", ErrNoAccessToken } var userID int64 var oneTime bool var username string err := db.QueryRow("SELECT user_id, username, one_time FROM accesstokens LEFT JOIN users ON user_id = id WHERE token LIKE ? AND (expires IS NULL OR expires > "+db.now()+")", t).Scan(&userID, &username, &oneTime) switch { case err == sql.ErrNoRows: return 0, "", ErrBadAccessToken case err != nil: return 0, "", ErrInternalGeneral } // Delete token if it was one-time if oneTime { db.DeleteToken(t[:]) } return userID, username, nil } func (db *datastore) GetAPIUser(header string) (*User, error) { uID := db.GetUserID(header) if uID == -1 { return nil, fmt.Errorf(ErrUserNotFound.Error()) } return db.GetUserByID(uID) } // GetUserID takes a hexadecimal accessToken, parses it into its binary // representation, and gets any user ID associated with the token. If no user // is associated, -1 is returned. func (db *datastore) GetUserID(accessToken string) int64 { i, _ := db.GetUserIDPrivilege(accessToken) return i } func (db *datastore) GetUserIDPrivilege(accessToken string) (userID int64, sudo bool) { t := auth.GetToken(accessToken) if len(t) == 0 { return -1, false } var oneTime bool err := db.QueryRow("SELECT user_id, sudo, one_time FROM accesstokens WHERE token LIKE ? AND (expires IS NULL OR expires > "+db.now()+")", t).Scan(&userID, &sudo, &oneTime) switch { case err == sql.ErrNoRows: return -1, false case err != nil: return -1, false } // Delete token if it was one-time if oneTime { db.DeleteToken(t[:]) } return } func (db *datastore) DeleteToken(accessToken []byte) error { res, err := db.Exec("DELETE FROM accesstokens WHERE token LIKE ?", accessToken) if err != nil { return err } rowsAffected, _ := res.RowsAffected() if rowsAffected == 0 { return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusNotFound, "Token is invalid or doesn't exist"} } return nil } // FetchLastAccessToken creates a new non-expiring, valid access token for the given // userID. func (db *datastore) FetchLastAccessToken(userID int64) string { var t []byte err := db.QueryRow("SELECT token FROM accesstokens WHERE user_id = ? AND (expires IS NULL OR expires > "+db.now()+") ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT 1", userID).Scan(&t) switch { case err == sql.ErrNoRows: return "" case err != nil: log.Error("Failed selecting from accesstoken: %v", err) return "" } u, err := uuid.Parse(t) if err != nil { return "" } return u.String() } // GetAccessToken creates a new non-expiring, valid access token for the given // userID. func (db *datastore) GetAccessToken(userID int64) (string, error) { return db.GetTemporaryOneTimeAccessToken(userID, 0, false) } // GetTemporaryAccessToken creates a new valid access token for the given // userID that remains valid for the given time in seconds. If validSecs is 0, // the access token doesn't automatically expire. func (db *datastore) GetTemporaryAccessToken(userID int64, validSecs int) (string, error) { return db.GetTemporaryOneTimeAccessToken(userID, validSecs, false) } // GetTemporaryOneTimeAccessToken creates a new valid access token for the given // userID that remains valid for the given time in seconds and can only be used // once if oneTime is true. If validSecs is 0, the access token doesn't // automatically expire. func (db *datastore) GetTemporaryOneTimeAccessToken(userID int64, validSecs int, oneTime bool) (string, error) { u, err := uuid.NewV4() if err != nil { log.Error("Unable to generate token: %v", err) return "", err } // Insert UUID to `accesstokens` binTok := u[:] expirationVal := "NULL" if validSecs > 0 { expirationVal = fmt.Sprintf("DATE_ADD("+db.now()+", INTERVAL %d SECOND)", validSecs) } _, err = db.Exec("INSERT INTO accesstokens (token, user_id, one_time, expires) VALUES (?, ?, ?, "+expirationVal+")", string(binTok), userID, oneTime) if err != nil { log.Error("Couldn't INSERT accesstoken: %v", err) return "", err } return u.String(), nil } func (db *datastore) CreateOwnedPost(post *SubmittedPost, accessToken, collAlias, hostName string) (*PublicPost, error) { var userID, collID int64 = -1, -1 var coll *Collection var err error if accessToken != "" { userID = db.GetUserID(accessToken) if userID == -1 { return nil, ErrBadAccessToken } if collAlias != "" { coll, err = db.GetCollection(collAlias) if err != nil { return nil, err } coll.hostName = hostName if coll.OwnerID != userID { return nil, ErrForbiddenCollection } collID = coll.ID } } rp := &PublicPost{} rp.Post, err = db.CreatePost(userID, collID, post) if err != nil { return rp, err } if coll != nil { coll.ForPublic() rp.Collection = &CollectionObj{Collection: *coll} } return rp, nil } func (db *datastore) CreatePost(userID, collID int64, post *SubmittedPost) (*Post, error) { idLen := postIDLen friendlyID := store.GenerateFriendlyRandomString(idLen) // Handle appearance / font face appearance := post.Font if !post.isFontValid() { appearance = "norm" } var err error ownerID := sql.NullInt64{ Valid: false, } ownerCollID := sql.NullInt64{ Valid: false, } slug := sql.NullString{"", false} // If an alias was supplied, we'll add this to the collection as well. if userID > 0 { ownerID.Int64 = userID ownerID.Valid = true if collID > 0 { ownerCollID.Int64 = collID ownerCollID.Valid = true var slugVal string if post.Title != nil && *post.Title != "" { slugVal = getSlug(*post.Title, post.Language.String) if slugVal == "" { slugVal = getSlug(*post.Content, post.Language.String) } } else { slugVal = getSlug(*post.Content, post.Language.String) } if slugVal == "" { slugVal = friendlyID } slug = sql.NullString{slugVal, true} } } created := time.Now() if db.driverName == driverSQLite { // SQLite stores datetimes in UTC, so convert time.Now() to it here created = created.UTC() } if post.Created != nil { created, err = time.Parse("2006-01-02T15:04:05Z", *post.Created) if err != nil { log.Error("Unable to parse Created time '%s': %v", *post.Created, err) created = time.Now() if db.driverName == driverSQLite { // SQLite stores datetimes in UTC, so convert time.Now() to it here created = created.UTC() } } } stmt, err := db.Prepare("INSERT INTO posts (id, slug, title, content, text_appearance, language, rtl, privacy, owner_id, collection_id, created, updated, view_count) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, " + db.now() + ", ?)") if err != nil { return nil, err } defer stmt.Close() _, err = stmt.Exec(friendlyID, slug, post.Title, post.Content, appearance, post.Language, post.IsRTL, 0, ownerID, ownerCollID, created, 0) if err != nil { if db.isDuplicateKeyErr(err) { // Duplicate entry error; try a new slug // TODO: make this a little more robust slug = sql.NullString{id.GenSafeUniqueSlug(slug.String), true} _, err = stmt.Exec(friendlyID, slug, post.Title, post.Content, appearance, post.Language, post.IsRTL, 0, ownerID, ownerCollID, created, 0) if err != nil { return nil, handleFailedPostInsert(fmt.Errorf("Retried slug generation, still failed: %v", err)) } } else { return nil, handleFailedPostInsert(err) } } // TODO: return Created field in proper format return &Post{ ID: friendlyID, Slug: null.NewString(slug.String, slug.Valid), Font: appearance, Language: zero.NewString(post.Language.String, post.Language.Valid), RTL: zero.NewBool(post.IsRTL.Bool, post.IsRTL.Valid), OwnerID: null.NewInt(userID, true), CollectionID: null.NewInt(userID, true), Created: created.Truncate(time.Second).UTC(), Updated: time.Now().Truncate(time.Second).UTC(), Title: zero.NewString(*(post.Title), true), Content: *(post.Content), }, nil } // UpdateOwnedPost updates an existing post with only the given fields in the // supplied AuthenticatedPost. func (db *datastore) UpdateOwnedPost(post *AuthenticatedPost, userID int64) error { params := []interface{}{} var queryUpdates, sep, authCondition string if post.Slug != nil && *post.Slug != "" { queryUpdates += sep + "slug = ?" sep = ", " params = append(params, getSlug(*post.Slug, "")) } if post.Content != nil { queryUpdates += sep + "content = ?" sep = ", " params = append(params, post.Content) } if post.Title != nil { queryUpdates += sep + "title = ?" sep = ", " params = append(params, post.Title) } if post.Language.Valid { queryUpdates += sep + "language = ?" sep = ", " params = append(params, post.Language.String) } if post.IsRTL.Valid { queryUpdates += sep + "rtl = ?" sep = ", " params = append(params, post.IsRTL.Bool) } if post.Font != "" { queryUpdates += sep + "text_appearance = ?" sep = ", " params = append(params, post.Font) } if post.Created != nil { createTime, err := time.Parse(postMetaDateFormat, *post.Created) if err != nil { log.Error("Unable to parse Created date: %v", err) return fmt.Errorf("That's the incorrect format for Created date.") } queryUpdates += sep + "created = ?" sep = ", " params = append(params, createTime) } // WHERE parameters... // id = ? params = append(params, post.ID) // AND owner_id = ? authCondition = "(owner_id = ?)" params = append(params, userID) if queryUpdates == "" { return ErrPostNoUpdatableVals } queryUpdates += sep + "updated = " + db.now() res, err := db.Exec("UPDATE posts SET "+queryUpdates+" WHERE id = ? AND "+authCondition, params...) if err != nil { log.Error("Unable to update owned post: %v", err) return err } rowsAffected, _ := res.RowsAffected() if rowsAffected == 0 { // Show the correct error message if nothing was updated var dummy int err := db.QueryRow("SELECT 1 FROM posts WHERE id = ? AND "+authCondition, post.ID, params[len(params)-1]).Scan(&dummy) switch { case err == sql.ErrNoRows: return ErrUnauthorizedEditPost case err != nil: log.Error("Failed selecting from posts: %v", err) } return nil } return nil } func (db *datastore) GetCollectionBy(condition string, value interface{}) (*Collection, error) { c := &Collection{} // FIXME: change Collection to reflect database values. Add helper functions to get actual values var styleSheet, script, format zero.String row := db.QueryRow("SELECT id, alias, title, description, style_sheet, script, format, owner_id, privacy, view_count FROM collections WHERE "+condition, value) err := row.Scan(&c.ID, &c.Alias, &c.Title, &c.Description, &styleSheet, &script, &format, &c.OwnerID, &c.Visibility, &c.Views) switch { case err == sql.ErrNoRows: return nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusNotFound, "Collection doesn't exist."} case err != nil: log.Error("Failed selecting from collections: %v", err) return nil, err } c.StyleSheet = styleSheet.String c.Script = script.String c.Format = format.String c.Public = c.IsPublic() c.db = db return c, nil } func (db *datastore) GetCollection(alias string) (*Collection, error) { return db.GetCollectionBy("alias = ?", alias) } func (db *datastore) GetCollectionForPad(alias string) (*Collection, error) { c := &Collection{Alias: alias} row := db.QueryRow("SELECT id, alias, title, description, privacy FROM collections WHERE alias = ?", alias) err := row.Scan(&c.ID, &c.Alias, &c.Title, &c.Description, &c.Visibility) switch { case err == sql.ErrNoRows: return c, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusNotFound, "Collection doesn't exist."} case err != nil: log.Error("Failed selecting from collections: %v", err) return c, ErrInternalGeneral } c.Public = c.IsPublic() return c, nil } func (db *datastore) GetCollectionByID(id int64) (*Collection, error) { return db.GetCollectionBy("id = ?", id) } func (db *datastore) GetCollectionFromDomain(host string) (*Collection, error) { return db.GetCollectionBy("host = ?", host) } func (db *datastore) UpdateCollection(c *SubmittedCollection, alias string) error { q := query.NewUpdate(). SetStringPtr(c.Title, "title"). SetStringPtr(c.Description, "description"). SetNullString(c.StyleSheet, "style_sheet"). SetNullString(c.Script, "script") if c.Format != nil { cf := &CollectionFormat{Format: c.Format.String} if cf.Valid() { q.SetNullString(c.Format, "format") } } var updatePass bool if c.Visibility != nil && (collVisibility(*c.Visibility)&CollProtected == 0 || c.Pass != "") { q.SetIntPtr(c.Visibility, "privacy") if c.Pass != "" { updatePass = true } } // WHERE values q.Where("alias = ? AND owner_id = ?", alias, c.OwnerID) if q.Updates == "" { return ErrPostNoUpdatableVals } // Find any current domain var collID int64 var rowsAffected int64 var changed bool var res sql.Result err := db.QueryRow("SELECT id FROM collections WHERE alias = ?", alias).Scan(&collID) if err != nil { log.Error("Failed selecting from collections: %v. Some things won't work.", err) } // Update MathJax value if c.MathJax { if db.driverName == driverSQLite { _, err = db.Exec("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO collectionattributes (collection_id, attribute, value) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", collID, "render_mathjax", "1") } else { _, err = db.Exec("INSERT INTO collectionattributes (collection_id, attribute, value) VALUES (?, ?, ?) "+db.upsert("collection_id", "attribute")+" value = ?", collID, "render_mathjax", "1", "1") } if err != nil { log.Error("Unable to insert render_mathjax value: %v", err) return err } } else { _, err = db.Exec("DELETE FROM collectionattributes WHERE collection_id = ? AND attribute = ?", collID, "render_mathjax") if err != nil { log.Error("Unable to delete render_mathjax value: %v", err) return err } } // Update rest of the collection data res, err = db.Exec("UPDATE collections SET "+q.Updates+" WHERE "+q.Conditions, q.Params...) if err != nil { log.Error("Unable to update collection: %v", err) return err } rowsAffected, _ = res.RowsAffected() if !changed || rowsAffected == 0 { // Show the correct error message if nothing was updated var dummy int err := db.QueryRow("SELECT 1 FROM collections WHERE alias = ? AND owner_id = ?", alias, c.OwnerID).Scan(&dummy) switch { case err == sql.ErrNoRows: return ErrUnauthorizedEditPost case err != nil: log.Error("Failed selecting from collections: %v", err) } if !updatePass { return nil } } if updatePass { hashedPass, err := auth.HashPass([]byte(c.Pass)) if err != nil { log.Error("Unable to create hash: %s", err) return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Could not create password hash."} } if db.driverName == driverSQLite { _, err = db.Exec("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO collectionpasswords (collection_id, password) VALUES ((SELECT id FROM collections WHERE alias = ?), ?)", alias, hashedPass) } else { _, err = db.Exec("INSERT INTO collectionpasswords (collection_id, password) VALUES ((SELECT id FROM collections WHERE alias = ?), ?) "+db.upsert("collection_id")+" password = ?", alias, hashedPass, hashedPass) } if err != nil { return err } } return nil } const postCols = "id, slug, text_appearance, language, rtl, privacy, owner_id, collection_id, pinned_position, created, updated, view_count, title, content" // getEditablePost returns a PublicPost with the given ID only if the given // edit token is valid for the post. func (db *datastore) GetEditablePost(id, editToken string) (*PublicPost, error) { // FIXME: code duplicated from getPost() // TODO: add slight logic difference to getPost / one func var ownerName sql.NullString p := &Post{} row := db.QueryRow("SELECT "+postCols+", (SELECT username FROM users WHERE users.id = posts.owner_id) AS username FROM posts WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1", id) err := row.Scan(&p.ID, &p.Slug, &p.Font, &p.Language, &p.RTL, &p.Privacy, &p.OwnerID, &p.CollectionID, &p.PinnedPosition, &p.Created, &p.Updated, &p.ViewCount, &p.Title, &p.Content, &ownerName) switch { case err == sql.ErrNoRows: return nil, ErrPostNotFound case err != nil: log.Error("Failed selecting from collections: %v", err) return nil, err } if p.Content == "" && p.Title.String == "" { return nil, ErrPostUnpublished } res := p.processPost() if ownerName.Valid { res.Owner = &PublicUser{Username: ownerName.String} } return &res, nil } func (db *datastore) PostIDExists(id string) bool { var dummy bool err := db.QueryRow("SELECT 1 FROM posts WHERE id = ?", id).Scan(&dummy) return err == nil && dummy } // GetPost gets a public-facing post object from the database. If collectionID // is > 0, the post will be retrieved by slug and collection ID, rather than // post ID. // TODO: break this into two functions: // - GetPost(id string) // - GetCollectionPost(slug string, collectionID int64) func (db *datastore) GetPost(id string, collectionID int64) (*PublicPost, error) { var ownerName sql.NullString p := &Post{} var row *sql.Row var where string params := []interface{}{id} if collectionID > 0 { where = "slug = ? AND collection_id = ?" params = append(params, collectionID) } else { where = "id = ?" } row = db.QueryRow("SELECT "+postCols+", (SELECT username FROM users WHERE users.id = posts.owner_id) AS username FROM posts WHERE "+where+" LIMIT 1", params...) err := row.Scan(&p.ID, &p.Slug, &p.Font, &p.Language, &p.RTL, &p.Privacy, &p.OwnerID, &p.CollectionID, &p.PinnedPosition, &p.Created, &p.Updated, &p.ViewCount, &p.Title, &p.Content, &ownerName) switch { case err == sql.ErrNoRows: if collectionID > 0 { return nil, ErrCollectionPageNotFound } return nil, ErrPostNotFound case err != nil: log.Error("Failed selecting from collections: %v", err) return nil, err } if p.Content == "" && p.Title.String == "" { return nil, ErrPostUnpublished } res := p.processPost() if ownerName.Valid { res.Owner = &PublicUser{Username: ownerName.String} } return &res, nil } // TODO: don't duplicate getPost() functionality func (db *datastore) GetOwnedPost(id string, ownerID int64) (*PublicPost, error) { p := &Post{} var row *sql.Row where := "id = ? AND owner_id = ?" params := []interface{}{id, ownerID} row = db.QueryRow("SELECT "+postCols+" FROM posts WHERE "+where+" LIMIT 1", params...) err := row.Scan(&p.ID, &p.Slug, &p.Font, &p.Language, &p.RTL, &p.Privacy, &p.OwnerID, &p.CollectionID, &p.PinnedPosition, &p.Created, &p.Updated, &p.ViewCount, &p.Title, &p.Content) switch { case err == sql.ErrNoRows: return nil, ErrPostNotFound case err != nil: log.Error("Failed selecting from collections: %v", err) return nil, err } if p.Content == "" && p.Title.String == "" { return nil, ErrPostUnpublished } res := p.processPost() return &res, nil } func (db *datastore) GetPostProperty(id string, collectionID int64, property string) (interface{}, error) { propSelects := map[string]string{ "views": "view_count AS views", } selectQuery, ok := propSelects[property] if !ok { return nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusBadRequest, fmt.Sprintf("Invalid property: %s.", property)} } var res interface{} var row *sql.Row if collectionID != 0 { row = db.QueryRow("SELECT "+selectQuery+" FROM posts WHERE slug = ? AND collection_id = ? LIMIT 1", id, collectionID) } else { row = db.QueryRow("SELECT "+selectQuery+" FROM posts WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1", id) } err := row.Scan(&res) switch { case err == sql.ErrNoRows: return nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusNotFound, "Post not found."} case err != nil: log.Error("Failed selecting post: %v", err) return nil, err } return res, nil } // GetPostsCount modifies the CollectionObj to include the correct number of // standard (non-pinned) posts. It will return future posts if `includeFuture` // is true. func (db *datastore) GetPostsCount(c *CollectionObj, includeFuture bool) { var count int64 timeCondition := "" if !includeFuture { timeCondition = "AND created <= " + db.now() } err := db.QueryRow("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM posts WHERE collection_id = ? AND pinned_position IS NULL "+timeCondition, c.ID).Scan(&count) switch { case err == sql.ErrNoRows: c.TotalPosts = 0 case err != nil: log.Error("Failed selecting from collections: %v", err) c.TotalPosts = 0 } c.TotalPosts = int(count) } // GetPosts retrieves all posts for the given Collection. // It will return future posts if `includeFuture` is true. // It will include only standard (non-pinned) posts unless `includePinned` is true. // TODO: change includeFuture to isOwner, since that's how it's used func (db *datastore) GetPosts(cfg *config.Config, c *Collection, page int, includeFuture, forceRecentFirst, includePinned bool) (*[]PublicPost, error) { collID := c.ID cf := c.NewFormat() order := "DESC" if cf.Ascending() && !forceRecentFirst { order = "ASC" } pagePosts := cf.PostsPerPage() start := page*pagePosts - pagePosts if page == 0 { start = 0 pagePosts = 1000 } limitStr := "" if page > 0 { limitStr = fmt.Sprintf(" LIMIT %d, %d", start, pagePosts) } timeCondition := "" if !includeFuture { timeCondition = "AND created <= " + db.now() } pinnedCondition := "" if !includePinned { pinnedCondition = "AND pinned_position IS NULL" } rows, err := db.Query("SELECT "+postCols+" FROM posts WHERE collection_id = ? "+pinnedCondition+" "+timeCondition+" ORDER BY created "+order+limitStr, collID) if err != nil { log.Error("Failed selecting from posts: %v", err) return nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Couldn't retrieve collection posts."} } defer rows.Close() // TODO: extract this common row scanning logic for queries using `postCols` posts := []PublicPost{} for rows.Next() { p := &Post{} err = rows.Scan(&p.ID, &p.Slug, &p.Font, &p.Language, &p.RTL, &p.Privacy, &p.OwnerID, &p.CollectionID, &p.PinnedPosition, &p.Created, &p.Updated, &p.ViewCount, &p.Title, &p.Content) if err != nil { log.Error("Failed scanning row: %v", err) break } p.extractData() p.formatContent(cfg, c, includeFuture) posts = append(posts, p.processPost()) } err = rows.Err() if err != nil { log.Error("Error after Next() on rows: %v", err) } return &posts, nil } // GetPostsTagged retrieves all posts on the given Collection that contain the // given tag. // It will return future posts if `includeFuture` is true. // TODO: change includeFuture to isOwner, since that's how it's used func (db *datastore) GetPostsTagged(cfg *config.Config, c *Collection, tag string, page int, includeFuture bool) (*[]PublicPost, error) { collID := c.ID cf := c.NewFormat() order := "DESC" if cf.Ascending() { order = "ASC" } pagePosts := cf.PostsPerPage() start := page*pagePosts - pagePosts if page == 0 { start = 0 pagePosts = 1000 } limitStr := "" if page > 0 { limitStr = fmt.Sprintf(" LIMIT %d, %d", start, pagePosts) } timeCondition := "" if !includeFuture { timeCondition = "AND created <= " + db.now() } var rows *sql.Rows var err error if db.driverName == driverSQLite { rows, err = db.Query("SELECT "+postCols+" FROM posts WHERE collection_id = ? AND LOWER(content) regexp ? "+timeCondition+" ORDER BY created "+order+limitStr, collID, `.*#`+strings.ToLower(tag)+`\b.*`) } else { rows, err = db.Query("SELECT "+postCols+" FROM posts WHERE collection_id = ? AND LOWER(content) RLIKE ? "+timeCondition+" ORDER BY created "+order+limitStr, collID, "#"+strings.ToLower(tag)+"[[:>:]]") } if err != nil { log.Error("Failed selecting from posts: %v", err) return nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Couldn't retrieve collection posts."} } defer rows.Close() // TODO: extract this common row scanning logic for queries using `postCols` posts := []PublicPost{} for rows.Next() { p := &Post{} err = rows.Scan(&p.ID, &p.Slug, &p.Font, &p.Language, &p.RTL, &p.Privacy, &p.OwnerID, &p.CollectionID, &p.PinnedPosition, &p.Created, &p.Updated, &p.ViewCount, &p.Title, &p.Content) if err != nil { log.Error("Failed scanning row: %v", err) break } p.extractData() p.formatContent(cfg, c, includeFuture) posts = append(posts, p.processPost()) } err = rows.Err() if err != nil { log.Error("Error after Next() on rows: %v", err) } return &posts, nil } func (db *datastore) GetAPFollowers(c *Collection) (*[]RemoteUser, error) { rows, err := db.Query("SELECT actor_id, inbox, shared_inbox FROM remotefollows f INNER JOIN remoteusers u ON f.remote_user_id = u.id WHERE collection_id = ?", c.ID) if err != nil { log.Error("Failed selecting from followers: %v", err) return nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Couldn't retrieve followers."} } defer rows.Close() followers := []RemoteUser{} for rows.Next() { f := RemoteUser{} err = rows.Scan(&f.ActorID, &f.Inbox, &f.SharedInbox) followers = append(followers, f) } return &followers, nil } // CanCollect returns whether or not the given user can add the given post to a // collection. This is true when a post is already owned by the user. // NOTE: this is currently only used to potentially add owned posts to a // collection. This has the SIDE EFFECT of also generating a slug for the post. // FIXME: make this side effect more explicit (or extract it) func (db *datastore) CanCollect(cpr *ClaimPostRequest, userID int64) bool { var title, content string var lang sql.NullString err := db.QueryRow("SELECT title, content, language FROM posts WHERE id = ? AND owner_id = ?", cpr.ID, userID).Scan(&title, &content, &lang) switch { case err == sql.ErrNoRows: return false case err != nil: log.Error("Failed on post CanCollect(%s, %d): %v", cpr.ID, userID, err) return false } // Since we have the post content and the post is collectable, generate the // post's slug now. cpr.Slug = getSlugFromPost(title, content, lang.String) return true } func (db *datastore) AttemptClaim(p *ClaimPostRequest, query string, params []interface{}, slugIdx int) (sql.Result, error) { qRes, err := db.Exec(query, params...) if err != nil { if db.isDuplicateKeyErr(err) && slugIdx > -1 { s := id.GenSafeUniqueSlug(p.Slug) if s == p.Slug { // Sanity check to prevent infinite recursion return qRes, fmt.Errorf("GenSafeUniqueSlug generated nothing unique: %s", s) } p.Slug = s params[slugIdx] = p.Slug return db.AttemptClaim(p, query, params, slugIdx) } return qRes, fmt.Errorf("attemptClaim: %s", err) } return qRes, nil } func (db *datastore) DispersePosts(userID int64, postIDs []string) (*[]ClaimPostResult, error) { postClaimReqs := map[string]bool{} res := []ClaimPostResult{} for i := range postIDs { postID := postIDs[i] r := ClaimPostResult{Code: 0, ErrorMessage: ""} // Perform post validation if postID == "" { r.ErrorMessage = "Missing post ID. " } if _, ok := postClaimReqs[postID]; ok { r.Code = 429 r.ErrorMessage = "You've already tried anonymizing this post." r.ID = postID res = append(res, r) continue } postClaimReqs[postID] = true var err error // Get full post information to return var fullPost *PublicPost fullPost, err = db.GetPost(postID, 0) if err != nil { if err, ok := err.(impart.HTTPError); ok { r.Code = err.Status r.ErrorMessage = err.Message r.ID = postID res = append(res, r) continue } else { log.Error("Error getting post in dispersePosts: %v", err) } } if fullPost.OwnerID.Int64 != userID { r.Code = http.StatusConflict r.ErrorMessage = "Post is already owned by someone else." r.ID = postID res = append(res, r) continue } var qRes sql.Result var query string var params []interface{} // Do AND owner_id = ? for sanity. // This should've been caught and returned with a good error message // just above. query = "UPDATE posts SET collection_id = NULL WHERE id = ? AND owner_id = ?" params = []interface{}{postID, userID} qRes, err = db.Exec(query, params...) if err != nil { r.Code = http.StatusInternalServerError r.ErrorMessage = "A glitch happened on our end." r.ID = postID res = append(res, r) log.Error("dispersePosts (post %s): %v", postID, err) continue } // Post was successfully dispersed r.Code = http.StatusOK r.Post = fullPost rowsAffected, _ := qRes.RowsAffected() if rowsAffected == 0 { // This was already claimed, but return 200 r.Code = http.StatusOK } res = append(res, r) } return &res, nil } func (db *datastore) ClaimPosts(cfg *config.Config, userID int64, collAlias string, posts *[]ClaimPostRequest) (*[]ClaimPostResult, error) { postClaimReqs := map[string]bool{} res := []ClaimPostResult{} postCollAlias := collAlias for i := range *posts { p := (*posts)[i] if &p == nil { continue } r := ClaimPostResult{Code: 0, ErrorMessage: ""} // Perform post validation if p.ID == "" { r.ErrorMessage = "Missing post ID `id`. " } if _, ok := postClaimReqs[p.ID]; ok { r.Code = 429 r.ErrorMessage = "You've already tried claiming this post." r.ID = p.ID res = append(res, r) continue } postClaimReqs[p.ID] = true canCollect := db.CanCollect(&p, userID) if !canCollect && p.Token == "" { // TODO: ensure post isn't owned by anyone else when a valid modify // token is given. r.ErrorMessage += "Missing post Edit Token `token`." } if r.ErrorMessage != "" { // Post validate failed r.Code = http.StatusBadRequest r.ID = p.ID res = append(res, r) continue } var err error var qRes sql.Result var query string var params []interface{} var slugIdx int = -1 var coll *Collection if collAlias == "" { // Posts are being claimed at /posts/claim, not // /collections/{alias}/collect, so use given individual collection // to associate post with. postCollAlias = p.CollectionAlias } if postCollAlias != "" { // Associate this post with a collection if p.CreateCollection { // This is a new collection // TODO: consider removing this. This seriously complicates this // method and adds another (unnecessary?) logic path. coll, err = db.CreateCollection(cfg, postCollAlias, "", userID) if err != nil { if err, ok := err.(impart.HTTPError); ok { r.Code = err.Status r.ErrorMessage = err.Message } else { r.Code = http.StatusInternalServerError r.ErrorMessage = "Unknown error occurred creating collection" } r.ID = p.ID res = append(res, r) continue } } else { // Attempt to add to existing collection coll, err = db.GetCollection(postCollAlias) if err != nil { if err, ok := err.(impart.HTTPError); ok { if err.Status == http.StatusNotFound { // Show obfuscated "forbidden" response, as if attempting to add to an // unowned blog. r.Code = ErrForbiddenCollection.Status r.ErrorMessage = ErrForbiddenCollection.Message } else { r.Code = err.Status r.ErrorMessage = err.Message } } else { r.Code = http.StatusInternalServerError r.ErrorMessage = "Unknown error occurred claiming post with collection" } r.ID = p.ID res = append(res, r) continue } if coll.OwnerID != userID { r.Code = ErrForbiddenCollection.Status r.ErrorMessage = ErrForbiddenCollection.Message r.ID = p.ID res = append(res, r) continue } } if p.Slug == "" { p.Slug = p.ID } if canCollect { // User already owns this post, so just add it to the given // collection. query = "UPDATE posts SET collection_id = ?, slug = ? WHERE id = ? AND owner_id = ?" params = []interface{}{coll.ID, p.Slug, p.ID, userID} slugIdx = 1 } else { query = "UPDATE posts SET owner_id = ?, collection_id = ?, slug = ? WHERE id = ? AND modify_token = ? AND owner_id IS NULL" params = []interface{}{userID, coll.ID, p.Slug, p.ID, p.Token} slugIdx = 2 } } else { query = "UPDATE posts SET owner_id = ? WHERE id = ? AND modify_token = ? AND owner_id IS NULL" params = []interface{}{userID, p.ID, p.Token} } qRes, err = db.AttemptClaim(&p, query, params, slugIdx) if err != nil { r.Code = http.StatusInternalServerError r.ErrorMessage = "An unknown error occurred." r.ID = p.ID res = append(res, r) log.Error("claimPosts (post %s): %v", p.ID, err) continue } // Get full post information to return var fullPost *PublicPost if p.Token != "" { fullPost, err = db.GetEditablePost(p.ID, p.Token) } else { fullPost, err = db.GetPost(p.ID, 0) } if err != nil { if err, ok := err.(impart.HTTPError); ok { r.Code = err.Status r.ErrorMessage = err.Message r.ID = p.ID res = append(res, r) continue } } if fullPost.OwnerID.Int64 != userID { r.Code = http.StatusConflict r.ErrorMessage = "Post is already owned by someone else." r.ID = p.ID res = append(res, r) continue } // Post was successfully claimed r.Code = http.StatusOK r.Post = fullPost if coll != nil { r.Post.Collection = &CollectionObj{Collection: *coll} } rowsAffected, _ := qRes.RowsAffected() if rowsAffected == 0 { // This was already claimed, but return 200 r.Code = http.StatusOK } res = append(res, r) } return &res, nil } func (db *datastore) UpdatePostPinState(pinned bool, postID string, collID, ownerID, pos int64) error { if pos <= 0 || pos > 20 { pos = db.GetLastPinnedPostPos(collID) + 1 if pos == -1 { pos = 1 } } var err error if pinned { _, err = db.Exec("UPDATE posts SET pinned_position = ? WHERE id = ?", pos, postID) } else { _, err = db.Exec("UPDATE posts SET pinned_position = NULL WHERE id = ?", postID) } if err != nil { log.Error("Unable to update pinned post: %v", err) return err } return nil } func (db *datastore) GetLastPinnedPostPos(collID int64) int64 { var lastPos sql.NullInt64 err := db.QueryRow("SELECT MAX(pinned_position) FROM posts WHERE collection_id = ? AND pinned_position IS NOT NULL", collID).Scan(&lastPos) switch { case err == sql.ErrNoRows: return -1 case err != nil: log.Error("Failed selecting from posts: %v", err) return -1 } if !lastPos.Valid { return -1 } return lastPos.Int64 } func (db *datastore) GetPinnedPosts(coll *CollectionObj, includeFuture bool) (*[]PublicPost, error) { // FIXME: sqlite-backed instances don't include ellipsis on truncated titles timeCondition := "" if !includeFuture { timeCondition = "AND created <= " + db.now() } rows, err := db.Query("SELECT id, slug, title, "+db.clip("content", 80)+", pinned_position FROM posts WHERE collection_id = ? AND pinned_position IS NOT NULL "+timeCondition+" ORDER BY pinned_position ASC", coll.ID) if err != nil { log.Error("Failed selecting pinned posts: %v", err) return nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Couldn't retrieve pinned posts."} } defer rows.Close() posts := []PublicPost{} for rows.Next() { p := &Post{} err = rows.Scan(&p.ID, &p.Slug, &p.Title, &p.Content, &p.PinnedPosition) if err != nil { log.Error("Failed scanning row: %v", err) break } p.extractData() pp := p.processPost() pp.Collection = coll posts = append(posts, pp) } return &posts, nil } func (db *datastore) GetCollections(u *User, hostName string) (*[]Collection, error) { rows, err := db.Query("SELECT id, alias, title, description, privacy, view_count FROM collections WHERE owner_id = ? ORDER BY id ASC", u.ID) if err != nil { log.Error("Failed selecting from collections: %v", err) return nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Couldn't retrieve user collections."} } defer rows.Close() colls := []Collection{} for rows.Next() { c := Collection{} err = rows.Scan(&c.ID, &c.Alias, &c.Title, &c.Description, &c.Visibility, &c.Views) if err != nil { log.Error("Failed scanning row: %v", err) break } c.hostName = hostName c.URL = c.CanonicalURL() c.Public = c.IsPublic() colls = append(colls, c) } err = rows.Err() if err != nil { log.Error("Error after Next() on rows: %v", err) } return &colls, nil } func (db *datastore) GetPublishableCollections(u *User, hostName string) (*[]Collection, error) { c, err := db.GetCollections(u, hostName) if err != nil { return nil, err } if len(*c) == 0 { return nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "You don't seem to have any blogs; they might've moved to another account. Try logging out and logging into your other account."} } return c, nil } func (db *datastore) GetMeStats(u *User) userMeStats { s := userMeStats{} // User counts colls, _ := db.GetUserCollectionCount(u.ID) s.TotalCollections = colls var articles, collPosts uint64 err := db.QueryRow("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM posts WHERE owner_id = ? AND collection_id IS NULL", u.ID).Scan(&articles) if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows { log.Error("Couldn't get articles count for user %d: %v", u.ID, err) } s.TotalArticles = articles err = db.QueryRow("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM posts WHERE owner_id = ? AND collection_id IS NOT NULL", u.ID).Scan(&collPosts) if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows { log.Error("Couldn't get coll posts count for user %d: %v", u.ID, err) } s.CollectionPosts = collPosts return s } func (db *datastore) GetTotalCollections() (collCount int64, err error) { err = db.QueryRow(` SELECT COUNT(*) FROM collections c LEFT JOIN users u ON u.id = c.owner_id WHERE u.status = 0`).Scan(&collCount) if err != nil { log.Error("Unable to fetch collections count: %v", err) } return } func (db *datastore) GetTotalPosts() (postCount int64, err error) { err = db.QueryRow(` SELECT COUNT(*) FROM posts p LEFT JOIN users u ON u.id = p.owner_id WHERE u.status = 0`).Scan(&postCount) if err != nil { log.Error("Unable to fetch posts count: %v", err) } return } func (db *datastore) GetTopPosts(u *User, alias string) (*[]PublicPost, error) { params := []interface{}{u.ID} where := "" if alias != "" { where = " AND alias = ?" params = append(params, alias) } rows, err := db.Query("SELECT p.id, p.slug, p.view_count, p.title, c.alias, c.title, c.description, c.view_count FROM posts p LEFT JOIN collections c ON p.collection_id = c.id WHERE p.owner_id = ?"+where+" ORDER BY p.view_count DESC, created DESC LIMIT 25", params...) if err != nil { log.Error("Failed selecting from posts: %v", err) return nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Couldn't retrieve user top posts."} } defer rows.Close() posts := []PublicPost{} var gotErr bool for rows.Next() { p := Post{} c := Collection{} var alias, title, description sql.NullString var views sql.NullInt64 err = rows.Scan(&p.ID, &p.Slug, &p.ViewCount, &p.Title, &alias, &title, &description, &views) if err != nil { log.Error("Failed scanning User.getPosts() row: %v", err) gotErr = true break } p.extractData() pubPost := p.processPost() if alias.Valid && alias.String != "" { c.Alias = alias.String c.Title = title.String c.Description = description.String c.Views = views.Int64 pubPost.Collection = &CollectionObj{Collection: c} } posts = append(posts, pubPost) } err = rows.Err() if err != nil { log.Error("Error after Next() on rows: %v", err) } if gotErr && len(posts) == 0 { // There were a lot of errors return nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Unable to get data."} } return &posts, nil } func (db *datastore) GetAnonymousPosts(u *User) (*[]PublicPost, error) { rows, err := db.Query("SELECT id, view_count, title, created, updated, content FROM posts WHERE owner_id = ? AND collection_id IS NULL ORDER BY created DESC", u.ID) if err != nil { log.Error("Failed selecting from posts: %v", err) return nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Couldn't retrieve user anonymous posts."} } defer rows.Close() posts := []PublicPost{} for rows.Next() { p := Post{} err = rows.Scan(&p.ID, &p.ViewCount, &p.Title, &p.Created, &p.Updated, &p.Content) if err != nil { log.Error("Failed scanning row: %v", err) break } p.extractData() posts = append(posts, p.processPost()) } err = rows.Err() if err != nil { log.Error("Error after Next() on rows: %v", err) } return &posts, nil } func (db *datastore) GetUserPosts(u *User) (*[]PublicPost, error) { rows, err := db.Query("SELECT p.id, p.slug, p.view_count, p.title, p.created, p.updated, p.content, p.text_appearance, p.language, p.rtl, c.alias, c.title, c.description, c.view_count FROM posts p LEFT JOIN collections c ON collection_id = c.id WHERE p.owner_id = ? ORDER BY created ASC", u.ID) if err != nil { log.Error("Failed selecting from posts: %v", err) return nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Couldn't retrieve user posts."} } defer rows.Close() posts := []PublicPost{} var gotErr bool for rows.Next() { p := Post{} c := Collection{} var alias, title, description sql.NullString var views sql.NullInt64 err = rows.Scan(&p.ID, &p.Slug, &p.ViewCount, &p.Title, &p.Created, &p.Updated, &p.Content, &p.Font, &p.Language, &p.RTL, &alias, &title, &description, &views) if err != nil { log.Error("Failed scanning User.getPosts() row: %v", err) gotErr = true break } p.extractData() pubPost := p.processPost() if alias.Valid && alias.String != "" { c.Alias = alias.String c.Title = title.String c.Description = description.String c.Views = views.Int64 pubPost.Collection = &CollectionObj{Collection: c} } posts = append(posts, pubPost) } err = rows.Err() if err != nil { log.Error("Error after Next() on rows: %v", err) } if gotErr && len(posts) == 0 { // There were a lot of errors return nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Unable to get data."} } return &posts, nil } func (db *datastore) GetUserPostsCount(userID int64) int64 { var count int64 err := db.QueryRow("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM posts WHERE owner_id = ?", userID).Scan(&count) switch { case err == sql.ErrNoRows: return 0 case err != nil: log.Error("Failed selecting posts count for user %d: %v", userID, err) return 0 } return count } // ChangeSettings takes a User and applies the changes in the given // userSettings, MODIFYING THE USER with successful changes. func (db *datastore) ChangeSettings(app *App, u *User, s *userSettings) error { var errPass error q := query.NewUpdate() // Update email if given if s.Email != "" { encEmail, err := data.Encrypt(app.keys.EmailKey, s.Email) if err != nil { log.Error("Couldn't encrypt email %s: %s\n", s.Email, err) return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Unable to encrypt email address."} } q.SetBytes(encEmail, "email") // Update the email if something goes awry updating the password defer func() { if errPass != nil { db.UpdateEncryptedUserEmail(u.ID, encEmail) } }() u.Email = zero.StringFrom(s.Email) } // Update username if given var newUsername string if s.Username != "" { var ie *impart.HTTPError newUsername, ie = getValidUsername(app, s.Username, u.Username) if ie != nil { // Username is invalid return *ie } if !author.IsValidUsername(app.cfg, newUsername) { // Ensure the username is syntactically correct. return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusPreconditionFailed, "Username isn't valid."} } t, err := db.Begin() if err != nil { log.Error("Couldn't start username change transaction: %v", err) return err } _, err = t.Exec("UPDATE users SET username = ? WHERE id = ?", newUsername, u.ID) if err != nil { t.Rollback() if db.isDuplicateKeyErr(err) { return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusConflict, "Username is already taken."} } log.Error("Unable to update users table: %v", err) return ErrInternalGeneral } _, err = t.Exec("UPDATE collections SET alias = ? WHERE alias = ? AND owner_id = ?", newUsername, u.Username, u.ID) if err != nil { t.Rollback() if db.isDuplicateKeyErr(err) { return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusConflict, "Username is already taken."} } log.Error("Unable to update collection: %v", err) return ErrInternalGeneral } // Keep track of name changes for redirection db.RemoveCollectionRedirect(t, newUsername) _, err = t.Exec("UPDATE collectionredirects SET new_alias = ? WHERE new_alias = ?", newUsername, u.Username) if err != nil { log.Error("Unable to update collectionredirects: %v", err) } _, err = t.Exec("INSERT INTO collectionredirects (prev_alias, new_alias) VALUES (?, ?)", u.Username, newUsername) if err != nil { log.Error("Unable to add new collectionredirect: %v", err) } err = t.Commit() if err != nil { t.Rollback() log.Error("Rolling back after Commit(): %v\n", err) return err } u.Username = newUsername } // Update passphrase if given if s.NewPass != "" { // Check if user has already set a password var err error u.HasPass, err = db.IsUserPassSet(u.ID) if err != nil { errPass = impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Unable to retrieve user data."} return errPass } if u.HasPass { // Check if currently-set password is correct hashedPass := u.HashedPass if len(hashedPass) == 0 { authUser, err := db.GetUserForAuthByID(u.ID) if err != nil { errPass = err return errPass } hashedPass = authUser.HashedPass } if !auth.Authenticated(hashedPass, []byte(s.OldPass)) { errPass = impart.HTTPError{http.StatusUnauthorized, "Incorrect password."} return errPass } } hashedPass, err := auth.HashPass([]byte(s.NewPass)) if err != nil { errPass = impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Could not create password hash."} return errPass } q.SetBytes(hashedPass, "password") } // WHERE values q.Append(u.ID) if q.Updates == "" { if s.Username == "" { return ErrPostNoUpdatableVals } // Nothing to update except username. That was successful, so return now. return nil } res, err := db.Exec("UPDATE users SET "+q.Updates+" WHERE id = ?", q.Params...) if err != nil { log.Error("Unable to update collection: %v", err) return err } rowsAffected, _ := res.RowsAffected() if rowsAffected == 0 { // Show the correct error message if nothing was updated var dummy int err := db.QueryRow("SELECT 1 FROM users WHERE id = ?", u.ID).Scan(&dummy) switch { case err == sql.ErrNoRows: return ErrUnauthorizedGeneral case err != nil: log.Error("Failed selecting from users: %v", err) } return nil } if s.NewPass != "" && !u.HasPass { u.HasPass = true } return nil } func (db *datastore) ChangePassphrase(userID int64, sudo bool, curPass string, hashedPass []byte) error { var dbPass []byte err := db.QueryRow("SELECT password FROM users WHERE id = ?", userID).Scan(&dbPass) switch { case err == sql.ErrNoRows: return ErrUserNotFound case err != nil: log.Error("Couldn't SELECT user password for change: %v", err) return err } if !sudo && !auth.Authenticated(dbPass, []byte(curPass)) { return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusUnauthorized, "Incorrect password."} } _, err = db.Exec("UPDATE users SET password = ? WHERE id = ?", hashedPass, userID) if err != nil { log.Error("Could not update passphrase: %v", err) return err } return nil } func (db *datastore) RemoveCollectionRedirect(t *sql.Tx, alias string) error { _, err := t.Exec("DELETE FROM collectionredirects WHERE prev_alias = ?", alias) if err != nil { log.Error("Unable to delete from collectionredirects: %v", err) return err } return nil } func (db *datastore) GetCollectionRedirect(alias string) (new string) { row := db.QueryRow("SELECT new_alias FROM collectionredirects WHERE prev_alias = ?", alias) err := row.Scan(&new) if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows { log.Error("Failed selecting from collectionredirects: %v", err) } return } func (db *datastore) DeleteCollection(alias string, userID int64) error { c := &Collection{Alias: alias} var username string row := db.QueryRow("SELECT username FROM users WHERE id = ?", userID) err := row.Scan(&username) if err != nil { return err } // Ensure user isn't deleting their main blog if alias == username { return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusForbidden, "You cannot currently delete your primary blog."} } row = db.QueryRow("SELECT id FROM collections WHERE alias = ? AND owner_id = ?", alias, userID) err = row.Scan(&c.ID) switch { case err == sql.ErrNoRows: return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusNotFound, "Collection doesn't exist or you're not allowed to delete it."} case err != nil: log.Error("Failed selecting from collections: %v", err) return ErrInternalGeneral } t, err := db.Begin() if err != nil { return err } // Float all collection's posts _, err = t.Exec("UPDATE posts SET collection_id = NULL WHERE collection_id = ? AND owner_id = ?", c.ID, userID) if err != nil { t.Rollback() return err } // Remove redirects to or from this collection _, err = t.Exec("DELETE FROM collectionredirects WHERE prev_alias = ? OR new_alias = ?", alias, alias) if err != nil { t.Rollback() return err } // Remove any optional collection password _, err = t.Exec("DELETE FROM collectionpasswords WHERE collection_id = ?", c.ID) if err != nil { t.Rollback() return err } // Finally, delete collection itself _, err = t.Exec("DELETE FROM collections WHERE id = ?", c.ID) if err != nil { t.Rollback() return err } err = t.Commit() if err != nil { t.Rollback() return err } return nil } func (db *datastore) IsCollectionAttributeOn(id int64, attr string) bool { var v string err := db.QueryRow("SELECT value FROM collectionattributes WHERE collection_id = ? AND attribute = ?", id, attr).Scan(&v) switch { case err == sql.ErrNoRows: return false case err != nil: log.Error("Couldn't SELECT value in isCollectionAttributeOn for attribute '%s': %v", attr, err) return false } return v == "1" } func (db *datastore) CollectionHasAttribute(id int64, attr string) bool { var dummy string err := db.QueryRow("SELECT value FROM collectionattributes WHERE collection_id = ? AND attribute = ?", id, attr).Scan(&dummy) switch { case err == sql.ErrNoRows: return false case err != nil: log.Error("Couldn't SELECT value in collectionHasAttribute for attribute '%s': %v", attr, err) return false } return true } // DeleteAccount will delete the entire account for userID func (db *datastore) DeleteAccount(userID int64) error { // Get all collections rows, err := db.Query("SELECT id, alias FROM collections WHERE owner_id = ?", userID) if err != nil { log.Error("Unable to get collections: %v", err) return err } defer rows.Close() colls := []Collection{} var c Collection for rows.Next() { err = rows.Scan(&c.ID, &c.Alias) if err != nil { log.Error("Unable to scan collection cols: %v", err) return err } colls = append(colls, c) } // Start transaction t, err := db.Begin() if err != nil { log.Error("Unable to begin: %v", err) return err } // Clean up all collection related information var res sql.Result for _, c := range colls { // Delete tokens res, err = t.Exec("DELETE FROM collectionattributes WHERE collection_id = ?", c.ID) if err != nil { t.Rollback() log.Error("Unable to delete attributes on %s: %v", c.Alias, err) return err } rs, _ := res.RowsAffected() log.Info("Deleted %d for %s from collectionattributes", rs, c.Alias) // Remove any optional collection password res, err = t.Exec("DELETE FROM collectionpasswords WHERE collection_id = ?", c.ID) if err != nil { t.Rollback() log.Error("Unable to delete passwords on %s: %v", c.Alias, err) return err } rs, _ = res.RowsAffected() log.Info("Deleted %d for %s from collectionpasswords", rs, c.Alias) // Remove redirects to this collection res, err = t.Exec("DELETE FROM collectionredirects WHERE new_alias = ?", c.Alias) if err != nil { t.Rollback() log.Error("Unable to delete redirects on %s: %v", c.Alias, err) return err } rs, _ = res.RowsAffected() log.Info("Deleted %d for %s from collectionredirects", rs, c.Alias) // Remove any collection keys res, err = t.Exec("DELETE FROM collectionkeys WHERE collection_id = ?", c.ID) if err != nil { t.Rollback() log.Error("Unable to delete keys on %s: %v", c.Alias, err) return err } rs, _ = res.RowsAffected() log.Info("Deleted %d for %s from collectionkeys", rs, c.Alias) // TODO: federate delete collection // Remove remote follows res, err = t.Exec("DELETE FROM remotefollows WHERE collection_id = ?", c.ID) if err != nil { t.Rollback() log.Error("Unable to delete remote follows on %s: %v", c.Alias, err) return err } rs, _ = res.RowsAffected() log.Info("Deleted %d for %s from remotefollows", rs, c.Alias) } // Delete collections res, err = t.Exec("DELETE FROM collections WHERE owner_id = ?", userID) if err != nil { t.Rollback() log.Error("Unable to delete collections: %v", err) return err } rs, _ := res.RowsAffected() log.Info("Deleted %d from collections", rs) // Delete tokens res, err = t.Exec("DELETE FROM accesstokens WHERE user_id = ?", userID) if err != nil { t.Rollback() log.Error("Unable to delete access tokens: %v", err) return err } rs, _ = res.RowsAffected() log.Info("Deleted %d from accesstokens", rs) // Delete user attributes res, err = t.Exec("DELETE FROM oauth_users WHERE user_id = ?", userID) if err != nil { t.Rollback() log.Error("Unable to delete oauth_users: %v", err) return err } rs, _ = res.RowsAffected() log.Info("Deleted %d from oauth_users", rs) // Delete posts // TODO: should maybe get each row so we can federate a delete // if so needs to be outside of transaction like collections res, err = t.Exec("DELETE FROM posts WHERE owner_id = ?", userID) if err != nil { t.Rollback() log.Error("Unable to delete posts: %v", err) return err } rs, _ = res.RowsAffected() log.Info("Deleted %d from posts", rs) // Delete user attributes res, err = t.Exec("DELETE FROM userattributes WHERE user_id = ?", userID) if err != nil { t.Rollback() log.Error("Unable to delete attributes: %v", err) return err } rs, _ = res.RowsAffected() log.Info("Deleted %d from userattributes", rs) // Delete user invites res, err = t.Exec("DELETE FROM userinvites WHERE owner_id = ?", userID) if err != nil { t.Rollback() log.Error("Unable to delete invites: %v", err) return err } rs, _ = res.RowsAffected() log.Info("Deleted %d from userinvites", rs) // Delete the user res, err = t.Exec("DELETE FROM users WHERE id = ?", userID) if err != nil { t.Rollback() log.Error("Unable to delete user: %v", err) return err } rs, _ = res.RowsAffected() log.Info("Deleted %d from users", rs) // Commit all changes to the database err = t.Commit() if err != nil { t.Rollback() log.Error("Unable to commit: %v", err) return err } // TODO: federate delete actor return nil } func (db *datastore) GetAPActorKeys(collectionID int64) ([]byte, []byte) { var pub, priv []byte err := db.QueryRow("SELECT public_key, private_key FROM collectionkeys WHERE collection_id = ?", collectionID).Scan(&pub, &priv) switch { case err == sql.ErrNoRows: // Generate keys pub, priv = activitypub.GenerateKeys() _, err = db.Exec("INSERT INTO collectionkeys (collection_id, public_key, private_key) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", collectionID, pub, priv) if err != nil { log.Error("Unable to INSERT new activitypub keypair: %v", err) return nil, nil } case err != nil: log.Error("Couldn't SELECT collectionkeys: %v", err) return nil, nil } return pub, priv } func (db *datastore) CreateUserInvite(id string, userID int64, maxUses int, expires *time.Time) error { _, err := db.Exec("INSERT INTO userinvites (id, owner_id, max_uses, created, expires, inactive) VALUES (?, ?, ?, "+db.now()+", ?, 0)", id, userID, maxUses, expires) return err } func (db *datastore) GetUserInvites(userID int64) (*[]Invite, error) { rows, err := db.Query("SELECT id, max_uses, created, expires, inactive FROM userinvites WHERE owner_id = ? ORDER BY created DESC", userID) if err != nil { log.Error("Failed selecting from userinvites: %v", err) return nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Couldn't retrieve user invites."} } defer rows.Close() is := []Invite{} for rows.Next() { i := Invite{} err = rows.Scan(&i.ID, &i.MaxUses, &i.Created, &i.Expires, &i.Inactive) is = append(is, i) } return &is, nil } func (db *datastore) GetUserInvite(id string) (*Invite, error) { var i Invite err := db.QueryRow("SELECT id, max_uses, created, expires, inactive FROM userinvites WHERE id = ?", id).Scan(&i.ID, &i.MaxUses, &i.Created, &i.Expires, &i.Inactive) switch { case err == sql.ErrNoRows, db.isIgnorableError(err): return nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusNotFound, "Invite doesn't exist."} case err != nil: log.Error("Failed selecting invite: %v", err) return nil, err } return &i, nil } // IsUsersInvite returns true if the user with ID created the invite with code // and an error other than sql no rows, if any. Will return false in the event // of an error. func (db *datastore) IsUsersInvite(code string, userID int64) (bool, error) { var id string err := db.QueryRow("SELECT id FROM userinvites WHERE id = ? AND owner_id = ?", code, userID).Scan(&id) if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows { log.Error("Failed selecting invite: %v", err) return false, err } return id != "", nil } func (db *datastore) GetUsersInvitedCount(id string) int64 { var count int64 err := db.QueryRow("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM usersinvited WHERE invite_id = ?", id).Scan(&count) switch { case err == sql.ErrNoRows: return 0 case err != nil: log.Error("Failed selecting users invited count: %v", err) return 0 } return count } func (db *datastore) CreateInvitedUser(inviteID string, userID int64) error { _, err := db.Exec("INSERT INTO usersinvited (invite_id, user_id) VALUES (?, ?)", inviteID, userID) return err } func (db *datastore) GetInstancePages() ([]*instanceContent, error) { return db.GetAllDynamicContent("page") } func (db *datastore) GetAllDynamicContent(t string) ([]*instanceContent, error) { where := "" params := []interface{}{} if t != "" { where = " WHERE content_type = ?" params = append(params, t) } rows, err := db.Query("SELECT id, title, content, updated, content_type FROM appcontent"+where, params...) if err != nil { log.Error("Failed selecting from appcontent: %v", err) return nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Couldn't retrieve instance pages."} } defer rows.Close() pages := []*instanceContent{} for rows.Next() { c := &instanceContent{} err = rows.Scan(&c.ID, &c.Title, &c.Content, &c.Updated, &c.Type) if err != nil { log.Error("Failed scanning row: %v", err) break } pages = append(pages, c) } err = rows.Err() if err != nil { log.Error("Error after Next() on rows: %v", err) } return pages, nil } func (db *datastore) GetDynamicContent(id string) (*instanceContent, error) { c := &instanceContent{ ID: id, } err := db.QueryRow("SELECT title, content, updated, content_type FROM appcontent WHERE id = ?", id).Scan(&c.Title, &c.Content, &c.Updated, &c.Type) switch { case err == sql.ErrNoRows: return nil, nil case err != nil: log.Error("Couldn't SELECT FROM appcontent for id '%s': %v", id, err) return nil, err } return c, nil } func (db *datastore) UpdateDynamicContent(id, title, content, contentType string) error { var err error if db.driverName == driverSQLite { _, err = db.Exec("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO appcontent (id, title, content, updated, content_type) VALUES (?, ?, ?, "+db.now()+", ?)", id, title, content, contentType) } else { _, err = db.Exec("INSERT INTO appcontent (id, title, content, updated, content_type) VALUES (?, ?, ?, "+db.now()+", ?) "+db.upsert("id")+" title = ?, content = ?, updated = "+db.now(), id, title, content, contentType, title, content) } if err != nil { log.Error("Unable to INSERT appcontent for '%s': %v", id, err) } return err } func (db *datastore) GetAllUsers(page uint) (*[]User, error) { limitStr := fmt.Sprintf("0, %d", adminUsersPerPage) if page > 1 { limitStr = fmt.Sprintf("%d, %d", (page-1)*adminUsersPerPage, adminUsersPerPage) } rows, err := db.Query("SELECT id, username, created, status FROM users ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT " + limitStr) if err != nil { log.Error("Failed selecting from users: %v", err) return nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Couldn't retrieve all users."} } defer rows.Close() users := []User{} for rows.Next() { u := User{} err = rows.Scan(&u.ID, &u.Username, &u.Created, &u.Status) if err != nil { log.Error("Failed scanning GetAllUsers() row: %v", err) break } users = append(users, u) } return &users, nil } func (db *datastore) GetAllUsersCount() int64 { var count int64 err := db.QueryRow("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users").Scan(&count) switch { case err == sql.ErrNoRows: return 0 case err != nil: log.Error("Failed selecting all users count: %v", err) return 0 } return count } func (db *datastore) GetUserLastPostTime(id int64) (*time.Time, error) { var t time.Time err := db.QueryRow("SELECT created FROM posts WHERE owner_id = ? ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT 1", id).Scan(&t) switch { case err == sql.ErrNoRows: return nil, nil case err != nil: log.Error("Failed selecting last post time from posts: %v", err) return nil, err } return &t, nil } // SetUserStatus changes a user's status in the database. see Users.UserStatus func (db *datastore) SetUserStatus(id int64, status UserStatus) error { _, err := db.Exec("UPDATE users SET status = ? WHERE id = ?", status, id) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to update user status: %v", err) } return nil } func (db *datastore) GetCollectionLastPostTime(id int64) (*time.Time, error) { var t time.Time err := db.QueryRow("SELECT created FROM posts WHERE collection_id = ? ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT 1", id).Scan(&t) switch { case err == sql.ErrNoRows: return nil, nil case err != nil: log.Error("Failed selecting last post time from posts: %v", err) return nil, err } return &t, nil } -func (db *datastore) GenerateOAuthState(ctx context.Context, provider, clientID string) (string, error) { +func (db *datastore) GenerateOAuthState(ctx context.Context, provider string, clientID string, attachUser int64) (string, error) { state := store.Generate62RandomString(24) - _, err := db.ExecContext(ctx, "INSERT INTO oauth_client_states (state, provider, client_id, used, created_at) VALUES (?, ?, ?, FALSE, "+db.now()+")", state, provider, clientID) + attachUserVal := sql.NullInt64{Valid: attachUser > 0, Int64: attachUser} + _, err := db.ExecContext(ctx, "INSERT INTO oauth_client_states (state, provider, client_id, used, created_at, attach_user_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, FALSE, "+db.now()+", ?)", state, provider, clientID, attachUserVal) if err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("unable to record oauth client state: %w", err) } return state, nil } -func (db *datastore) ValidateOAuthState(ctx context.Context, state string) (string, string, error) { +func (db *datastore) ValidateOAuthState(ctx context.Context, state string) (string, string, int64, error) { var provider string var clientID string + var attachUserID sql.NullInt64 err := wf_db.RunTransactionWithOptions(ctx, db.DB, &sql.TxOptions{}, func(ctx context.Context, tx *sql.Tx) error { - err := tx.QueryRow("SELECT provider, client_id FROM oauth_client_states WHERE state = ? AND used = FALSE", state).Scan(&provider, &clientID) + err := tx. + QueryRowContext(ctx, "SELECT provider, client_id, attach_user_id FROM oauth_client_states WHERE state = ? AND used = FALSE", state). + Scan(&provider, &clientID, &attachUserID) if err != nil { return err } res, err := tx.ExecContext(ctx, "UPDATE oauth_client_states SET used = TRUE WHERE state = ?", state) if err != nil { return err } rowsAffected, err := res.RowsAffected() if err != nil { return err } if rowsAffected != 1 { return fmt.Errorf("state not found") } return nil }) if err != nil { - return "", "", nil + return "", "", 0, nil } - return provider, clientID, nil + return provider, clientID, attachUserID.Int64, nil } func (db *datastore) RecordRemoteUserID(ctx context.Context, localUserID int64, remoteUserID, provider, clientID, accessToken string) error { var err error if db.driverName == driverSQLite { _, err = db.ExecContext(ctx, "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO oauth_users (user_id, remote_user_id, provider, client_id, access_token) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", localUserID, remoteUserID, provider, clientID, accessToken) } else { _, err = db.ExecContext(ctx, "INSERT INTO oauth_users (user_id, remote_user_id, provider, client_id, access_token) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) "+db.upsert("user")+" access_token = ?", localUserID, remoteUserID, provider, clientID, accessToken, accessToken) } if err != nil { log.Error("Unable to INSERT oauth_users for '%d': %v", localUserID, err) } return err } // GetIDForRemoteUser returns a user ID associated with a remote user ID. func (db *datastore) GetIDForRemoteUser(ctx context.Context, remoteUserID, provider, clientID string) (int64, error) { var userID int64 = -1 err := db. QueryRowContext(ctx, "SELECT user_id FROM oauth_users WHERE remote_user_id = ? AND provider = ? AND client_id = ?", remoteUserID, provider, clientID). Scan(&userID) // Not finding a record is OK. if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows { return -1, err } return userID, nil } +type oauthAccountInfo struct { + Provider string + ClientID string + RemoteUserID string +} + +func (db *datastore) GetOauthAccounts(ctx context.Context, userID int64) ([]oauthAccountInfo, error) { + rows, err := db.QueryContext(ctx, "SELECT provider, client_id, remote_user_id FROM oauth_users WHERE user_id = ? ", userID) + if err != nil { + log.Error("Failed selecting from oauth_users: %v", err) + return nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Couldn't retrieve user oauth accounts."} + } + defer rows.Close() + + var records []oauthAccountInfo + for rows.Next() { + info := oauthAccountInfo{} + err = rows.Scan(&info.Provider, &info.ClientID, &info.RemoteUserID) + if err != nil { + log.Error("Failed scanning GetAllUsers() row: %v", err) + break + } + records = append(records, info) + } + return records, nil +} + // DatabaseInitialized returns whether or not the current datastore has been // initialized with the correct schema. // Currently, it checks to see if the `users` table exists. func (db *datastore) DatabaseInitialized() bool { var dummy string var err error if db.driverName == driverSQLite { err = db.QueryRow("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table' AND name = 'users'").Scan(&dummy) } else { err = db.QueryRow("SHOW TABLES LIKE 'users'").Scan(&dummy) } switch { case err == sql.ErrNoRows: return false case err != nil: log.Error("Couldn't SHOW TABLES: %v", err) return false } return true } +func (db *datastore) RemoveOauth(ctx context.Context, userID int64, provider string, clientID string, remoteUserID string) error { + _, err := db.ExecContext(ctx, `DELETE FROM oauth_users WHERE user_id = ? AND provider = ? AND client_id = ? AND remote_user_id = ?`, userID, provider, clientID, remoteUserID) + return err +} + func stringLogln(log *string, s string, v ...interface{}) { *log += fmt.Sprintf(s+"\n", v...) } func handleFailedPostInsert(err error) error { log.Error("Couldn't insert into posts: %v", err) return err } func (db *datastore) GetProfilePageFromHandle(app *App, handle string) (string, error) { actorIRI := "" remoteUser, err := getRemoteUserFromHandle(app, handle) if err != nil { // can't find using handle in the table but the table may already have this user without // handle from a previous version // TODO: Make this determination. We should know whether a user exists without a handle, or doesn't exist at all actorIRI = RemoteLookup(handle) _, errRemoteUser := getRemoteUser(app, actorIRI) // if it exists then we need to update the handle if errRemoteUser == nil { _, err := app.db.Exec("UPDATE remoteusers SET handle = ? WHERE actor_id = ?", handle, actorIRI) if err != nil { log.Error("Can't update handle (" + handle + ") in database for user " + actorIRI) } } else { // this probably means we don't have the user in the table so let's try to insert it // here we need to ask the server for the inboxes remoteActor, err := activityserve.NewRemoteActor(actorIRI) if err != nil { log.Error("Couldn't fetch remote actor", err) } if debugging { log.Info("%s %s %s %s", actorIRI, remoteActor.GetInbox(), remoteActor.GetSharedInbox(), handle) } _, err = app.db.Exec("INSERT INTO remoteusers (actor_id, inbox, shared_inbox, handle) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)", actorIRI, remoteActor.GetInbox(), remoteActor.GetSharedInbox(), handle) if err != nil { log.Error("Can't insert remote user in database", err) return "", err } } } else { actorIRI = remoteUser.ActorID } return actorIRI, nil } diff --git a/database_test.go b/database_test.go index c4c586a..569d020 100644 --- a/database_test.go +++ b/database_test.go @@ -1,50 +1,50 @@ package writefreely import ( "context" "database/sql" "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert" "testing" ) func TestOAuthDatastore(t *testing.T) { if !runMySQLTests() { t.Skip("skipping mysql tests") } withTestDB(t, func(db *sql.DB) { ctx := context.Background() ds := &datastore{ DB: db, driverName: "", } - state, err := ds.GenerateOAuthState(ctx, "test", "development") + state, err := ds.GenerateOAuthState(ctx, "test", "development", 0) assert.NoError(t, err) assert.Len(t, state, 24) countRows(t, ctx, db, 1, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `oauth_client_states` WHERE `state` = ? AND `used` = false", state) - _, _, err = ds.ValidateOAuthState(ctx, state) + _, _, _, err = ds.ValidateOAuthState(ctx, state) assert.NoError(t, err) countRows(t, ctx, db, 1, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `oauth_client_states` WHERE `state` = ? AND `used` = true", state) var localUserID int64 = 99 var remoteUserID = "100" err = ds.RecordRemoteUserID(ctx, localUserID, remoteUserID, "test", "test", "access_token_a") assert.NoError(t, err) countRows(t, ctx, db, 1, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `oauth_users` WHERE `user_id` = ? AND `remote_user_id` = ? AND access_token = 'access_token_a'", localUserID, remoteUserID) err = ds.RecordRemoteUserID(ctx, localUserID, remoteUserID, "test", "test", "access_token_b") assert.NoError(t, err) countRows(t, ctx, db, 1, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `oauth_users` WHERE `user_id` = ? AND `remote_user_id` = ? AND access_token = 'access_token_b'", localUserID, remoteUserID) countRows(t, ctx, db, 1, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `oauth_users`") foundUserID, err := ds.GetIDForRemoteUser(ctx, remoteUserID, "test", "test") assert.NoError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, localUserID, foundUserID) }) } diff --git a/go.mod b/go.mod index fe5b548..bb23137 100644 --- a/go.mod +++ b/go.mod @@ -1,63 +1,65 @@ module github.com/writeas/writefreely require ( github.com/alecthomas/gometalinter v3.0.0+incompatible // indirect github.com/alecthomas/units v0.0.0-20151022065526-2efee857e7cf // indirect github.com/captncraig/cors v0.0.0-20180620154129-376d45073b49 // indirect github.com/clbanning/mxj v1.8.4 // indirect github.com/dchest/uniuri v0.0.0-20160212164326-8902c56451e9 // indirect github.com/dustin/go-humanize v1.0.0 github.com/fatih/color v1.7.0 github.com/go-fed/httpsig v0.1.1-0.20190924171022-f4c36041199d // indirect github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql v1.4.1 github.com/go-test/deep v1.0.1 // indirect 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h1:WDnlLJ4WF5VGsH/HVa3CI79GS0ol3YnhVnKP89i0kNg= gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.2 h1:ZCJp+EgiOT7lHqUV2J862kp8Qj64Jo6az82+3Td9dZw= gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.2/go.mod h1:hI93XBmqTisBFMUTm0b8Fm+jr3Dg1NNxqwp+5A1VGuI= src.techknowlogick.com/xgo v0.0.0-20200129005940-d0fae26e014b h1:rPAdjgXks4ToezTjygsnKZroxKVnA1L35DSpsJXPtfc= src.techknowlogick.com/xgo v0.0.0-20200129005940-d0fae26e014b/go.mod h1:31CE1YKtDOrKTk9PSnjTpe6YbO6W/0LTYZ1VskL09oU= diff --git a/migrations/migrations.go b/migrations/migrations.go index 41f036f..a5eea2d 100644 --- a/migrations/migrations.go +++ b/migrations/migrations.go @@ -1,138 +1,139 @@ /* * Copyright © 2019 A Bunch Tell LLC. * * This file is part of WriteFreely. * * WriteFreely is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, included * in the LICENSE file in this source code package. */ // Package migrations contains database migrations for WriteFreely package migrations import ( "database/sql" "github.com/writeas/web-core/log" ) // TODO: refactor to use the datastore struct from writefreely pkg type datastore struct { *sql.DB driverName string } func NewDatastore(db *sql.DB, dn string) *datastore { return &datastore{db, dn} } // TODO: use these consts from writefreely pkg const ( driverMySQL = "mysql" driverSQLite = "sqlite3" ) type Migration interface { Description() string Migrate(db *datastore) error } type migration struct { description string migrate func(db *datastore) error } func New(d string, fn func(db *datastore) error) Migration { return &migration{d, fn} } func (m *migration) Description() string { return m.description } func (m *migration) Migrate(db *datastore) error { return m.migrate(db) } var migrations = []Migration{ New("support user invites", supportUserInvites), // -> V1 (v0.8.0) New("support dynamic instance pages", supportInstancePages), // V1 -> V2 (v0.9.0) New("support users suspension", supportUserStatus), // V2 -> V3 (v0.11.0) New("support oauth", oauth), // V3 -> V4 New("support slack oauth", oauthSlack), // V4 -> v5 New("support ActivityPub mentions", supportActivityPubMentions), // V5 -> V6 (v0.12.0) + New("support oauth attach", oauthAttach), // V6 -> V7 } // CurrentVer returns the current migration version the application is on func CurrentVer() int { return len(migrations) } func SetInitialMigrations(db *datastore) error { // Included schema files represent changes up to V1, so note that in the database _, err := db.Exec("INSERT INTO appmigrations (version, migrated, result) VALUES (?, "+db.now()+", ?)", 1, "") if err != nil { return err } return nil } func Migrate(db *datastore) error { var version int var err error if db.tableExists("appmigrations") { err = db.QueryRow("SELECT MAX(version) FROM appmigrations").Scan(&version) } else { log.Info("Initializing appmigrations table...") version = 0 _, err = db.Exec(`CREATE TABLE appmigrations ( version ` + db.typeInt() + ` NOT NULL, migrated ` + db.typeDateTime() + ` NOT NULL, result ` + db.typeText() + ` NOT NULL ) ` + db.engine() + `;`) if err != nil { return err } } if len(migrations[version:]) > 0 { for i, m := range migrations[version:] { curVer := version + i + 1 log.Info("Migrating to V%d: %s", curVer, m.Description()) err = m.Migrate(db) if err != nil { return err } // Update migrations table _, err = db.Exec("INSERT INTO appmigrations (version, migrated, result) VALUES (?, "+db.now()+", ?)", curVer, "") if err != nil { return err } } } else { log.Info("Database up-to-date. No migrations to run.") } return nil } func (db *datastore) tableExists(t string) bool { var dummy string var err error if db.driverName == driverSQLite { err = db.QueryRow("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table' AND name = ?", t).Scan(&dummy) } else { err = db.QueryRow("SHOW TABLES LIKE '" + t + "'").Scan(&dummy) } switch { case err == sql.ErrNoRows: return false case err != nil: log.Error("Couldn't SHOW TABLES: %v", err) return false } return true } diff --git a/migrations/v7.go b/migrations/v7.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3090cd9 --- /dev/null +++ b/migrations/v7.go @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +package migrations + +import ( + "context" + "database/sql" + + wf_db "github.com/writeas/writefreely/db" +) + +func oauthAttach(db *datastore) error { + dialect := wf_db.DialectMySQL + if db.driverName == driverSQLite { + dialect = wf_db.DialectSQLite + } + return wf_db.RunTransactionWithOptions(context.Background(), db.DB, &sql.TxOptions{}, func(ctx context.Context, tx *sql.Tx) error { + builders := []wf_db.SQLBuilder{ + dialect. + AlterTable("oauth_client_states"). + AddColumn(dialect. + Column( + "attach_user_id", + wf_db.ColumnTypeInteger, + wf_db.OptionalInt{Set: true, Value: 24}).SetNullable(true)), + } + for _, builder := range builders { + query, err := builder.ToSQL() + if err != nil { + return err + } + if _, err := tx.ExecContext(ctx, query); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + }) +} diff --git a/oauth.go b/oauth.go index 0aff0f3..9073f75 100644 --- a/oauth.go +++ b/oauth.go @@ -1,319 +1,349 @@ package writefreely import ( "context" "encoding/json" "fmt" - "github.com/gorilla/mux" - "github.com/gorilla/sessions" - "github.com/writeas/impart" - "github.com/writeas/web-core/log" - "github.com/writeas/writefreely/config" "io" "io/ioutil" "net/http" "net/url" "strings" "time" + + "github.com/gorilla/mux" + "github.com/gorilla/sessions" + "github.com/writeas/impart" + "github.com/writeas/web-core/log" + + "github.com/writeas/writefreely/config" ) // TokenResponse contains data returned when a token is created either // through a code exchange or using a refresh token. type TokenResponse struct { AccessToken string `json:"access_token"` ExpiresIn int `json:"expires_in"` RefreshToken string `json:"refresh_token"` TokenType string `json:"token_type"` Error string `json:"error"` } // InspectResponse contains data returned when an access token is inspected. type InspectResponse struct { ClientID string `json:"client_id"` UserID string `json:"user_id"` ExpiresAt time.Time `json:"expires_at"` Username string `json:"username"` DisplayName string `json:"-"` Email string `json:"email"` Error string `json:"error"` } // tokenRequestMaxLen is the most bytes that we'll read from the /oauth/token // endpoint. One megabyte is plenty. const tokenRequestMaxLen = 1000000 // infoRequestMaxLen is the most bytes that we'll read from the // /oauth/inspect endpoint. const infoRequestMaxLen = 1000000 // OAuthDatastoreProvider provides a minimal interface of data store, config, // and session store for use with the oauth handlers. type OAuthDatastoreProvider interface { DB() OAuthDatastore Config() *config.Config SessionStore() sessions.Store } // OAuthDatastore provides a minimal interface of data store methods used in // oauth functionality. type OAuthDatastore interface { GetIDForRemoteUser(context.Context, string, string, string) (int64, error) RecordRemoteUserID(context.Context, int64, string, string, string, string) error - ValidateOAuthState(context.Context, string) (string, string, error) - GenerateOAuthState(context.Context, string, string) (string, error) + ValidateOAuthState(context.Context, string) (string, string, int64, error) + GenerateOAuthState(context.Context, string, string, int64) (string, error) CreateUser(*config.Config, *User, string) error GetUserByID(int64) (*User, error) } type HttpClient interface { Do(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) } type oauthClient interface { GetProvider() string GetClientID() string GetCallbackLocation() string buildLoginURL(state string) (string, error) exchangeOauthCode(ctx context.Context, code string) (*TokenResponse, error) inspectOauthAccessToken(ctx context.Context, accessToken string) (*InspectResponse, error) } type callbackProxyClient struct { server string callbackLocation string httpClient HttpClient } type oauthHandler struct { Config *config.Config DB OAuthDatastore Store sessions.Store EmailKey []byte oauthClient oauthClient callbackProxy *callbackProxyClient } func (h oauthHandler) viewOauthInit(app *App, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error { ctx := r.Context() - state, err := h.DB.GenerateOAuthState(ctx, h.oauthClient.GetProvider(), h.oauthClient.GetClientID()) + + var attachUser int64 + if attach := r.URL.Query().Get("attach"); attach == "t" { + user, _ := getUserAndSession(app, r) + if user == nil { + return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "cannot attach auth to user: user not found in session"} + } + attachUser = user.ID + } + + state, err := h.DB.GenerateOAuthState(ctx, h.oauthClient.GetProvider(), h.oauthClient.GetClientID(), attachUser) if err != nil { + log.Error("viewOauthInit error: %s", err) return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "could not prepare oauth redirect url"} } if h.callbackProxy != nil { if err := h.callbackProxy.register(ctx, state); err != nil { + log.Error("viewOauthInit error: %s", err) return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "could not register state server"} } } location, err := h.oauthClient.buildLoginURL(state) if err != nil { + log.Error("viewOauthInit error: %s", err) return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "could not prepare oauth redirect url"} } return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusTemporaryRedirect, location} } func configureSlackOauth(parentHandler *Handler, r *mux.Router, app *App) { if app.Config().SlackOauth.ClientID != "" { callbackLocation := app.Config().App.Host + "/oauth/callback/slack" var stateRegisterClient *callbackProxyClient = nil if app.Config().SlackOauth.CallbackProxyAPI != "" { stateRegisterClient = &callbackProxyClient{ server: app.Config().SlackOauth.CallbackProxyAPI, callbackLocation: app.Config().App.Host + "/oauth/callback/slack", httpClient: config.DefaultHTTPClient(), } callbackLocation = app.Config().SlackOauth.CallbackProxy } oauthClient := slackOauthClient{ ClientID: app.Config().SlackOauth.ClientID, ClientSecret: app.Config().SlackOauth.ClientSecret, TeamID: app.Config().SlackOauth.TeamID, HttpClient: config.DefaultHTTPClient(), CallbackLocation: callbackLocation, } configureOauthRoutes(parentHandler, r, app, oauthClient, stateRegisterClient) } } func configureWriteAsOauth(parentHandler *Handler, r *mux.Router, app *App) { if app.Config().WriteAsOauth.ClientID != "" { callbackLocation := app.Config().App.Host + "/oauth/callback/write.as" var callbackProxy *callbackProxyClient = nil if app.Config().WriteAsOauth.CallbackProxy != "" { callbackProxy = &callbackProxyClient{ server: app.Config().WriteAsOauth.CallbackProxyAPI, callbackLocation: app.Config().App.Host + "/oauth/callback/write.as", httpClient: config.DefaultHTTPClient(), } callbackLocation = app.Config().WriteAsOauth.CallbackProxy } oauthClient := writeAsOauthClient{ ClientID: app.Config().WriteAsOauth.ClientID, ClientSecret: app.Config().WriteAsOauth.ClientSecret, ExchangeLocation: config.OrDefaultString(app.Config().WriteAsOauth.TokenLocation, writeAsExchangeLocation), InspectLocation: config.OrDefaultString(app.Config().WriteAsOauth.InspectLocation, writeAsIdentityLocation), AuthLocation: config.OrDefaultString(app.Config().WriteAsOauth.AuthLocation, writeAsAuthLocation), HttpClient: config.DefaultHTTPClient(), CallbackLocation: callbackLocation, } configureOauthRoutes(parentHandler, r, app, oauthClient, callbackProxy) } } func configureGitlabOauth(parentHandler *Handler, r *mux.Router, app *App) { if app.Config().GitlabOauth.ClientID != "" { callbackLocation := app.Config().App.Host + "/oauth/callback/gitlab" var callbackProxy *callbackProxyClient = nil if app.Config().GitlabOauth.CallbackProxy != "" { callbackProxy = &callbackProxyClient{ server: app.Config().GitlabOauth.CallbackProxyAPI, callbackLocation: app.Config().App.Host + "/oauth/callback/gitlab", httpClient: config.DefaultHTTPClient(), } callbackLocation = app.Config().GitlabOauth.CallbackProxy } address := config.OrDefaultString(app.Config().GitlabOauth.Host, gitlabHost) oauthClient := gitlabOauthClient{ ClientID: app.Config().GitlabOauth.ClientID, ClientSecret: app.Config().GitlabOauth.ClientSecret, ExchangeLocation: address + "/oauth/token", InspectLocation: address + "/api/v4/user", AuthLocation: address + "/oauth/authorize", HttpClient: config.DefaultHTTPClient(), CallbackLocation: callbackLocation, } configureOauthRoutes(parentHandler, r, app, oauthClient, callbackProxy) } } func configureOauthRoutes(parentHandler *Handler, r *mux.Router, app *App, oauthClient oauthClient, callbackProxy *callbackProxyClient) { handler := &oauthHandler{ Config: app.Config(), DB: app.DB(), Store: app.SessionStore(), oauthClient: oauthClient, EmailKey: app.keys.EmailKey, callbackProxy: callbackProxy, } r.HandleFunc("/oauth/"+oauthClient.GetProvider(), parentHandler.OAuth(handler.viewOauthInit)).Methods("GET") r.HandleFunc("/oauth/callback/"+oauthClient.GetProvider(), parentHandler.OAuth(handler.viewOauthCallback)).Methods("GET") r.HandleFunc("/oauth/signup", parentHandler.OAuth(handler.viewOauthSignup)).Methods("POST") } func (h oauthHandler) viewOauthCallback(app *App, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error { ctx := r.Context() code := r.FormValue("code") state := r.FormValue("state") - provider, clientID, err := h.DB.ValidateOAuthState(ctx, state) + provider, clientID, attachUserID, err := h.DB.ValidateOAuthState(ctx, state) if err != nil { log.Error("Unable to ValidateOAuthState: %s", err) return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, err.Error()} } tokenResponse, err := h.oauthClient.exchangeOauthCode(ctx, code) if err != nil { log.Error("Unable to exchangeOauthCode: %s", err) return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, err.Error()} } // Now that we have the access token, let's use it real quick to make sur // it really really works. tokenInfo, err := h.oauthClient.inspectOauthAccessToken(ctx, tokenResponse.AccessToken) if err != nil { log.Error("Unable to inspectOauthAccessToken: %s", err) return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, err.Error()} } localUserID, err := h.DB.GetIDForRemoteUser(ctx, tokenInfo.UserID, provider, clientID) if err != nil { log.Error("Unable to GetIDForRemoteUser: %s", err) return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, err.Error()} } + if localUserID != -1 && attachUserID > 0 { + if err = addSessionFlash(app, w, r, "This Slack account is already attached to another user.", nil); err != nil { + return impart.HTTPError{Status: http.StatusInternalServerError, Message: err.Error()} + } + return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusFound, "/me/settings"} + } + if localUserID != -1 { user, err := h.DB.GetUserByID(localUserID) if err != nil { log.Error("Unable to GetUserByID %d: %s", localUserID, err) return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, err.Error()} } if err = loginOrFail(h.Store, w, r, user); err != nil { log.Error("Unable to loginOrFail %d: %s", localUserID, err) return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, err.Error()} } return nil } + if attachUserID > 0 { + log.Info("attaching to user %d", attachUserID) + err = h.DB.RecordRemoteUserID(r.Context(), attachUserID, tokenInfo.UserID, provider, clientID, tokenResponse.AccessToken) + if err != nil { + return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, err.Error()} + } + return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusFound, "/me/settings"} + } displayName := tokenInfo.DisplayName if len(displayName) == 0 { displayName = tokenInfo.Username } tp := &oauthSignupPageParams{ AccessToken: tokenResponse.AccessToken, TokenUsername: tokenInfo.Username, TokenAlias: tokenInfo.DisplayName, TokenEmail: tokenInfo.Email, TokenRemoteUser: tokenInfo.UserID, Provider: provider, ClientID: clientID, } tp.TokenHash = tp.HashTokenParams(h.Config.Server.HashSeed) return h.showOauthSignupPage(app, w, r, tp, nil) } func (r *callbackProxyClient) register(ctx context.Context, state string) error { form := url.Values{} form.Add("state", state) form.Add("location", r.callbackLocation) req, err := http.NewRequestWithContext(ctx, "POST", r.server, strings.NewReader(form.Encode())) if err != nil { return err } req.Header.Set("User-Agent", "writefreely") req.Header.Set("Accept", "application/json") req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") resp, err := r.httpClient.Do(req) if err != nil { return err } if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusCreated { return fmt.Errorf("unable register state location: %d", resp.StatusCode) } return nil } func limitedJsonUnmarshal(body io.ReadCloser, n int, thing interface{}) error { lr := io.LimitReader(body, int64(n+1)) data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(lr) if err != nil { return err } if len(data) == n+1 { return fmt.Errorf("content larger than max read allowance: %d", n) } return json.Unmarshal(data, thing) } func loginOrFail(store sessions.Store, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user *User) error { // An error may be returned, but a valid session should always be returned. session, _ := store.Get(r, cookieName) session.Values[cookieUserVal] = user.Cookie() if err := session.Save(r, w); err != nil { fmt.Println("error saving session", err) return err } http.Redirect(w, r, "/", http.StatusTemporaryRedirect) return nil } diff --git a/oauth_test.go b/oauth_test.go index 2e293e7..c23eadd 100644 --- a/oauth_test.go +++ b/oauth_test.go @@ -1,253 +1,253 @@ package writefreely import ( "context" "fmt" "github.com/gorilla/sessions" "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert" "github.com/writeas/impart" "github.com/writeas/nerds/store" "github.com/writeas/writefreely/config" "net/http" "net/http/httptest" "net/url" "strings" "testing" ) type MockOAuthDatastoreProvider struct { DoDB func() OAuthDatastore DoConfig func() *config.Config DoSessionStore func() sessions.Store } type MockOAuthDatastore struct { - DoGenerateOAuthState func(context.Context, string, string) (string, error) - DoValidateOAuthState func(context.Context, string) (string, string, error) + DoGenerateOAuthState func(context.Context, string, string, int64) (string, error) + DoValidateOAuthState func(context.Context, string) (string, string, int64, error) DoGetIDForRemoteUser func(context.Context, string, string, string) (int64, error) DoCreateUser func(*config.Config, *User, string) error DoRecordRemoteUserID func(context.Context, int64, string, string, string, string) error DoGetUserByID func(int64) (*User, error) } var _ OAuthDatastore = &MockOAuthDatastore{} type StringReadCloser struct { *strings.Reader } func (src *StringReadCloser) Close() error { return nil } type MockHTTPClient struct { DoDo func(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) } func (m *MockHTTPClient) Do(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { if m.DoDo != nil { return m.DoDo(req) } return &http.Response{}, nil } func (m *MockOAuthDatastoreProvider) SessionStore() sessions.Store { if m.DoSessionStore != nil { return m.DoSessionStore() } return sessions.NewCookieStore([]byte("secret-key")) } func (m *MockOAuthDatastoreProvider) DB() OAuthDatastore { if m.DoDB != nil { return m.DoDB() } return &MockOAuthDatastore{} } func (m *MockOAuthDatastoreProvider) Config() *config.Config { if m.DoConfig != nil { return m.DoConfig() } cfg := config.New() cfg.UseSQLite(true) cfg.WriteAsOauth = config.WriteAsOauthCfg{ ClientID: "development", ClientSecret: "development", AuthLocation: "https://write.as/oauth/login", TokenLocation: "https://write.as/oauth/token", InspectLocation: "https://write.as/oauth/inspect", } cfg.SlackOauth = config.SlackOauthCfg{ ClientID: "development", ClientSecret: "development", TeamID: "development", } return cfg } -func (m *MockOAuthDatastore) ValidateOAuthState(ctx context.Context, state string) (string, string, error) { +func (m *MockOAuthDatastore) ValidateOAuthState(ctx context.Context, state string) (string, string, int64, error) { if m.DoValidateOAuthState != nil { return m.DoValidateOAuthState(ctx, state) } - return "", "", nil + return "", "", 0, nil } func (m *MockOAuthDatastore) GetIDForRemoteUser(ctx context.Context, remoteUserID, provider, clientID string) (int64, error) { if m.DoGetIDForRemoteUser != nil { return m.DoGetIDForRemoteUser(ctx, remoteUserID, provider, clientID) } return -1, nil } func (m *MockOAuthDatastore) CreateUser(cfg *config.Config, u *User, username string) error { if m.DoCreateUser != nil { return m.DoCreateUser(cfg, u, username) } u.ID = 1 return nil } func (m *MockOAuthDatastore) RecordRemoteUserID(ctx context.Context, localUserID int64, remoteUserID, provider, clientID, accessToken string) error { if m.DoRecordRemoteUserID != nil { return m.DoRecordRemoteUserID(ctx, localUserID, remoteUserID, provider, clientID, accessToken) } return nil } func (m *MockOAuthDatastore) GetUserByID(userID int64) (*User, error) { if m.DoGetUserByID != nil { return m.DoGetUserByID(userID) } user := &User{ } return user, nil } -func (m *MockOAuthDatastore) GenerateOAuthState(ctx context.Context, provider string, clientID string) (string, error) { +func (m *MockOAuthDatastore) GenerateOAuthState(ctx context.Context, provider string, clientID string, attachUserID int64) (string, error) { if m.DoGenerateOAuthState != nil { - return m.DoGenerateOAuthState(ctx, provider, clientID) + return m.DoGenerateOAuthState(ctx, provider, clientID, attachUserID) } return store.Generate62RandomString(14), nil } func TestViewOauthInit(t *testing.T) { t.Run("success", func(t *testing.T) { app := &MockOAuthDatastoreProvider{} h := oauthHandler{ Config: app.Config(), DB: app.DB(), Store: app.SessionStore(), EmailKey: []byte{0xd, 0xe, 0xc, 0xa, 0xf, 0xf, 0xb, 0xa, 0xd}, oauthClient: writeAsOauthClient{ ClientID: app.Config().WriteAsOauth.ClientID, ClientSecret: app.Config().WriteAsOauth.ClientSecret, ExchangeLocation: app.Config().WriteAsOauth.TokenLocation, InspectLocation: app.Config().WriteAsOauth.InspectLocation, AuthLocation: app.Config().WriteAsOauth.AuthLocation, CallbackLocation: "http://localhost/oauth/callback", HttpClient: nil, }, } req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "/oauth/client", nil) assert.NoError(t, err) rr := httptest.NewRecorder() err = h.viewOauthInit(nil, rr, req) assert.NotNil(t, err) httpErr, ok := err.(impart.HTTPError) assert.True(t, ok) assert.Equal(t, http.StatusTemporaryRedirect, httpErr.Status) assert.NotEmpty(t, httpErr.Message) locURI, err := url.Parse(httpErr.Message) assert.NoError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, "/oauth/login", locURI.Path) assert.Equal(t, "development", locURI.Query().Get("client_id")) assert.Equal(t, "http://localhost/oauth/callback", locURI.Query().Get("redirect_uri")) assert.Equal(t, "code", locURI.Query().Get("response_type")) assert.NotEmpty(t, locURI.Query().Get("state")) }) t.Run("state failure", func(t *testing.T) { app := &MockOAuthDatastoreProvider{ DoDB: func() OAuthDatastore { return &MockOAuthDatastore{ - DoGenerateOAuthState: func(ctx context.Context, provider, clientID string) (string, error) { + DoGenerateOAuthState: func(ctx context.Context, provider, clientID string, attachUserID int64) (string, error) { return "", fmt.Errorf("pretend unable to write state error") }, } }, } h := oauthHandler{ Config: app.Config(), DB: app.DB(), Store: app.SessionStore(), EmailKey: []byte{0xd, 0xe, 0xc, 0xa, 0xf, 0xf, 0xb, 0xa, 0xd}, oauthClient: writeAsOauthClient{ ClientID: app.Config().WriteAsOauth.ClientID, ClientSecret: app.Config().WriteAsOauth.ClientSecret, ExchangeLocation: app.Config().WriteAsOauth.TokenLocation, InspectLocation: app.Config().WriteAsOauth.InspectLocation, AuthLocation: app.Config().WriteAsOauth.AuthLocation, CallbackLocation: "http://localhost/oauth/callback", HttpClient: nil, }, } req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "/oauth/client", nil) assert.NoError(t, err) rr := httptest.NewRecorder() err = h.viewOauthInit(nil, rr, req) httpErr, ok := err.(impart.HTTPError) assert.True(t, ok) assert.NotEmpty(t, httpErr.Message) assert.Equal(t, http.StatusInternalServerError, httpErr.Status) assert.Equal(t, "could not prepare oauth redirect url", httpErr.Message) }) } func TestViewOauthCallback(t *testing.T) { t.Run("success", func(t *testing.T) { app := &MockOAuthDatastoreProvider{} h := oauthHandler{ Config: app.Config(), DB: app.DB(), Store: app.SessionStore(), EmailKey: []byte{0xd, 0xe, 0xc, 0xa, 0xf, 0xf, 0xb, 0xa, 0xd}, oauthClient: writeAsOauthClient{ ClientID: app.Config().WriteAsOauth.ClientID, ClientSecret: app.Config().WriteAsOauth.ClientSecret, ExchangeLocation: app.Config().WriteAsOauth.TokenLocation, InspectLocation: app.Config().WriteAsOauth.InspectLocation, AuthLocation: app.Config().WriteAsOauth.AuthLocation, CallbackLocation: "http://localhost/oauth/callback", HttpClient: &MockHTTPClient{ DoDo: func(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { switch req.URL.String() { case "https://write.as/oauth/token": return &http.Response{ StatusCode: 200, Body: &StringReadCloser{strings.NewReader(`{"access_token": "access_token", "expires_in": 1000, "refresh_token": "refresh_token", "token_type": "access"}`)}, }, nil case "https://write.as/oauth/inspect": return &http.Response{ StatusCode: 200, Body: &StringReadCloser{strings.NewReader(`{"client_id": "development", "user_id": "1", "expires_at": "2019-12-19T11:42:01Z", "username": "nick", "email": "nick@testing.write.as"}`)}, }, nil } return &http.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusNotFound, }, nil }, }, }, } req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "/oauth/callback", nil) assert.NoError(t, err) rr := httptest.NewRecorder() err = h.viewOauthCallback(nil, rr, req) assert.NoError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, http.StatusTemporaryRedirect, rr.Code) }) } diff --git a/routes.go b/routes.go index 20f0eca..b34bd3d 100644 --- a/routes.go +++ b/routes.go @@ -1,223 +1,224 @@ /* * Copyright © 2018-2019 A Bunch Tell LLC. * * This file is part of WriteFreely. * * WriteFreely is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, included * in the LICENSE file in this source code package. */ package writefreely import ( "net/http" "path/filepath" "strings" "github.com/gorilla/mux" "github.com/writeas/go-webfinger" "github.com/writeas/web-core/log" "github.com/writefreely/go-nodeinfo" ) // InitStaticRoutes adds routes for serving static files. // TODO: this should just be a func, not method func (app *App) InitStaticRoutes(r *mux.Router) { // Handle static files fs := http.FileServer(http.Dir(filepath.Join(app.cfg.Server.StaticParentDir, staticDir))) app.shttp = http.NewServeMux() app.shttp.Handle("/", fs) r.PathPrefix("/").Handler(fs) } // InitRoutes adds dynamic routes for the given mux.Router. func InitRoutes(apper Apper, r *mux.Router) *mux.Router { // Create handler handler := NewWFHandler(apper) // Set up routes hostSubroute := apper.App().cfg.App.Host[strings.Index(apper.App().cfg.App.Host, "://")+3:] if apper.App().cfg.App.SingleUser { hostSubroute = "{domain}" } else { if strings.HasPrefix(hostSubroute, "localhost") { hostSubroute = "localhost" } } if apper.App().cfg.App.SingleUser { log.Info("Adding %s routes (single user)...", hostSubroute) } else { log.Info("Adding %s routes (multi-user)...", hostSubroute) } // Primary app routes write := r.PathPrefix("/").Subrouter() // Federation endpoint configurations wf := webfinger.Default(wfResolver{apper.App().db, apper.App().cfg}) wf.NoTLSHandler = nil // Federation endpoints // host-meta write.HandleFunc("/.well-known/host-meta", handler.Web(handleViewHostMeta, UserLevelReader)) // webfinger write.HandleFunc(webfinger.WebFingerPath, handler.LogHandlerFunc(http.HandlerFunc(wf.Webfinger))) // nodeinfo niCfg := nodeInfoConfig(apper.App().db, apper.App().cfg) ni := nodeinfo.NewService(*niCfg, nodeInfoResolver{apper.App().cfg, apper.App().db}) write.HandleFunc(nodeinfo.NodeInfoPath, handler.LogHandlerFunc(http.HandlerFunc(ni.NodeInfoDiscover))) write.HandleFunc(niCfg.InfoURL, handler.LogHandlerFunc(http.HandlerFunc(ni.NodeInfo))) // handle mentions write.HandleFunc("/@/{handle}", handler.Web(handleViewMention, UserLevelReader)) configureSlackOauth(handler, write, apper.App()) configureWriteAsOauth(handler, write, apper.App()) configureGitlabOauth(handler, write, apper.App()) // Set up dyamic page handlers // Handle auth auth := write.PathPrefix("/api/auth/").Subrouter() if apper.App().cfg.App.OpenRegistration { auth.HandleFunc("/signup", handler.All(apiSignup)).Methods("POST") } auth.HandleFunc("/login", handler.All(login)).Methods("POST") auth.HandleFunc("/read", handler.WebErrors(handleWebCollectionUnlock, UserLevelNone)).Methods("POST") auth.HandleFunc("/me", handler.All(handleAPILogout)).Methods("DELETE") // Handle logged in user sections me := write.PathPrefix("/me").Subrouter() me.HandleFunc("/", handler.Redirect("/me", UserLevelUser)) me.HandleFunc("/c", handler.Redirect("/me/c/", UserLevelUser)).Methods("GET") me.HandleFunc("/c/", handler.User(viewCollections)).Methods("GET") me.HandleFunc("/c/{collection}", handler.User(viewEditCollection)).Methods("GET") me.HandleFunc("/c/{collection}/stats", handler.User(viewStats)).Methods("GET") me.HandleFunc("/posts", handler.Redirect("/me/posts/", UserLevelUser)).Methods("GET") me.HandleFunc("/posts/", handler.User(viewArticles)).Methods("GET") me.HandleFunc("/posts/export.csv", handler.Download(viewExportPosts, UserLevelUser)).Methods("GET") me.HandleFunc("/posts/export.zip", handler.Download(viewExportPosts, UserLevelUser)).Methods("GET") me.HandleFunc("/posts/export.json", handler.Download(viewExportPosts, UserLevelUser)).Methods("GET") me.HandleFunc("/export", handler.User(viewExportOptions)).Methods("GET") me.HandleFunc("/export.json", handler.Download(viewExportFull, UserLevelUser)).Methods("GET") me.HandleFunc("/import", handler.User(viewImport)).Methods("GET") me.HandleFunc("/settings", handler.User(viewSettings)).Methods("GET") me.HandleFunc("/invites", handler.User(handleViewUserInvites)).Methods("GET") me.HandleFunc("/logout", handler.Web(viewLogout, UserLevelNone)).Methods("GET") write.HandleFunc("/api/me", handler.All(viewMeAPI)).Methods("GET") apiMe := write.PathPrefix("/api/me/").Subrouter() apiMe.HandleFunc("/", handler.All(viewMeAPI)).Methods("GET") apiMe.HandleFunc("/posts", handler.UserAPI(viewMyPostsAPI)).Methods("GET") apiMe.HandleFunc("/collections", handler.UserAPI(viewMyCollectionsAPI)).Methods("GET") apiMe.HandleFunc("/password", handler.All(updatePassphrase)).Methods("POST") apiMe.HandleFunc("/self", handler.All(updateSettings)).Methods("POST") apiMe.HandleFunc("/invites", handler.User(handleCreateUserInvite)).Methods("POST") apiMe.HandleFunc("/import", handler.User(handleImport)).Methods("POST") + apiMe.HandleFunc("/oauth/remove", handler.User(removeOauth)).Methods("POST") // Sign up validation write.HandleFunc("/api/alias", handler.All(handleUsernameCheck)).Methods("POST") write.HandleFunc("/api/markdown", handler.All(handleRenderMarkdown)).Methods("POST") // Handle collections write.HandleFunc("/api/collections", handler.All(newCollection)).Methods("POST") apiColls := write.PathPrefix("/api/collections/").Subrouter() apiColls.HandleFunc("/{alias:[0-9a-zA-Z\\-]+}", handler.AllReader(fetchCollection)).Methods("GET") apiColls.HandleFunc("/{alias:[0-9a-zA-Z\\-]+}", handler.All(existingCollection)).Methods("POST", "DELETE") apiColls.HandleFunc("/{alias}/posts", handler.AllReader(fetchCollectionPosts)).Methods("GET") apiColls.HandleFunc("/{alias}/posts", handler.All(newPost)).Methods("POST") apiColls.HandleFunc("/{alias}/posts/{post}", handler.AllReader(fetchPost)).Methods("GET") apiColls.HandleFunc("/{alias}/posts/{post:[a-zA-Z0-9]{10}}", handler.All(existingPost)).Methods("POST") apiColls.HandleFunc("/{alias}/posts/{post}/{property}", handler.AllReader(fetchPostProperty)).Methods("GET") apiColls.HandleFunc("/{alias}/collect", handler.All(addPost)).Methods("POST") apiColls.HandleFunc("/{alias}/pin", handler.All(pinPost)).Methods("POST") apiColls.HandleFunc("/{alias}/unpin", handler.All(pinPost)).Methods("POST") apiColls.HandleFunc("/{alias}/inbox", handler.All(handleFetchCollectionInbox)).Methods("POST") apiColls.HandleFunc("/{alias}/outbox", handler.AllReader(handleFetchCollectionOutbox)).Methods("GET") apiColls.HandleFunc("/{alias}/following", handler.AllReader(handleFetchCollectionFollowing)).Methods("GET") apiColls.HandleFunc("/{alias}/followers", handler.AllReader(handleFetchCollectionFollowers)).Methods("GET") // Handle posts write.HandleFunc("/api/posts", handler.All(newPost)).Methods("POST") posts := write.PathPrefix("/api/posts/").Subrouter() posts.HandleFunc("/{post:[a-zA-Z0-9]{10}}", handler.AllReader(fetchPost)).Methods("GET") posts.HandleFunc("/{post:[a-zA-Z0-9]{10}}", handler.All(existingPost)).Methods("POST", "PUT") posts.HandleFunc("/{post:[a-zA-Z0-9]{10}}", handler.All(deletePost)).Methods("DELETE") posts.HandleFunc("/{post:[a-zA-Z0-9]{10}}/{property}", handler.AllReader(fetchPostProperty)).Methods("GET") posts.HandleFunc("/claim", handler.All(addPost)).Methods("POST") posts.HandleFunc("/disperse", handler.All(dispersePost)).Methods("POST") write.HandleFunc("/auth/signup", handler.Web(handleWebSignup, UserLevelNoneRequired)).Methods("POST") write.HandleFunc("/auth/login", handler.Web(webLogin, UserLevelNoneRequired)).Methods("POST") write.HandleFunc("/admin", handler.Admin(handleViewAdminDash)).Methods("GET") write.HandleFunc("/admin/monitor", handler.Admin(handleViewAdminMonitor)).Methods("GET") write.HandleFunc("/admin/settings", handler.Admin(handleViewAdminSettings)).Methods("GET") write.HandleFunc("/admin/users", handler.Admin(handleViewAdminUsers)).Methods("GET") write.HandleFunc("/admin/user/{username}", handler.Admin(handleViewAdminUser)).Methods("GET") write.HandleFunc("/admin/user/{username}/status", handler.Admin(handleAdminToggleUserStatus)).Methods("POST") write.HandleFunc("/admin/user/{username}/passphrase", handler.Admin(handleAdminResetUserPass)).Methods("POST") write.HandleFunc("/admin/pages", handler.Admin(handleViewAdminPages)).Methods("GET") write.HandleFunc("/admin/page/{slug}", handler.Admin(handleViewAdminPage)).Methods("GET") write.HandleFunc("/admin/update/config", handler.AdminApper(handleAdminUpdateConfig)).Methods("POST") write.HandleFunc("/admin/update/{page}", handler.Admin(handleAdminUpdateSite)).Methods("POST") write.HandleFunc("/admin/updates", handler.Admin(handleViewAdminUpdates)).Methods("GET") // Handle special pages first write.HandleFunc("/login", handler.Web(viewLogin, UserLevelNoneRequired)) write.HandleFunc("/signup", handler.Web(handleViewLanding, UserLevelNoneRequired)) write.HandleFunc("/invite/{code:[a-zA-Z0-9]+}", handler.Web(handleViewInvite, UserLevelOptional)).Methods("GET") // TODO: show a reader-specific 404 page if the function is disabled write.HandleFunc("/read", handler.Web(viewLocalTimeline, UserLevelReader)) RouteRead(handler, UserLevelReader, write.PathPrefix("/read").Subrouter()) draftEditPrefix := "" if apper.App().cfg.App.SingleUser { draftEditPrefix = "/d" write.HandleFunc("/me/new", handler.Web(handleViewPad, UserLevelUser)).Methods("GET") } else { write.HandleFunc("/new", handler.Web(handleViewPad, UserLevelUser)).Methods("GET") } // All the existing stuff write.HandleFunc(draftEditPrefix+"/{action}/edit", handler.Web(handleViewPad, UserLevelUser)).Methods("GET") write.HandleFunc(draftEditPrefix+"/{action}/meta", handler.Web(handleViewMeta, UserLevelUser)).Methods("GET") // Collections if apper.App().cfg.App.SingleUser { RouteCollections(handler, write.PathPrefix("/").Subrouter()) } else { write.HandleFunc("/{prefix:[@~$!\\-+]}{collection}", handler.Web(handleViewCollection, UserLevelReader)) write.HandleFunc("/{collection}/", handler.Web(handleViewCollection, UserLevelReader)) RouteCollections(handler, write.PathPrefix("/{prefix:[@~$!\\-+]?}{collection}").Subrouter()) // Posts } write.HandleFunc(draftEditPrefix+"/{post}", handler.Web(handleViewPost, UserLevelOptional)) write.HandleFunc("/", handler.Web(handleViewHome, UserLevelOptional)) return r } func RouteCollections(handler *Handler, r *mux.Router) { r.HandleFunc("/page/{page:[0-9]+}", handler.Web(handleViewCollection, UserLevelReader)) r.HandleFunc("/tag:{tag}", handler.Web(handleViewCollectionTag, UserLevelReader)) r.HandleFunc("/tag:{tag}/feed/", handler.Web(ViewFeed, UserLevelReader)) r.HandleFunc("/tags/{tag}", handler.Web(handleViewCollectionTag, UserLevelReader)) r.HandleFunc("/sitemap.xml", handler.AllReader(handleViewSitemap)) r.HandleFunc("/feed/", handler.AllReader(ViewFeed)) r.HandleFunc("/{slug}", handler.CollectionPostOrStatic) r.HandleFunc("/{slug}/edit", handler.Web(handleViewPad, UserLevelUser)) r.HandleFunc("/{slug}/edit/meta", handler.Web(handleViewMeta, UserLevelUser)) r.HandleFunc("/{slug}/", handler.Web(handleCollectionPostRedirect, UserLevelReader)).Methods("GET") } func RouteRead(handler *Handler, readPerm UserLevelFunc, r *mux.Router) { r.HandleFunc("/api/posts", handler.Web(viewLocalTimelineAPI, readPerm)) r.HandleFunc("/p/{page}", handler.Web(viewLocalTimeline, readPerm)) r.HandleFunc("/feed/", handler.Web(viewLocalTimelineFeed, readPerm)) r.HandleFunc("/t/{tag}", handler.Web(viewLocalTimeline, readPerm)) r.HandleFunc("/a/{post}", handler.Web(handlePostIDRedirect, readPerm)) r.HandleFunc("/{author}", handler.Web(viewLocalTimeline, readPerm)) r.HandleFunc("/", handler.Web(viewLocalTimeline, readPerm)) } diff --git a/static/img/mark/gitlab.png b/static/img/mark/gitlab.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..214b0ad Binary files /dev/null and b/static/img/mark/gitlab.png differ diff --git a/static/img/mark/slack.png b/static/img/mark/slack.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..33b4abc Binary files /dev/null and b/static/img/mark/slack.png differ diff --git a/static/img/mark/writeas.png b/static/img/mark/writeas.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..777885b Binary files /dev/null and b/static/img/mark/writeas.png differ diff --git a/templates.go b/templates.go index c15c79b..5ee4bcf 100644 --- a/templates.go +++ b/templates.go @@ -1,201 +1,202 @@ /* * Copyright © 2018 A Bunch Tell LLC. * * This file is part of WriteFreely. * * WriteFreely is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, included * in the LICENSE file in this source code package. */ package writefreely import ( "html/template" "io" "io/ioutil" "net/http" "os" "path/filepath" "strings" "github.com/dustin/go-humanize" "github.com/writeas/web-core/l10n" "github.com/writeas/web-core/log" "github.com/writeas/writefreely/config" ) var ( templates = map[string]*template.Template{} pages = map[string]*template.Template{} userPages = map[string]*template.Template{} funcMap = template.FuncMap{ "largeNumFmt": largeNumFmt, "pluralize": pluralize, "isRTL": isRTL, "isLTR": isLTR, "localstr": localStr, "localhtml": localHTML, "tolower": strings.ToLower, + "title": strings.Title, } ) const ( templatesDir = "templates" pagesDir = "pages" ) func showUserPage(w http.ResponseWriter, name string, obj interface{}) { if obj == nil { log.Error("showUserPage: data is nil!") return } if err := userPages[filepath.Join("user", name+".tmpl")].ExecuteTemplate(w, name, obj); err != nil { log.Error("Error parsing %s: %v", name, err) } } func initTemplate(parentDir, name string) { if debugging { log.Info(" " + filepath.Join(parentDir, templatesDir, name+".tmpl")) } files := []string{ filepath.Join(parentDir, templatesDir, name+".tmpl"), filepath.Join(parentDir, templatesDir, "include", "footer.tmpl"), filepath.Join(parentDir, templatesDir, "base.tmpl"), filepath.Join(parentDir, templatesDir, "user", "include", "silenced.tmpl"), } if name == "collection" || name == "collection-tags" || name == "chorus-collection" { // These pages list out collection posts, so we also parse templatesDir + "include/posts.tmpl" files = append(files, filepath.Join(parentDir, templatesDir, "include", "posts.tmpl")) } if name == "chorus-collection" || name == "chorus-collection-post" { files = append(files, filepath.Join(parentDir, templatesDir, "user", "include", "header.tmpl")) } if name == "collection" || name == "collection-tags" || name == "collection-post" || name == "post" || name == "chorus-collection" || name == "chorus-collection-post" { files = append(files, filepath.Join(parentDir, templatesDir, "include", "post-render.tmpl")) } templates[name] = template.Must(template.New("").Funcs(funcMap).ParseFiles(files...)) } func initPage(parentDir, path, key string) { if debugging { log.Info(" [%s] %s", key, path) } pages[key] = template.Must(template.New("").Funcs(funcMap).ParseFiles( path, filepath.Join(parentDir, templatesDir, "include", "footer.tmpl"), filepath.Join(parentDir, templatesDir, "base.tmpl"), filepath.Join(parentDir, templatesDir, "user", "include", "silenced.tmpl"), )) } func initUserPage(parentDir, path, key string) { if debugging { log.Info(" [%s] %s", key, path) } userPages[key] = template.Must(template.New(key).Funcs(funcMap).ParseFiles( path, filepath.Join(parentDir, templatesDir, "user", "include", "header.tmpl"), filepath.Join(parentDir, templatesDir, "user", "include", "footer.tmpl"), filepath.Join(parentDir, templatesDir, "user", "include", "silenced.tmpl"), )) } // InitTemplates loads all template files from the configured parent dir. func InitTemplates(cfg *config.Config) error { log.Info("Loading templates...") tmplFiles, err := ioutil.ReadDir(filepath.Join(cfg.Server.TemplatesParentDir, templatesDir)) if err != nil { return err } for _, f := range tmplFiles { if !f.IsDir() && !strings.HasPrefix(f.Name(), ".") { parts := strings.Split(f.Name(), ".") key := parts[0] initTemplate(cfg.Server.TemplatesParentDir, key) } } log.Info("Loading pages...") // Initialize all static pages that use the base template filepath.Walk(filepath.Join(cfg.Server.PagesParentDir, pagesDir), func(path string, i os.FileInfo, err error) error { if !i.IsDir() && !strings.HasPrefix(i.Name(), ".") { key := i.Name() initPage(cfg.Server.PagesParentDir, path, key) } return nil }) log.Info("Loading user pages...") // Initialize all user pages that use base templates filepath.Walk(filepath.Join(cfg.Server.TemplatesParentDir, templatesDir, "user"), func(path string, f os.FileInfo, err error) error { if !f.IsDir() && !strings.HasPrefix(f.Name(), ".") { corePath := path if cfg.Server.TemplatesParentDir != "" { corePath = corePath[len(cfg.Server.TemplatesParentDir)+1:] } parts := strings.Split(corePath, string(filepath.Separator)) key := f.Name() if len(parts) > 2 { key = filepath.Join(parts[1], f.Name()) } initUserPage(cfg.Server.TemplatesParentDir, path, key) } return nil }) return nil } // renderPage retrieves the given template and renders it to the given io.Writer. // If something goes wrong, the error is logged and returned. func renderPage(w io.Writer, tmpl string, data interface{}) error { err := pages[tmpl].ExecuteTemplate(w, "base", data) if err != nil { log.Error("%v", err) } return err } func largeNumFmt(n int64) string { return humanize.Comma(n) } func pluralize(singular, plural string, n int64) string { if n == 1 { return singular } return plural } func isRTL(d string) bool { return d == "rtl" } func isLTR(d string) bool { return d == "ltr" || d == "auto" } func localStr(term, lang string) string { s := l10n.Strings(lang)[term] if s == "" { s = l10n.Strings("")[term] } return s } func localHTML(term, lang string) template.HTML { s := l10n.Strings(lang)[term] if s == "" { s = l10n.Strings("")[term] } s = strings.Replace(s, "write.as", "writefreely", 1) return template.HTML(s) } diff --git a/templates/user/settings.tmpl b/templates/user/settings.tmpl index df85770..8ade8ad 100644 --- a/templates/user/settings.tmpl +++ b/templates/user/settings.tmpl @@ -1,86 +1,146 @@ {{define "settings"}} {{template "header" .}}
{{if .Silenced}} {{template "user-silenced"}} {{end}}

{{if .IsLogOut}}Before you go...{{else}}Account Settings {{if .IsAdmin}}admin settings{{end}}{{end}}

{{if .Flashes}}{{end}} {{ if .IsLogOut }}

Please add an email address and/or passphrase so you can log in again later.

{{ else }}

Change your account settings here.


{{ end }}


{{if and (not .HasPass) (not .IsLogOut)}}

Add a passphrase to easily log in to your account.

{{end}} {{if .HasPass}}

Current passphrase

New passphrase

{{end}} {{if .IsLogOut}}{{end}}


{{if and (not .Email) (not .IsLogOut)}}

Add your email to get:

  • No-passphrase login
  • Account recovery if you forget your passphrase
+ + {{ if .OauthSection }} +
+ + {{ if .OauthAccounts }} +

Linked Accounts


These are your linked external accounts.

+ {{ range $oauth_account := .OauthAccounts }} +
+ + + +
+ {{ $oauth_account.Provider | title }} + +
+ {{ end }} +
+ {{ end }} + {{ if or .OauthSlack .OauthWriteAs .OauthGitLab }} +

Link External Accounts


Connect additional accounts to enable logging in with those providers, instead of using your username and password.

+ {{ if .OauthWriteAs }} + + {{ end }} + {{ if .OauthSlack }} + + {{ end }} + {{ if .OauthGitLab }} + + {{ end }} +
+ {{ end }} + {{ end }}
{{template "footer" .}} {{end}}