diff --git a/app.go b/app.go index 9fc04a9..af7fa72 100644 --- a/app.go +++ b/app.go @@ -1,596 +1,597 @@ /* * Copyright © 2018 A Bunch Tell LLC. * * This file is part of WriteFreely. * * WriteFreely is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, included * in the LICENSE file in this source code package. */ package writefreely import ( "database/sql" "flag" "fmt" "html/template" "net/http" "net/url" "os" "os/signal" + "path/filepath" "regexp" "strings" "syscall" "time" _ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql" "github.com/gorilla/mux" "github.com/gorilla/schema" "github.com/gorilla/sessions" "github.com/manifoldco/promptui" "github.com/writeas/go-strip-markdown" "github.com/writeas/web-core/auth" "github.com/writeas/web-core/converter" "github.com/writeas/web-core/log" "github.com/writeas/writefreely/author" "github.com/writeas/writefreely/config" "github.com/writeas/writefreely/migrations" "github.com/writeas/writefreely/page" ) const ( - staticDir = "static/" + staticDir = "static" assumedTitleLen = 80 postsPerPage = 10 serverSoftware = "WriteFreely" softwareURL = "https://writefreely.org" ) var ( debugging bool // Software version can be set from git env using -ldflags softwareVer = "0.7.1" // DEPRECATED VARS // TODO: pass app.cfg into GetCollection* calls so we can get these values // from Collection methods and we no longer need these. hostName string isSingleUser bool ) type app struct { router *mux.Router db *datastore cfg *config.Config cfgFile string keys *keychain sessionStore *sessions.CookieStore formDecoder *schema.Decoder timeline *localTimeline } // handleViewHome shows page at root path. Will be the Pad if logged in and the // catch-all landing page otherwise. func handleViewHome(app *app, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error { if app.cfg.App.SingleUser { // Render blog index return handleViewCollection(app, w, r) } // Multi-user instance u := getUserSession(app, r) if u != nil { // User is logged in, so show the Pad return handleViewPad(app, w, r) } p := struct { page.StaticPage Flashes []template.HTML }{ StaticPage: pageForReq(app, r), } // Get error messages session, err := app.sessionStore.Get(r, cookieName) if err != nil { // Ignore this log.Error("Unable to get session in handleViewHome; ignoring: %v", err) } flashes, _ := getSessionFlashes(app, w, r, session) for _, flash := range flashes { p.Flashes = append(p.Flashes, template.HTML(flash)) } // Show landing page return renderPage(w, "landing.tmpl", p) } func handleTemplatedPage(app *app, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, t *template.Template) error { p := struct { page.StaticPage Content template.HTML PlainContent string Updated string AboutStats *InstanceStats }{ StaticPage: pageForReq(app, r), } if r.URL.Path == "/about" || r.URL.Path == "/privacy" { var c string var updated *time.Time var err error if r.URL.Path == "/about" { c, err = getAboutPage(app) // Fetch stats p.AboutStats = &InstanceStats{} p.AboutStats.NumPosts, _ = app.db.GetTotalPosts() p.AboutStats.NumBlogs, _ = app.db.GetTotalCollections() } else { c, updated, err = getPrivacyPage(app) } if err != nil { return err } p.Content = template.HTML(applyMarkdown([]byte(c))) p.PlainContent = shortPostDescription(stripmd.Strip(c)) if updated != nil { p.Updated = updated.Format("January 2, 2006") } } // Serve templated page err := t.ExecuteTemplate(w, "base", p) if err != nil { log.Error("Unable to render page: %v", err) } return nil } func pageForReq(app *app, r *http.Request) page.StaticPage { p := page.StaticPage{ AppCfg: app.cfg.App, Path: r.URL.Path, Version: "v" + softwareVer, } // Add user information, if given var u *User accessToken := r.FormValue("t") if accessToken != "" { userID := app.db.GetUserID(accessToken) if userID != -1 { var err error u, err = app.db.GetUserByID(userID) if err == nil { p.Username = u.Username } } } else { u = getUserSession(app, r) if u != nil { p.Username = u.Username } } return p } var shttp = http.NewServeMux() var fileRegex = regexp.MustCompile("/([^/]*\\.[^/]*)$") func Serve() { debugPtr := flag.Bool("debug", false, "Enables debug logging.") createConfig := flag.Bool("create-config", false, "Creates a basic configuration and exits") doConfig := flag.Bool("config", false, "Run the configuration process") genKeys := flag.Bool("gen-keys", false, "Generate encryption and authentication keys") createSchema := flag.Bool("init-db", false, "Initialize app database") migrate := flag.Bool("migrate", false, "Migrate the database") createAdmin := flag.String("create-admin", "", "Create an admin with the given username:password") createUser := flag.String("create-user", "", "Create a regular user with the given username:password") resetPassUser := flag.String("reset-pass", "", "Reset the given user's password") configFile := flag.String("c", "config.ini", "The configuration file to use") outputVersion := flag.Bool("v", false, "Output the current version") flag.Parse() debugging = *debugPtr app := &app{ cfgFile: *configFile, } if *outputVersion { fmt.Println(serverSoftware + " " + softwareVer) os.Exit(0) } else if *createConfig { log.Info("Creating configuration...") c := config.New() log.Info("Saving configuration %s...", app.cfgFile) err := config.Save(c, app.cfgFile) if err != nil { log.Error("Unable to save configuration: %v", err) os.Exit(1) } os.Exit(0) } else if *doConfig { d, err := config.Configure(app.cfgFile) if err != nil { log.Error("Unable to configure: %v", err) os.Exit(1) } if d.User != nil { app.cfg = d.Config connectToDatabase(app) defer shutdown(app) if !app.db.DatabaseInitialized() { adminInitDatabase(app) } u := &User{ Username: d.User.Username, HashedPass: d.User.HashedPass, Created: time.Now().Truncate(time.Second).UTC(), } // Create blog log.Info("Creating user %s...\n", u.Username) err = app.db.CreateUser(u, app.cfg.App.SiteName) if err != nil { log.Error("Unable to create user: %s", err) os.Exit(1) } log.Info("Done!") } os.Exit(0) } else if *genKeys { errStatus := 0 err := generateKey(emailKeyPath) if err != nil { errStatus = 1 } err = generateKey(cookieAuthKeyPath) if err != nil { errStatus = 1 } err = generateKey(cookieKeyPath) if err != nil { errStatus = 1 } os.Exit(errStatus) } else if *createSchema { loadConfig(app) connectToDatabase(app) defer shutdown(app) adminInitDatabase(app) } else if *createAdmin != "" { adminCreateUser(app, *createAdmin, true) } else if *createUser != "" { adminCreateUser(app, *createUser, false) } else if *resetPassUser != "" { // Connect to the database loadConfig(app) connectToDatabase(app) defer shutdown(app) // Fetch user u, err := app.db.GetUserForAuth(*resetPassUser) if err != nil { log.Error("Get user: %s", err) os.Exit(1) } // Prompt for new password prompt := promptui.Prompt{ Templates: &promptui.PromptTemplates{ Success: "{{ . | bold | faint }}: ", }, Label: "New password", Mask: '*', } newPass, err := prompt.Run() if err != nil { log.Error("%s", err) os.Exit(1) } // Do the update log.Info("Updating...") err = adminResetPassword(app, u, newPass) if err != nil { log.Error("%s", err) os.Exit(1) } log.Info("Success.") os.Exit(0) } else if *migrate { loadConfig(app) connectToDatabase(app) defer shutdown(app) err := migrations.Migrate(migrations.NewDatastore(app.db.DB, app.db.driverName)) if err != nil { log.Error("migrate: %s", err) os.Exit(1) } os.Exit(0) } log.Info("Initializing...") loadConfig(app) hostName = app.cfg.App.Host isSingleUser = app.cfg.App.SingleUser app.cfg.Server.Dev = *debugPtr - initTemplates() + initTemplates(app.cfg) // Load keys log.Info("Loading encryption keys...") err := initKeys(app) if err != nil { log.Error("\n%s\n", err) } // Initialize modules app.sessionStore = initSession(app) app.formDecoder = schema.NewDecoder() app.formDecoder.RegisterConverter(converter.NullJSONString{}, converter.ConvertJSONNullString) app.formDecoder.RegisterConverter(converter.NullJSONBool{}, converter.ConvertJSONNullBool) app.formDecoder.RegisterConverter(sql.NullString{}, converter.ConvertSQLNullString) app.formDecoder.RegisterConverter(sql.NullBool{}, converter.ConvertSQLNullBool) app.formDecoder.RegisterConverter(sql.NullInt64{}, converter.ConvertSQLNullInt64) app.formDecoder.RegisterConverter(sql.NullFloat64{}, converter.ConvertSQLNullFloat64) // Check database configuration if app.cfg.Database.Type == driverMySQL && (app.cfg.Database.User == "" || app.cfg.Database.Password == "") { log.Error("Database user or password not set.") os.Exit(1) } if app.cfg.Database.Host == "" { app.cfg.Database.Host = "localhost" } if app.cfg.Database.Database == "" { app.cfg.Database.Database = "writefreely" } connectToDatabase(app) defer shutdown(app) // Test database connection err = app.db.Ping() if err != nil { log.Error("Database ping failed: %s", err) } r := mux.NewRouter() handler := NewHandler(app) handler.SetErrorPages(&ErrorPages{ NotFound: pages["404-general.tmpl"], Gone: pages["410.tmpl"], InternalServerError: pages["500.tmpl"], Blank: pages["blank.tmpl"], }) // Handle app routes initRoutes(handler, r, app.cfg, app.db) // Handle local timeline, if enabled if app.cfg.App.LocalTimeline { log.Info("Initializing local timeline...") initLocalTimeline(app) } // Handle static files - fs := http.FileServer(http.Dir(staticDir)) + fs := http.FileServer(http.Dir(filepath.Join(app.cfg.Server.StaticParentDir, staticDir))) shttp.Handle("/", fs) r.PathPrefix("/").Handler(fs) // Handle shutdown c := make(chan os.Signal, 2) signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM) go func() { <-c log.Info("Shutting down...") shutdown(app) log.Info("Done.") os.Exit(0) }() http.Handle("/", r) // Start web application server var bindAddress = app.cfg.Server.Bind if bindAddress == "" { bindAddress = "localhost" } if app.cfg.IsSecureStandalone() { log.Info("Serving redirects on http://%s:80", bindAddress) go func() { err = http.ListenAndServe( fmt.Sprintf("%s:80", bindAddress), http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { http.Redirect(w, r, app.cfg.App.Host, http.StatusMovedPermanently) })) log.Error("Unable to start redirect server: %v", err) }() log.Info("Serving on https://%s:443", bindAddress) log.Info("---") err = http.ListenAndServeTLS( fmt.Sprintf("%s:443", bindAddress), app.cfg.Server.TLSCertPath, app.cfg.Server.TLSKeyPath, nil) } else { log.Info("Serving on http://%s:%d\n", bindAddress, app.cfg.Server.Port) log.Info("---") err = http.ListenAndServe(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", bindAddress, app.cfg.Server.Port), nil) } if err != nil { log.Error("Unable to start: %v", err) os.Exit(1) } } func loadConfig(app *app) { log.Info("Loading %s configuration...", app.cfgFile) cfg, err := config.Load(app.cfgFile) if err != nil { log.Error("Unable to load configuration: %v", err) os.Exit(1) } app.cfg = cfg } func connectToDatabase(app *app) { log.Info("Connecting to %s database...", app.cfg.Database.Type) var db *sql.DB var err error if app.cfg.Database.Type == driverMySQL { db, err = sql.Open(app.cfg.Database.Type, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s@tcp(%s:%d)/%s?charset=utf8mb4&parseTime=true&loc=%s", app.cfg.Database.User, app.cfg.Database.Password, app.cfg.Database.Host, app.cfg.Database.Port, app.cfg.Database.Database, url.QueryEscape(time.Local.String()))) db.SetMaxOpenConns(50) } else if app.cfg.Database.Type == driverSQLite { if !SQLiteEnabled { log.Error("Invalid database type '%s'. Binary wasn't compiled with SQLite3 support.", app.cfg.Database.Type) os.Exit(1) } if app.cfg.Database.FileName == "" { log.Error("SQLite database filename value in config.ini is empty.") os.Exit(1) } db, err = sql.Open("sqlite3_with_regex", app.cfg.Database.FileName+"?parseTime=true&cached=shared") db.SetMaxOpenConns(1) } else { log.Error("Invalid database type '%s'. Only 'mysql' and 'sqlite3' are supported right now.", app.cfg.Database.Type) os.Exit(1) } if err != nil { log.Error("%s", err) os.Exit(1) } app.db = &datastore{db, app.cfg.Database.Type} } func shutdown(app *app) { log.Info("Closing database connection...") app.db.Close() } func adminCreateUser(app *app, credStr string, isAdmin bool) { // Create an admin user with --create-admin creds := strings.Split(credStr, ":") if len(creds) != 2 { log.Error("usage: writefreely --create-admin username:password") os.Exit(1) } loadConfig(app) connectToDatabase(app) defer shutdown(app) // Ensure an admin / first user doesn't already exist firstUser, _ := app.db.GetUserByID(1) if isAdmin { // Abort if trying to create admin user, but one already exists if firstUser != nil { log.Error("Admin user already exists (%s). Create a regular user with: writefreely --create-user", firstUser.Username) os.Exit(1) } } else { // Abort if trying to create regular user, but no admin exists yet if firstUser == nil { log.Error("No admin user exists yet. Create an admin first with: writefreely --create-admin") os.Exit(1) } } // Create the user username := creds[0] password := creds[1] // Normalize and validate username desiredUsername := username username = getSlug(username, "") usernameDesc := username if username != desiredUsername { usernameDesc += " (originally: " + desiredUsername + ")" } if !author.IsValidUsername(app.cfg, username) { log.Error("Username %s is invalid, reserved, or shorter than configured minimum length (%d characters).", usernameDesc, app.cfg.App.MinUsernameLen) os.Exit(1) } // Hash the password hashedPass, err := auth.HashPass([]byte(password)) if err != nil { log.Error("Unable to hash password: %v", err) os.Exit(1) } u := &User{ Username: username, HashedPass: hashedPass, Created: time.Now().Truncate(time.Second).UTC(), } userType := "user" if isAdmin { userType = "admin" } log.Info("Creating %s %s...", userType, usernameDesc) err = app.db.CreateUser(u, desiredUsername) if err != nil { log.Error("Unable to create user: %s", err) os.Exit(1) } log.Info("Done!") os.Exit(0) } func adminInitDatabase(app *app) { schemaFileName := "schema.sql" if app.cfg.Database.Type == driverSQLite { schemaFileName = "sqlite.sql" } schema, err := Asset(schemaFileName) if err != nil { log.Error("Unable to load schema file: %v", err) os.Exit(1) } tblReg := regexp.MustCompile("CREATE TABLE (IF NOT EXISTS )?`([a-z_]+)`") queries := strings.Split(string(schema), ";\n") for _, q := range queries { if strings.TrimSpace(q) == "" { continue } parts := tblReg.FindStringSubmatch(q) if len(parts) >= 3 { log.Info("Creating table %s...", parts[2]) } else { log.Info("Creating table ??? (Weird query) No match in: %v", parts) } _, err = app.db.Exec(q) if err != nil { log.Error("%s", err) } else { log.Info("Created.") } } os.Exit(0) } diff --git a/config/config.go b/config/config.go index 2acf763..ffecc72 100644 --- a/config/config.go +++ b/config/config.go @@ -1,157 +1,162 @@ /* * Copyright © 2018-2019 A Bunch Tell LLC. * * This file is part of WriteFreely. * * WriteFreely is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, included * in the LICENSE file in this source code package. */ // Package config holds and assists in the configuration of a writefreely instance. package config import ( "gopkg.in/ini.v1" ) const ( // FileName is the default configuration file name FileName = "config.ini" ) type ( // ServerCfg holds values that affect how the HTTP server runs ServerCfg struct { HiddenHost string `ini:"hidden_host"` Port int `ini:"port"` Bind string `ini:"bind"` TLSCertPath string `ini:"tls_cert_path"` TLSKeyPath string `ini:"tls_key_path"` + TemplatesParentDir string `ini:"templates_parent_dir"` + StaticParentDir string `ini:"static_parent_dir"` + PagesParentDir string `ini:"pages_parent_dir"` + KeysParentDir string `ini:"keys_parent_dir"` + Dev bool `ini:"-"` } // DatabaseCfg holds values that determine how the application connects to a datastore DatabaseCfg struct { Type string `ini:"type"` FileName string `ini:"filename"` User string `ini:"username"` Password string `ini:"password"` Database string `ini:"database"` Host string `ini:"host"` Port int `ini:"port"` } // AppCfg holds values that affect how the application functions AppCfg struct { SiteName string `ini:"site_name"` SiteDesc string `ini:"site_description"` Host string `ini:"host"` // Site appearance Theme string `ini:"theme"` JSDisabled bool `ini:"disable_js"` WebFonts bool `ini:"webfonts"` // Users SingleUser bool `ini:"single_user"` OpenRegistration bool `ini:"open_registration"` MinUsernameLen int `ini:"min_username_len"` MaxBlogs int `ini:"max_blogs"` // Federation Federation bool `ini:"federation"` PublicStats bool `ini:"public_stats"` Private bool `ini:"private"` // Additional functions LocalTimeline bool `ini:"local_timeline"` } // Config holds the complete configuration for running a writefreely instance Config struct { Server ServerCfg `ini:"server"` Database DatabaseCfg `ini:"database"` App AppCfg `ini:"app"` } ) // New creates a new Config with sane defaults func New() *Config { c := &Config{ Server: ServerCfg{ Port: 8080, Bind: "localhost", /* IPV6 support when not using localhost? */ }, App: AppCfg{ Host: "http://localhost:8080", Theme: "write", WebFonts: true, SingleUser: true, MinUsernameLen: 3, MaxBlogs: 1, Federation: true, PublicStats: true, }, } c.UseMySQL(true) return c } // UseMySQL resets the Config's Database to use default values for a MySQL setup. func (cfg *Config) UseMySQL(fresh bool) { cfg.Database.Type = "mysql" if fresh { cfg.Database.Host = "localhost" cfg.Database.Port = 3306 } } // UseSQLite resets the Config's Database to use default values for a SQLite setup. func (cfg *Config) UseSQLite(fresh bool) { cfg.Database.Type = "sqlite3" if fresh { cfg.Database.FileName = "writefreely.db" } } // IsSecureStandalone returns whether or not the application is running as a // standalone server with TLS enabled. func (cfg *Config) IsSecureStandalone() bool { return cfg.Server.Port == 443 && cfg.Server.TLSCertPath != "" && cfg.Server.TLSKeyPath != "" } // Load reads the given configuration file, then parses and returns it as a Config. func Load(fname string) (*Config, error) { if fname == "" { fname = FileName } cfg, err := ini.Load(fname) if err != nil { return nil, err } // Parse INI file uc := &Config{} err = cfg.MapTo(uc) if err != nil { return nil, err } return uc, nil } // Save writes the given Config to the given file. func Save(uc *Config, fname string) error { cfg := ini.Empty() err := ini.ReflectFrom(cfg, uc) if err != nil { return err } if fname == "" { fname = FileName } return cfg.SaveTo(fname) } diff --git a/keys.go b/keys.go index 92a9ad5..ccc872e 100644 --- a/keys.go +++ b/keys.go @@ -1,93 +1,105 @@ /* * Copyright © 2018 A Bunch Tell LLC. * * This file is part of WriteFreely. * * WriteFreely is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, included * in the LICENSE file in this source code package. */ package writefreely import ( "crypto/rand" "github.com/writeas/web-core/log" "io/ioutil" "os" "path/filepath" ) const ( keysDir = "keys" encKeysBytes = 32 ) var ( emailKeyPath = filepath.Join(keysDir, "email.aes256") cookieAuthKeyPath = filepath.Join(keysDir, "cookies_auth.aes256") cookieKeyPath = filepath.Join(keysDir, "cookies_enc.aes256") ) type keychain struct { emailKey, cookieAuthKey, cookieKey []byte } func initKeys(app *app) error { var err error app.keys = &keychain{} + emailKeyPath = filepath.Join(app.cfg.Server.KeysParentDir, emailKeyPath) + if debugging { + log.Info(" %s", emailKeyPath) + } app.keys.emailKey, err = ioutil.ReadFile(emailKeyPath) if err != nil { return err } + cookieAuthKeyPath = filepath.Join(app.cfg.Server.KeysParentDir, cookieAuthKeyPath) + if debugging { + log.Info(" %s", cookieAuthKeyPath) + } app.keys.cookieAuthKey, err = ioutil.ReadFile(cookieAuthKeyPath) if err != nil { return err } + cookieKeyPath = filepath.Join(app.cfg.Server.KeysParentDir, cookieKeyPath) + if debugging { + log.Info(" %s", cookieKeyPath) + } app.keys.cookieKey, err = ioutil.ReadFile(cookieKeyPath) if err != nil { return err } return nil } // generateKey generates a key at the given path used for the encryption of // certain user data. Because user data becomes unrecoverable without these // keys, this won't overwrite any existing key, and instead outputs a message. func generateKey(path string) error { // Check if key file exists if _, err := os.Stat(path); !os.IsNotExist(err) { log.Info("%s already exists. rm the file if you understand the consquences.", path) return nil } log.Info("Generating %s.", path) b, err := generateBytes(encKeysBytes) if err != nil { log.Error("FAILED. %s. Run writefreely --gen-keys again.", err) return err } err = ioutil.WriteFile(path, b, 0600) if err != nil { log.Error("FAILED writing file: %s", err) return err } log.Info("Success.") return nil } // generateBytes returns securely generated random bytes. func generateBytes(n int) ([]byte, error) { b := make([]byte, n) _, err := rand.Read(b) if err != nil { return nil, err } return b, nil } diff --git a/templates.go b/templates.go index d03fb0d..802856f 100644 --- a/templates.go +++ b/templates.go @@ -1,193 +1,193 @@ /* * Copyright © 2018 A Bunch Tell LLC. * * This file is part of WriteFreely. * * WriteFreely is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, included * in the LICENSE file in this source code package. */ package writefreely import ( - "fmt" "github.com/dustin/go-humanize" "github.com/writeas/web-core/l10n" "github.com/writeas/web-core/log" + "github.com/writeas/writefreely/config" "html/template" "io" "io/ioutil" "net/http" "os" "path/filepath" "strings" ) var ( templates = map[string]*template.Template{} pages = map[string]*template.Template{} userPages = map[string]*template.Template{} funcMap = template.FuncMap{ "largeNumFmt": largeNumFmt, "pluralize": pluralize, "isRTL": isRTL, "isLTR": isLTR, "localstr": localStr, "localhtml": localHTML, "tolower": strings.ToLower, } ) const ( templatesDir = "templates" pagesDir = "pages" ) func showUserPage(w http.ResponseWriter, name string, obj interface{}) { if obj == nil { log.Error("showUserPage: data is nil!") return } if err := userPages[filepath.Join("user", name+".tmpl")].ExecuteTemplate(w, name, obj); err != nil { log.Error("Error parsing %s: %v", name, err) } } -func initTemplate(name string) { +func initTemplate(parentDir, name string) { if debugging { - log.Info(" %s%s%s.tmpl", templatesDir, string(filepath.Separator), name) + log.Info(" " + filepath.Join(parentDir, templatesDir, name+".tmpl")) } files := []string{ - filepath.Join(templatesDir, name+".tmpl"), - filepath.Join(templatesDir, "include", "footer.tmpl"), - filepath.Join(templatesDir, "base.tmpl"), + filepath.Join(parentDir, templatesDir, name+".tmpl"), + filepath.Join(parentDir, templatesDir, "include", "footer.tmpl"), + filepath.Join(parentDir, templatesDir, "base.tmpl"), } if name == "collection" || name == "collection-tags" { // These pages list out collection posts, so we also parse templatesDir + "include/posts.tmpl" - files = append(files, filepath.Join(templatesDir, "include", "posts.tmpl")) + files = append(files, filepath.Join(parentDir, templatesDir, "include", "posts.tmpl")) } if name == "collection" || name == "collection-tags" || name == "collection-post" || name == "post" { - files = append(files, filepath.Join(templatesDir, "include", "post-render.tmpl")) + files = append(files, filepath.Join(parentDir, templatesDir, "include", "post-render.tmpl")) } templates[name] = template.Must(template.New("").Funcs(funcMap).ParseFiles(files...)) } -func initPage(path, key string) { +func initPage(parentDir, path, key string) { if debugging { - log.Info(" %s", key) + log.Info(" [%s] %s", key, path) } pages[key] = template.Must(template.New("").Funcs(funcMap).ParseFiles( path, - filepath.Join(templatesDir, "include", "footer.tmpl"), - filepath.Join(templatesDir, "base.tmpl"), + filepath.Join(parentDir, templatesDir, "include", "footer.tmpl"), + filepath.Join(parentDir, templatesDir, "base.tmpl"), )) } -func initUserPage(path, key string) { +func initUserPage(parentDir, path, key string) { if debugging { - log.Info(" %s", key) + log.Info(" [%s] %s", key, path) } userPages[key] = template.Must(template.New(key).Funcs(funcMap).ParseFiles( path, - filepath.Join(templatesDir, "user", "include", "header.tmpl"), - filepath.Join(templatesDir, "user", "include", "footer.tmpl"), + filepath.Join(parentDir, templatesDir, "user", "include", "header.tmpl"), + filepath.Join(parentDir, templatesDir, "user", "include", "footer.tmpl"), )) } -func initTemplates() error { +func initTemplates(cfg *config.Config) error { log.Info("Loading templates...") - tmplFiles, err := ioutil.ReadDir(templatesDir) + tmplFiles, err := ioutil.ReadDir(filepath.Join(cfg.Server.TemplatesParentDir, templatesDir)) if err != nil { return err } for _, f := range tmplFiles { if !f.IsDir() && !strings.HasPrefix(f.Name(), ".") { parts := strings.Split(f.Name(), ".") key := parts[0] - initTemplate(key) + initTemplate(cfg.Server.TemplatesParentDir, key) } } log.Info("Loading pages...") // Initialize all static pages that use the base template - filepath.Walk(pagesDir, func(path string, i os.FileInfo, err error) error { + filepath.Walk(filepath.Join(cfg.Server.PagesParentDir, pagesDir), func(path string, i os.FileInfo, err error) error { if !i.IsDir() && !strings.HasPrefix(i.Name(), ".") { - parts := strings.Split(path, string(filepath.Separator)) key := i.Name() - if len(parts) > 2 { - key = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s", parts[1], string(filepath.Separator), i.Name()) - } - initPage(path, key) + initPage(cfg.Server.PagesParentDir, path, key) } return nil }) log.Info("Loading user pages...") // Initialize all user pages that use base templates - filepath.Walk(filepath.Join(templatesDir, "user"), func(path string, f os.FileInfo, err error) error { + filepath.Walk(filepath.Join(cfg.Server.TemplatesParentDir, templatesDir, "user"), func(path string, f os.FileInfo, err error) error { if !f.IsDir() && !strings.HasPrefix(f.Name(), ".") { - parts := strings.Split(path, string(filepath.Separator)) + corePath := path + if cfg.Server.TemplatesParentDir != "" { + corePath = corePath[len(cfg.Server.TemplatesParentDir)+1:] + } + parts := strings.Split(corePath, string(filepath.Separator)) key := f.Name() if len(parts) > 2 { key = filepath.Join(parts[1], f.Name()) } - initUserPage(path, key) + initUserPage(cfg.Server.TemplatesParentDir, path, key) } return nil }) return nil } // renderPage retrieves the given template and renders it to the given io.Writer. // If something goes wrong, the error is logged and returned. func renderPage(w io.Writer, tmpl string, data interface{}) error { err := pages[tmpl].ExecuteTemplate(w, "base", data) if err != nil { log.Error("%v", err) } return err } func largeNumFmt(n int64) string { return humanize.Comma(n) } func pluralize(singular, plural string, n int64) string { if n == 1 { return singular } return plural } func isRTL(d string) bool { return d == "rtl" } func isLTR(d string) bool { return d == "ltr" || d == "auto" } func localStr(term, lang string) string { s := l10n.Strings(lang)[term] if s == "" { s = l10n.Strings("")[term] } return s } func localHTML(term, lang string) template.HTML { s := l10n.Strings(lang)[term] if s == "" { s = l10n.Strings("")[term] } s = strings.Replace(s, "write.as", "write freely", 1) return template.HTML(s) }